Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 286 Serve My God

Chapter 286 Serve Me For Ten Days

Seeing the three of them coming in, Xi Gonghe quickly got up from his seat, greeted them with a smile, and said, "Lu Zongshou and Xiao Jianzhu are even more elegant, and the effect of Yuxin Hot Spring has not disappointed you two."

He was smiling, but he was scolding his mother in his heart. The four of Huang Xing and the others consumed almost a year's supply of the Shinto Academy in one fell swoop.

Xi Gonghe didn't know that Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen had already refined the two powers of Yuxin Hot Spring to the very last.

If he knew this, he wondered if he would regret that the Shinto Academy didn't fight Huang Xing to the death.

Lu Chen said refreshedly, "Yuxin Hot Spring is worthy of being one of the foundations of the Shinto Temple. Just soaking in the bath once will strengthen my physical body and Dao Xin a lot."

He sat on the chair and said with a loud smile, "Master Xigong, Yuxin Hot Spring is really memorable. I wonder if we can go in for a bath again tomorrow."

Nishinomiya Crane heard a black line, how can people be so shameless, do you think the Shinto Temple is your back garden?

"Lu Zongshou doesn't know that the effect of Yuxin Hot Spring is only enough for five people to use each year, and this year's use has been used up." He pointed to Sakurai Asako and said, "Asako has just become a true disciple. , but now the number of times has been used up, and you will not be able to enter until next year."

After Yuancheng Tianzuo was killed by Huang Xing, Sakurai Asako became a new generation of true disciples.

A look of disappointment flashed in her eyes. A few months ago, someone used up one chance to break through the innate master, and today Huang Xing and the others used up four chances. Instead, she, a true disciple, has no chance.

Huang Xing looked at Sakurai Asako, and couldn't help but said, "So, it's my chance to take Miss Asako."

Sakurai Asako didn't dare to be dissatisfied, and quickly said softly, "It is Asako's blessing to be able to give up the opportunity to Lu Zongshou."

"It's said that Dongying women are the most docile. I saw them today, and it's true." With a slight smile on the corner of Huang Xing's mouth, he took out a pill and threw it to Asako Sakurai and said, "This Nine-Turn True Yuan Pill is for you. "

Sakurai Asako caught the Jiuzhuan Zhenyuan Pill with a look of surprise on her face.

Nine-turn True Yuan Pill is a reward for disciples of the Pure Land of Bliss. Although the effect is a little worse than Yuxin Hot Spring, it is already the best pill in the martial arts world. After taking it, she can easily break through to the seventh level of energy transformation.

Except for Xiao Qingchen, everyone else in the living room was shocked by Huang Xing's actions.

This is not over yet, Huang Xing continued to say with a faint smile, "Since I took your chance, I will personally compensate you."

Everyone looked at him in surprise, not knowing how he would compensate Asako Sakurai.

"You serve me for ten days, and I will guide you to walk out of your own way, are you willing?"

Huang Xing's eyes were like lightning, and his voice was straight from his heart.

Sakurai Asako was so shocked that she almost blurted out her promise.

The temptation to go out of your own way is too great.

Among the young generation in all countries in the world, only a few people have gone out of their own way.

It is heard that there are two people in Huang Chen, Xiao Qingchen, Shi Hao, Luo Xiaoying, and the Ou Lu Temple who have already walked out of their own way.

She is only 21 years old, if she can walk out of her own way, she can become the well-deserved No. [-] evildoer in Japan, and even rank among the top five in the world.

If someone else told her that ten days would be enough to show her how to get out of her own way, she would only call him crazy.

But the one who said this was Lu Chen, the number one master in the world, and he said yes, so he will do it.

Sakurai Asako turned her head to look at Nishinomiya Crane, her heartbeat accelerated and her breathing became disordered.

She is a true disciple of the Shinto Academy, and she cannot decide her affairs.

Nishinomiya Crane also had a look of shock on his face, but it soon became serious.

He believed that Huang Xing would not be aimless, and he should really be able to guide Asako Sakurai to walk out of his own way.

But if he said that he was trying to compensate Sakurai Asako for the opportunity he took, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

Is it really because you fell in love with Asako Sakurai?

Or have other purposes?

Xi Gonghe couldn't guess Huang Xing's thoughts, so he didn't express his opinion in a hurry, and kept thinking about the pros and cons of this matter for the Shinto Academy.

He was a little speechless. He thought he had already negotiated peace with Huang Xing, and the atmosphere was relatively relaxed, so he asked Sakurai Asako, who was about his age, to receive him. Who knew that such a thing would happen.

Sakurai Asako stood there, her heart was also full of thoughts.

Although Dongying has an open-minded atmosphere, she has always regarded herself very highly. Even Yuancheng Tianzuo didn't look down on her, so she was still a virgin.

Huang Xing asked her to serve for ten days, how did he want her to serve?Does it also include bedtime?

She was still thinking wildly, and Huang Xing's voice came to her ears, "Miss Qianzi is not in a hurry to answer, Qingchen just has something to settle with the Shinto Academy first."

As he spoke, Huang Xing looked at Xi Gonghe with a half-smile.

Looking at Lu Xing's smile, Xi Gonghe felt a bad premonition in his heart, and asked Xiao Qingchen fearfully, "I don't know why Sword Master Xiao wants to break up with the Shinto Academy?"

"Sword Sect Xiao Qingchen, invite Sword Master Miyazaki to fight."

Xiao Qingchen stood up in the eyes of everyone, and the voice of fighting spirit resounded throughout the Shinto Temple.

All the disciples and elders heard her voice, stopped what they were doing, and were stunned in disbelief that someone dared to challenge the myth and legend of the Shinto Temple—Miyazaki Sword Master.

Xi Gonghe was also obviously taken aback. According to the rumors, Xiao Qingchen should be weaker than Lu Xing, and his combat power is at most above the innate mid-term.

Miyazaki Sword Saint is the strongest in the Shinto Temple. He was able to defeat the Chinese Sword Saint Xue Wangshan 13 years ago, and now his strength is even more unfathomable.

If Xiao Qingchen joins forces with Huang Xing, he may still be able to fight Miyazaki Sword Master.

Now she challenged Miyazaki Juggernaut with one sword and one sword, and she would definitely lose.

"it is good."

With a simple answer, the gentle voice sounded in everyone's ears like a breeze.

Sakurai Asako looked at Xiao Qingchen with fiery eyes, and a feeling of admiration arose in her heart.

Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen are about the same age as her, but their strength is already far superior to their peers.

They are two big mountains in the younger generation, and they feel hopeless when they are pressed.

She told herself that one day, she would also challenge the existence of the pinnacle like Xiao Qingchen did.

"Lu Zongshou, Xiao Jianzhu, please follow me."

Nishinomiya Tsuru breathed a sigh of relief, and led everyone to the martial arts arena.

Now the martial arts are weak, and there are only a handful of sword masters in the world.

Miyazaki Tatsuno may be called the number one swordsman.

Everyone came to the Martial Arts Field, where many innate masters had already gathered.

The martial arts competition at the level of the Juggernaut is too powerful, and the Shinto Temple forbids disciples who are not born to come to watch the battle.

In the entire martial arts arena, there are only two innate talents, Sakurai Asako and Fujino Noriko.

Huang Xing glanced at it for a while, at least there were hundreds of masters, and the background of the Shinto Academy was evident.

Xiao Qingchen and Huang Xing looked at each other tenderly, and stepped into the martial arts stage.

(End of this chapter)

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