Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 294 Fusion of dark power

Chapter 294 Fusion of dark power

The writing from Chapter 251 to Chapter 334 is a bit boring. You can skip directly to Chapter 335 to subscribe, without affecting the plot, and the content of the cultivation world is even more exciting: Chapter 330 Go to the cultivation world.


"Do you think it's useful to use her to blackmail me?"

"Her life, I don't care."

Huang Xing looked at Sakurai Asako indifferently, allowing her blood to be burned by the black water.

Asako Sakurai felt that her blood was constantly burning and evaporating, her sore lips were bitten, and the blood that flowed out scorched her pink lips, but she still resisted and knelt down at Huang Xing's feet, raised her head piously looking up at him.

Her body was red from the heat, her mind gradually became blurred, and she almost fainted.

Huang Xing still looked at her indifferently, not caring about her life or death.

When she was almost unable to hold on, the blood finally stopped burning.

She took a big mouthful of fresh air, and she was only a hair away from death just now.

Huang Xing smiled sarcastically, "It seems that you chose the second option."

Asako Sakurai looked at the cruel Huang Xing, if she was really burned to death, his eyelids wouldn't move.

What the hell is that?
It seemed to exist in her blood.

Thinking of this, she was terrified.

This kind of thing wanted her life easily, and he had no strength to resist.

Huang Xing put his hand on Sakurai Asako's head, and the power of good fortune was enlightened.

When the black water touched the power of creation, it wanted to struggle in fear.

This kind of power makes it feel the fear of destruction.

"Be obedient and let me refine you into her blood, or I will wipe out your spiritual wisdom."

Huang Xing said coldly, and continued to pour the power of creation into his hands.

After hearing Huang Xing's words, Black Water didn't dare to struggle anymore.

Struggling is death, without struggling there is a possibility of survival.

Asako Sakurai obediently knelt at Huang Xing's feet, letting him manipulate her.

The blood in her body was boiling again, but there was no pain of being burned.

She felt that a dark and evil force was constantly blending into her blood.

The blood that was evaporated just now was replenished bit by bit, making her blood more vigorous.

Gradually, her will and the will of that power merged together, devouring each other.

This is a battle of wills, two wills compete for each other, neither can do anything to the other, and neither can devour the other.

After about half an hour, the black water was completely refined into Sakurai Asako's blood, and the water and milk blended without distinction.

It can no longer burn blood like it did just now, threatening Sakurai Asako's life.

Huang Xing withdrew his hand, and looked at Asako Sakurai who was kneeling at his feet with a faint smile.

This is his bold attempt. He wants to find all seven powers and refine them into the same person to see how strong that person will become.

Sakurai Asako's blood boiled all over her body, and she felt that there was an extremely terrifying power in her blood, and she seemed to be able to use this power.

A thought suddenly came to her mind, to use that power to kill Huang Xing who was trampled under her feet.

But when she saw Huang Xing's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, boundless fear immediately surged in her heart, as if she couldn't hide everything about herself from his eyes.

As if to test her idea, Huang Xing smiled sarcastically, "The power in your body can make you reach the late innate stage, do you want to try it, can you kill me?"

Huang Xing's words made Sakurai Asako's hair stand on end.

Is this still worth trying?
Even Xiao Qingchen could easily defeat Miyazaki Tatsuno, the sword master who transcended the congenital, even if he became a late congenital, it might not be enough for him to crush him to death with one finger.

The extremely terrifying power in his own eyes is nothing but the power of an insignificant ant in front of him.

"Qianzi knows his mistake, please master punish Qianzi."

Sakurai Asako crawled tremblingly at Huang Xing's feet, her mind was seen through, and she could only ask for punishment.

Huang Xing raised her chin with his feet and looked down at her, "I can make you go to heaven, and naturally I can make you go to hell."

"This is your first offence, and I will forgive you once. If there is a next time, I will let you know what it means not to live and not to die."

His voice was very flat, with a warm smile on his face, but it fell into Sakurai Asako's ears, making her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and her whole body was frozen.

She deeply imprinted these words in her heart, and said with trepidation, "Thank you for your forgiveness, Master. In the future, Qianzi will never have any unreasonable thoughts."

Huang Xing nodded in satisfaction, "This power will increase with the improvement of your cultivation base, but don't be too happy too soon, sooner or later your will will decide the winner, if you lose to it, it will Will eat your will and replace you."

Sakurai Asako said confidently, "Please rest assured, Master, Asako will definitely devour its will."

After that power merges with her, the two wills are on the same starting line. If she can't even match the will of the black water in the end, there is no way to realize her ambition.

Lu Chenyun said calmly, "When you devour the will of that power, I will refine other powers into your body. How far you can go in the end depends on your own good fortune."

Maybe her will will be swallowed by a certain dark force, maybe her body will not be able to withstand too much dark force and collapse.

Opportunities are accompanied by dangers, and in the end, life or death depends entirely on her own good fortune.

"Thank you master, Asako will definitely not let the master down."

Sakurai Asako showed surprise on her face, one power contained such a powerful power, if she continued to refine other powers, how strong would she become in the end?

Her mind began to float with thoughts again, when she thought about whether she could surpass Huang Chen, she was startled into a cold sweat, and immediately stopped thinking about it.

Heaven and hell are only in his mind.

His own power is bestowed by him, and he can take it away at any time.

He is just his marionette, and his fate is manipulated by him.

Huang Xing seemed to see through her thoughts, just smiled faintly, and then said, "Tell me about your original plan."

Sakurai Asako's expression changed. Her original plan was really disrespectful to Huang Xing.

Huang Xing smiled gently, "I forgive you for your innocence."

Sakurai Asako said, "Asako originally wanted to follow the master, let the master guide her out of her own way, and find out the secrets of the master by the way."

Huang Xing had expected it a long time ago, and asked indifferently, "And then?"

He knew that things were definitely not that simple.

"Then when you enter the cultivation world, you will return to the Shinto Temple in front of the world's arrogant evildoers and god envoys in the cultivation world, and let the master lose face."

After Sakurai Asako finished speaking, she knocked her head on the ground and begged for mercy, "Master, please forgive me."

She couldn't defeat Huang Xing head-on, and wanted to tell everyone in this way that the peerless evildoer was just a stepping stone for her to move forward.

At that time, with the support of the divine envoy of the cultivation world, what could he do to himself?
 Finally came to the Internet

(End of this chapter)

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