Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 313 Dark Speaker

Chapter 313 Dark Speaker
into the night.

Huang Xing quietly left the room.

The organs and monitoring in the castle are useless under his delusion-breaking eyes.

His body blended perfectly into the darkness, walking in the night like a ghost.

He strolled leisurely until he reached the position above the secret room where Ning Zhongze was located, and then stopped.

Huang Xing stretched out his hand and tapped it a few times, one after another silent fingers broke through the seams of the stone wall, shot through the wall of the secret room, leaving small cracks between nails.

When he asked Titan to take him into the secret room, he had already observed the environment inside. These cracks were in blind spots, and he could not see any traces from inside the secret room. However, through these cracks, he could see through the cracks. Take a look at the situation in the secret room.

Ning Zhong was meditating, and the target hadn't appeared yet. Huang Xing was not in a hurry, he believed that the fish would definitely take the bait.

Time passed by, and the door of the secret room was suddenly opened.


There was a slight smile on the corner of Huang Xing's mouth, and he began to concentrate, listening to the movement in the secret room.

Ning Zhong heard the sound of the door opening, opened his eyes and looked over, and what caught his eyes was a black shadow wrapped in a black robe.

He exclaimed in shock, "Who are you?"

He is now a frightened bird. Although Huang Xing didn't kill him, he didn't let him out either. Now that such a man in black came here in the middle of the night, he was very scared.

Huang Xing looked at the man in black, who was the dark speaker who was negotiating with him in the afternoon.

Seeing him with his own eyes at this time, Huang Xing could see through his cultivation, his appearance, and his aura.


He wondered in his heart, the dark speaker under the black robe was actually just a girl in her 20s.

A holy face, like a pure angel.

The figure of the devil is full of the temptation of Eve.

Under her black robe, she was wearing a white robe with gold silk patterns.

The style of this white robe was similar to the red robe of the cardinal of the Radiant Temple he had seen just now.

It seems that the Dark Speaker is also lurking in the temple, and she doesn't know her identity in the temple.

Huang Xing checked her cultivation, and it was already beyond the middle stage of innate superiority.

There is a dark force hidden in her brain, which has been integrated with her, and she is borrowing this power to transcend the innate.

Her will didn't seem to be replaced by dark power, nor did it swallow it up like Sakurai Asako did, which gave Huang Xing an extremely weird feeling.

It seems that my guess is correct, the dark speaker really came for the black tree on Ning Zhongze's body.

Huang Xing carefully restrained his breath. After all, the other party was a big realm higher than him. If he was not paying attention, she might be discovered by her.

The Dark Speaker looked at Ning Zhongze and said gloomily, "It's a pity that he hasn't grown up yet."

After speaking, she spread her hands and used her strength to control Ning Zhongze.

Her voice was like that of an old man in his seventies and eighties, Huang Xing could see her appearance, the voice coming from a girl in her 20s made his skin crawl.

When Ning Zhong heard her voice, his whole body was terrified. Before he could react, the muscles all over his body twisted suddenly, and the colic was as if he had been cut into pieces.

He let out a shrill cry and fell to the ground, struggling and rolling.

The flesh on his body cracked slowly, and black wood sprouted from his body.

Ning Zhongze looked extremely miserable, his body nourished the black wood like soil.

The dark speaker watched Ning Zhongze's painful struggle with cold eyes, and continued to use his strength to stimulate the growth of the black tree.

The black buds continued to grow longer and thicker, and finally turned into vines, dancing like tentacles.

Ning Zhongze's body slowly shriveled strangely, and all the energy was absorbed by the black wood, leaving only a head in the end.

The vines growing from the black wood danced and stretched out towards the dark speaker, getting into her black and white robes...

This kind of scene reminded Huang Xing of some kind of anime scene that was not suitable for children.

Of course, the reality is completely different from what Huang Xing imagined. After the black rattan wrapped around her body, it was absorbed into her body and turned into the power of her body.

After refining all the black wood into her body, she looked at Ning Zhongze's remaining head, stretched out her hand and sucked it into her palm, and then carried his head out of the secret room.

Huang Xing had a panoramic view of all this. Although he had killed a lot of people recently, seeing a living person absorbed by the dark force leaving only a head, still made him feel a chill.

He guessed that if he hadn't said that he wanted to see Ning Zhongze's head before going to the Guangyao Temple, the Dark Speaker wouldn't even keep that head.

After the dark speaker left, Huang Xing immediately turned into a black shadow and returned to his room.

The scene just now made him have many doubts.

The dark speaker is likely to be able to control that kind of dark power. She should have wanted Ning Zhongze's cultivation level to be higher before seizing the black wood, but because her appearance disrupted her plan, she had to refine the black wood in advance. wood.

Now five dark powers have appeared, the dark speaker has two, Sakurai Asako also has two, and he has one left.

He was thinking about whether to snatch the two dark powers from the dark speaker, and then press for the secrets of the seven dark powers.

But he thought about it and decided to forget it. He is still an ally with her now, and it is morally unjustifiable to snatch her things for no reason.

There was a sneer on the corner of Huang Chen's mouth, after finishing the temple, if she didn't know what to do first, then don't blame him for being rude.

The next morning, Corin presented a wooden box.

Huang Xing opened it and saw that it was pretending to be Ning Zhongze's head.

The two masterminds who invited Ying Wuzhai to assassinate Ji Ran received the punishment they deserved.

The original intention of his trip to Europe has also come to a successful conclusion.

Next, just wait for that bloody battle.

Huang Xing closed the wooden box and smiled at him, "Tell you Speaker, the cooperation can start."

Corian bowed to Huang Xing, and said with a smile, "I believe this cooperation will be very pleasant."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the cardinal visited the Mondros family again and took Huang Xing to the Temple of Glory.

When they arrived at the temple, a group of people greeted them at the gate of the temple.

99 cardinals sang piously to welcome Huang Xing's arrival.

Three thousand Templars lined up from the gate to the temple hall.

As Huang Xing walked all the way, the Templar knights all gave him the most standard knight salute.

This kind of specification cannot be enjoyed even by the visit of superpowers in power.

If Huang Xing didn't know that the temple was going to surround and kill him, he might still be a little emotional.

But now, it seems more of a sarcasm.

Huang Xing glanced at their cultivation, thinking that the temple is worthy of being the world's number one superpower.

Cardinals are all innate masters, and Templars are all innate cultivation bases.

This is only the strength of one temple. One can imagine how terrifying it would be if twelve temples were combined.

But all of this will come to naught today.


  I just saw "Brother Mosquito" sent me a red envelope of 20000 book coins today.

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(End of this chapter)

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