Chapter 319 Destruction ([-])

Seeing the sly smile of the Radiant God King, Huang Xing had an ominous premonition.

not good!

With a cry of horror in his heart, the hairs all over his body stood on end, he pulled out the silver dragon and quickly retreated.

I saw the "Light Alliance" emitting a dazzling light, and the divine power of the entire temple poured into the ball of light frantically.

The other powerhouses also noticed the abnormality of the "Alliance of Light", and flew towards the entrance of the temple with all their strength.

But it was too late.

The "Alliance of Light" emptied the divine power of the temple, like a small burning sun.

The divine power was squeezed to the extreme, and it burst open.

The Radiant God King knew that he was invincible, so he sacrificed his life and blood to the "Light Alliance", and wanted to die with Huang Xing.




The violent explosion sound spread throughout the Guangyao Temple.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The cardinals and temple knights outside were stunned.

They turned to the towering temple in fear, and saw a scene they would never forget.

Their spiritual symbol, the shining palace of gods and mortals collapsed at this moment.

Has God died?

They watched this scene in disbelief, and many of them prostrated themselves on the ground crying and praying.

Several archbishops who were superior in nature came from the sky, looking at the collapsed temple with disbelief.

They knew that the thirteen strongest men in the temple surrounded and killed Huang Chen in the temple.

Could it be that their battle caused the temple to collapse?

But the temple is protected by divine power, so how could it collapse?
"Bishop Teres."

A high-breathing archbishop walked over in the air, and the several high-born archbishops all saluted him.

The God King Guangyao and another archbishop who was a late-stage congenital participated in the siege of Huang Xing, and now only Archbishop Terris was left in the Temple of Glory, who was a late-congenital archbishop.

"Everyone, don't get confused, and come with me to check the situation of the temple."

Archbishop Terris first appeased the crowd and led them to surround the collapsed temple.

The temple has become a ruin, and several great innate masters have released their spiritual power to check whether there are still living people in the ruins.


Suddenly, rocks splashed in the ruins, and a black streamer and a black streamer rushed out of the ruins.

When everyone saw the two figures clearly, they were shocked and said, "Lu Xing, King Shengming!"

In the sky above the ruins, Huang Xing's whole body was full of blood, holding the silver dragon gun in one hand and the black shield in the other, like a mythical god of war descending on the world.

He hugged the unconscious Sophia, looked around, and looked coldly at the archbishops who surrounded him.

The holy alliance explodes after absorbing the divine power, and its power reaches the golden core stage attack.

Huang Xing didn't dare to resist, so he bought the level 9 black turtle shield immediately, and urged it to resist the explosion of divine power.

But he was too close, and the power of the explosion was astonishing. Even with the protection of the black turtle shield, he was seriously injured by the explosion.

The shield of the black turtle couldn't withstand the attack, and there were many cracks on it.

On the contrary, Sophia was protected by a black turtle shield in front of her, and Huang Xing's body blocked the attack behind her. Although she was stunned, her injuries were not fatal.

Another black streamer is the Holy King, who is also the deputy speaker of the Dark Council, Disgat.

The moment he exploded, a black totem appeared on his body to protect him, and he was far enough away to block the attack and save his life.

His injuries were much worse than Huang Xing's, and his breath was weak, giving people a feeling that he would fall from the void at any moment.

As for the other nine people, they were all blown to pieces in the explosion of the Holy Alliance.

Desgart looked at Archbishop Terris and said weakly, "Member Terris, the plan is successful, you can start to act."

Terris's face showed ecstasy, and he replied respectfully, "Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker."

The only person left in the Temple of Glory who was born in the late stage was also a member of the Dark Council.

Several other archbishops heard their conversation and distanced themselves from them in horror. One of the archbishops who were born in the mid-term pointed at them and asked, "King Shengming, Archbishop Terris, are you from the Dark Council? "

In the world of martial arts, only their mortal enemy, the Dark Council, has the titles of Deputy Speaker and Councilor.

Terris's domain erupted, and he persuaded them to surrender, "Archbishop Andrews, six of the Twelve God Kings of the Temple have fallen, and the Holy King, the Light King, and the Sacred Heart King are all members of the Dark Council. The general situation is gone, as long as you are willing to surrender, I can spare you from death."

Those archbishops felt chills when they heard this, they didn't expect that the Dark Parliament had penetrated into the temple so deeply after being silent for thousands of years.

Andrews sternly shouted, "Don't listen to his bewitching, the God King of Light will definitely suppress the rebellion. The God King of Shengming and Huaxia Lu Chen have been seriously injured, so let's join hands to kill them first."

The domain on his body was also released to confront Tetris. The other archbishops looked at the dying King Shengming and the blood gushing Huang Xing, feeling a little more confident in their hearts, and they also released the domain to surround them.

Disgard and Tetris were surrounded, and they still looked as usual. The battle of the temple wiped out all opponents, and the temple's general situation was gone. The Dark Council would undoubtedly win this battle.

Huang Xing wasn't worried at all, his combat power had reached its peak now, and he could wipe them all out with one move.

However, he was not in a hurry to act. Given the infiltration of the Temple by the Dark Parliament, there might be traitors among these people.


The battle started, and Andrews took the lead and attacked Tetris.

Several other archbishops also shot.

But two of them did not attack Terris, but attacked Andrews from left to right.

Andrews let out a scream, and was severely injured when he was caught off guard.

He looked at the two men who were attacking and roared angrily, "Letway, Afro, you are also members of the Dark Council!"

Tetris looked at them and said with a jerk smile, "Guess, who else is ours?"

In fact, all the members of the Dark Council have shown up. He said this to put pressure on the other party and make them suspicious of each other.

Sure enough, the remaining four archbishops all changed their faces and distanced themselves from their companions, for fear that they were also members of the Dark Council and would suddenly attack him.

Tetris said grimly, "As long as you surrender, you can be spared."

After speaking, he and the other two attacked the remaining five archbishops who were loyal to the temple.

The power of the battle spread throughout the entire temple, and the cardinals and templars outside were all trembling with fear.

They were relatively far away, and they didn't know why these archbishops would suddenly fight.

They don't have the strength to intervene in the battle above innate, so they can only pray for the blessing of the God of Light with fear.

Boom, boom, boom.

The fights among the great talents were very fierce, they were not like Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen who easily crushed and killed their opponents in seconds.

The collision of various fields is huge.

Huang Xing watched their duel with cold eyes. With Terris, the innate superior and late stage, it was only a matter of time before the Dark Council won.

 wait two more chapters

(End of this chapter)

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