Chapter 321 Destruction ([-])

The news of the Dark Council's attack on the temple quickly spread throughout the martial arts circles of all countries.

They were just curious about whether the Temple of Glory would protect the Mondros family from turning against Huang Xing.

As a result, Huang Xing entered the Mondros family yesterday, and it was a peaceful night. They thought this matter was over.

Who knew that such a shocking change would happen today. For thousands of years, the temple of the world's largest superpower has been firmly established. In just half a day, the twelve temples have fallen to ten temples.

The huge temple is almost destroyed, and it seems that it is only a matter of time before the dark council captures the last two temples.

The Dark Council, which had been silent for thousands of years, reappeared in front of the major superpowers, shocking the whole world.

Outsiders don't know the specific details, they only know that Hua Xia Huang Chen was also involved in this matter.

The Shinto Academy has been paying attention to the news of the Guangyao Temple, and even Yagyu Zongyan was in the Guangyao Temple at that time, and he fled immediately when he saw something wrong.

They are worried now, and they can only pray that Huang Xing will not go to the bottom of why the temple surrounded and killed him.

If he were to know that Asako Sakurai had stolen the spirit stone, and Yagyu Zongyan used this to encourage the temple to kill him and snatch the inheritance, the Shinto Temple would be doomed.

Their trembling background was fully revealed, and they set up a net in the Shinto Temple to prepare for Huang Chen's revenge.

As long as he can survive the last few days, there is no need to be afraid of him after the Master God Envoy of the cultivation world arrives.

Sophia silently followed Huang Xing back to the room.

She was not seriously injured, but she has fully recovered after taking Fushang Dan.

She probably also knew what had happened, the Radiant Temple had fallen, and the Temple was about to be destroyed.

If it was before, she would have fought and died for the temple without hesitation.

But now, she suddenly felt that the temple was not so worthy of her allegiance.

The twelve god kings who are regarded as symbols of the spirit of the Templar Knights are not so bright and stalwart.

In order to snatch the inheritance, they can besiege and kill the innocent and innocent Huang Xing without any shame.

Among them were traitors who also turned to darkness.

They ignored the life of their own ant, and they didn't even bother to find excuses to perfuse themselves.

Does this still represent fairness, kindness, justice, and light?
Back in the room, Huang Xing told Sophia, "Wait for me to take a bath first."

He hadn't washed his wounds after healed, his body was stained with blood, and he was extremely uncomfortable.

Sophia froze for a moment when she heard the words, and stayed there, she had never done such a thing before.

Huang Chen teased and said, "Why, you don't want to be my maid?"

Sophia hesitated for a moment, put a fist on her chest with one hand, gave him a knight salute respectfully, and said firmly, "Sophia hopes to become the most loyal knight of the master, and charge forward for the master and fight in all directions."

Her wish is to be a knight with a spear and a shield, not a maid in a maid's attire.

"I just need to rush where I point, and obey my orders unconditionally. There can't be a dark knight who thinks on his own." Huang Xing looked at Sophia with cold eyes, and asked coldly, "Are you willing to abandon your humility, Integrity, mercy, valor, justice, sacrifice, honor, soul, be my dark knight?"

The eight principles of the knight, from the moment she became a templar, it was deeply engraved in her soul.

She has always adhered to the eight principles and asked herself to become a true knight.

Now Huang Xing asked her to abandon the eight principles of knighthood and join the darkness, just like destroying her soul and killing her.

Sophia's whole body was trembling, and her two wills were constantly fighting.

Huang Chen said coldly, "The god kings you believe in are just a group of hypocritical people. The so-called light is just to deceive the world. You templar knights are just a tool for them to rule the weak."

"Such a Templar, what else is worth your continued persistence?"

His voice pierced Sophia's heart and struck her soul.

Sophia's gaze became confused. She had never seen those god kings before, and she just regarded them as faith.

After seeing it with my own eyes today, I realized their hypocrisy and filth.

Her faith was shattered, and she became a god-slayer with her own hands.

She has turned her back on the light and is no longer qualified to be called a Templar.

Huang Chen quietly looked at Sophia who was at war between heaven and man, waiting for her decision.

Tears welled up in Sophia's eyes. She knelt down on one knee, looked up at Huang Xing, clenched her fists in front of her chest, and with a proud smile on her face, she said firmly, "Sophia is unwilling to give up her chivalry principles, and Sophia is willing to be the master." maid."

What she believes in is the justice and light preached by those god kings, not the god kings themselves.

Her faith was not shattered.

Fairness, justice, and light have always existed.

The only ones who are shattered are those hypocrites dressed in bright cloaks.

After Sophia finished speaking, the innate aura suddenly rose from her body, from a half-step innate breakthrough to innate realm.

At this moment, she insisted on her own heart and walked out of her way of chivalry.

Huang Xing looked at her appreciatively, handed the Silver Dragon Spear and Black Turtle Shield to her, and said with a smile, "Get up, my knight."

Sophia was radiant, with a look of joy on her face, and she swore respectfully, "Knight Sophia hereby swears that she will be loyal to her master for the rest of her life and never betray her."

After taking the oath, she reached out to take the Silver Dragon Spear and the Black Turtle Shield, and stood up.

Looking at the heroic female knight in front of him, Huang Xing said with a teasing smile, "Although he is my knight, he still needs to wait for the master to take a bath."

"Yes, Master."

Sophia replied with a bright smile, turned around and went to prepare bath water.

Under Sophia's service, Huang Xing took a comfortable hot bath to wash off the blood stains on his body.

When they met frankly, Huang Xing didn't have any lust, but just enjoyed her bathing with a normal state of mind.

After the two of them took a bath, Huang Xing took out the 256 spirit stones that were allocated today and finished the cultivation with Sophia before they each rested and slept peacefully.

dong dong dong.

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Terris' anxious voice came, "Mr. Lu, wake up, something is wrong."

Tetris rushed over from the air, and before he knocked on the door, Huang Xing woke up. He frowned slightly. Could it be that something happened to the remaining two temples attacked by the Dark Council?
"What happened?" Huang Xing quickly put on his clothes, got up and opened the door and asked, Sophia also woke up, quickly put on light armor and stood behind Huang Chen.

Tetris's face was pale, with cold sweat on his forehead, and he said tremblingly, "The Speaker has fallen."

When Huang Xing heard the news, he couldn't help but his expression changed. The dark speaker gave him an unfathomable feeling. Even a strong man in the golden core period might not be able to kill her easily. Now even she has fallen, could it be The background of the temple's activation of the Nascent Soul level?

He frowned tightly, and asked in a deep voice, "How did your speaker fall?"

(End of this chapter)

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