Chapter 334 Destruction ([-])
The hairs of the Holy Maiden of Light stood on end, and she fidgeted and replied, "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your kindness. Sally is very satisfied with this state."

"You don't have to be so nervous, as long as you don't offend me, or beg me to help, I won't take the initiative to refine you." Looking at the panicked girl, Huang Xing smiled slightly, "I'm going back to Huaxia in the evening, you promise Remember to fulfill my conditions."

His words made the Holy Maiden of Light calm down a bit. Now she wished that Huang Chen would leave quickly and stay with him, and she always felt a feeling of trepidation.

She assured: "Mr. Lu, don't worry, everyone in the temple has been shocked by the battle just now, and they will never dare to mention the attack on the Guangyao Temple again; after the resources bestowed by the cultivation world are in place, Sally Ann will also arrange to send them away as soon as possible." To Mr. Lu."

"If there is no news from me at that time, you will hand over the resources to Xiao Jianzhu." Huang Chen said with a half-smile, "I believe you are a smart person and won't play tricks on this kind of thing, otherwise you should be very happy with the consequences." clear."

After going to the cultivation world for a year, there is an opportunity to return to the martial arts world to visit relatives. At that time, the cultivation world will also give resources to bring back to the martial arts world for distribution.

His words were full of warning, and the Holy Maiden of Light said sincerely, "Sally Ann will definitely hand over the resources to Mr. Lu or Sword Master Xiao."

Her fear of Huang Xing went deep into her bones. At first she thought she could be immortal, but just now when she saw that the three sources of power on the man in black were wiped out of will, she really realized that Huang Chen had the power to completely kill her.

Huang Xing nodded in satisfaction and said, "Help me pay attention to the remaining two source powers. If you have any news, please send me a message, or just subdue it to me. I won't let you suffer."

The Holy Maiden of Light can sense the seven sources of power, and with her help to find the remaining two sources of power, there is one more chance.

She promised, "If I discover the other two sources of power, I will definitely notify Mr. Lu as soon as possible."

"I'm going back first, you can do it yourself."

Huang Xing didn't stay long, there were only two days left before the cultivation world, and he had to rush back to Huaxia tonight.

Whether it's the Holy Maiden of Light or Jin Yuanli, as long as she doesn't make a move, she will always remain in this state.

This trip to the European continent was involved in the conspiracy of the Holy Maiden of Light, which caused earth-shaking changes in the martial arts world in the entire European continent.

The Temple and the Dark Speaker have suffered heavy losses, and are now less than one-third of their peak strength.

The Holy Maiden of Light, polluted by darkness, became the only belief in the temple, and the twelve god kings were eliminated, leaving only her fanatical believers.

Sophia, who was full of light, became the speaker of the dark council instead.

This dramatic subversion has to be said to be a kind of irony.

Can such a temple and a dark council represent light and darkness again?

Perhaps the moment he stepped into Europe, the real temple and the dark council were doomed to collapse.

Now there are only two superpowers whose names are not worthy of their names and whose beliefs have collapsed.

Accompanied by the Holy Maiden of Light, Huang Xing returned to the meeting hall. The presiding judge didn't dare to neglect any more, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

When he came, he was greeted indifferently by the cardinal and the Templars.

When going, the Holy Maiden of Light and the presiding judge sent him to the plane together.

No matter where it is, absolute strength is the fastest and most effective way to win respect.

Back at the Temple of Glory, all the members of the Dark Parliament were greeted at the airport.

Disgatt did not come, his injury worsened, and he retreated again to heal his injuries. It is still unknown whether he can survive this test.

The congressman looked at Huang Xing with excitement and admiration in his eyes.

The battle between Huang Xing and the Holy Maiden of Light was earth-shattering, and all the superpowers in the world focused their attention on that battle. They didn't know who would win and who would lose, but what is certain is that the combat power of the two is almost the same, and they have both reached the level of martial arts. the limit of the world.

This battle allowed the Dark Parliament to occupy the Radiant Temple in a legitimate manner, without worrying about the Temple coming to attack.

After he and the members of the House of Representatives came to the chamber and announced to them that the temple would not attack the Temple of Radiance, they would hold a public election meeting for the voting of the dark speaker.

Of course, this was just a formality, and Sophia was unanimously elected as the Speaker of the Darkness.

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, Huang Xing bid farewell to Sophia, "I'm going back to Huaxia, you have to walk the road ahead by yourself, no matter whether you end up in light or darkness, you will always be my knight."

Sophia knelt down on one knee and replied respectfully, "Sophia will definitely live up to Master's expectations."

Huang Xing stroked her head and said, "Remember, no matter what happens, I am your strongest backing."

Sophia raised her head and looked at him with burning eyes.

After the trip to Europe was over, Huang Xing boarded the plane back to Linjiang alone.

Asako Sakurai left directly from the Temple of Light, and then secretly returned to Linjiang.

Her identity cannot be revealed for the time being, otherwise, it would be too astonishing to soar from the late stage of Huajin to transcending innate, and it would cause a lot of trouble.

Although his and Xiao Qingchen's combat power is comparable to that of the transcendent innate, their actual cultivation is only in the early and middle stages of innate, which can be explained by the power of innate monsters and inherited skills, and they have not yet surpassed the cognition of the realm of comprehension.

The trip to Europe exceeded the budget, and he was separated from the girls for four days. Huang Xing felt like returning home.

Ji Ran and the others received the news of Huang Xing's return and went to Linjiang Airport to pick him up early.

As soon as he appeared in the VIP channel, Lu Xiaoke excitedly waved his little hands and shouted, "Brother."

Huang Chen looked at the girls, Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen also looked at him tenderly, their eyes full of longing.

He walked up to them with a happy smile on his face, and hugged them in his arms from left to right.

They only spent the last two days together, and they cherished every minute and every second they had together.

Back at the sea view villa, the four girls squeezed into the kitchen to cook, and Asako Sakurai also took the initiative to help them.

Although she became Huang Xing's woman last night, she knew very well that she was just a favored servant, and she could not be compared with Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen, the two mistresses.

Huang Xing sat on the sofa in the living room, watching the girls enjoying themselves happily, sweetness and happiness filled his heart.

The girls worked hard for more than an hour, cooked a large table of food and asked him to eat.

The dishes this time are much better than the first time in terms of color, smell, and taste. It seems that they have practiced at home a lot these days.

After a warm dinner, Huang Xing took five girls to practice and absorb spirit stones together.

After repairing, Lu Xiaoke, Luo Xiaoying, and Sakurai Asako went back to their rooms to rest.

Only Huang Xing, Ji Ran, and Xiao Qingchen were left looking at each other.

Huang Xing looked at Ji Ran, then at Xiao Qingchen, there were still two nights left, it was fair to spend one night with one person, but it was too little time to get along like this.

An evil thought came into his mind, and he said with a smirk, "How about the three of us sleep together tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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