Chapter 340

More than 20 envoys of the Golden Core stage activated the teleportation array together, and the momentum was very large.

Spiritual Qi filled the entire world, and visions appeared everywhere, and everyone who watched was stunned.

These envoys are all core disciples of their respective sects, none of them are very old, and they are all arrogance and monsters in the cultivation world.

After the cultivation level reaches the foundation building stage, the appearance will not be easy to age, and the higher the cultivation level, the slower the aging will be.

So from appearance, it is very difficult to guess a person's real age.

Huang Xing combined his cultivation base with his delusion-breaking eyes, and he could roughly see a person's bone age, that is, his real age. Most of these envoys were between 50 and 80 years old, and they all looked upright young adults.

Jiang Yunxiao is the youngest, only 27 years old.

The lifespan of a monk increases with the improvement of his cultivation.

You can live to at least 150 years old during the foundation building period.

The Dan Dan period can live to at least 300 years old.

The golden elixir can live at least 500 years.

The Nascent Soul can live at least 1000 years.

Of course, this is without accidental fall.

In fact, the struggle in the realm of comprehension is very cruel. Many monks fell in various competitions and experiences during the foundation building period and alchemy period.

There are a total of nine ranks of golden pills, and four ranks of golden pills can be called Tianjiao.

These envoys in the comprehension world are at least Rank [-] Golden Elixir, and Jiang Yunxiao is the most evil, reaching Rank [-] Golden Elixir.

Huang Xing was able to see so many Tianjiao in the later stage of Jindan at one time, not because Tianjiao in the cultivation world is worthless.

It's because these people are the core disciples of the top forces among the thousands of sects in the cultivation world.

Belonging to the best among the tens of millions of monks in the entire comprehension world.

The teleportation array on the square is a formation above the Nascent Soul stage, and Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes can't see through it yet.

Those envoys continued to play out one after another spells, and the aura fluctuations in the square became more and more violent.

"The teleportation array is about to open, all juniors and sisters, don't move around."

Not long after, Jiang Yunxiao's soft voice spread throughout the square.

Everyone immediately stopped, and each of them dared not move like puppets.

Suddenly, streaks of spiritual light appeared on the ground of the square and shot straight into the sky, interweaving into a huge pentagram pattern.

Everyone was excited and knew that the teleportation array had been activated.

They took one last look at the blue sky and white clouds of the earth. In their eyes, there was not only reluctance for the martial arts world, but also expectations for cultivation.

Huang Xing only felt that his mind was swaying, his eyes went dark, and when he regained his sight, he found that the place he was in was no longer the square of Misty Palace.

He sensed that the surrounding air contained ample spiritual energy. Although it was not as pure as spirit stones, as long as he absorbed the spiritual energy during cultivation, it was enough to be countless times faster than cultivation on earth.

"Welcome to the world of comprehension." Jiang Yunxiao floated in the void and said to everyone with a smile.

Bathed in the spiritual air, everyone seemed very excited. In this wider world of self-cultivation, they will chase their dreams again.

Following the movement of the square, more than a dozen people stepped out of the void, and they were either immortals or demonic flames.

Huang Xing looked around, and found that there was no one he could see through the cultivation base, which meant that these people were at least the Nascent Soul strongmen in the cultivation world.

Unexpectedly, when they first came to the realm of cultivation, the major forces sent elders Yuanying to pick them up, and they were very important to them.

The envoys of the various powers brought all kinds of disciples to fly to the Nascent Soul of their sect, Mr. Zhang, respectfully saluted and shouted, "Mr. Zhang."

Nascent Soul Zhang Lao looked at these arrogances from the martial arts world, and nodded in satisfaction.

Except for the Yuanying elders of the eighteen major powers in China who received their disciples and stayed in the void, the Yuanying elders of other forces saluted and said goodbye to a beautiful woman in palace clothes after receiving their disciples, and then turned into a flowing rainbow , hurriedly left with their respective disciples.

From what they called the beautiful woman in palace attire, she should be the owner of Piaomiao Palace, one of the ten holy places in the Eastern Great Territory.

Huang Xing was suspicious, the cultivation world paid too much attention to disciples from the martial arts world.

It is equivalent to the head of state meeting a small county magistrate in person.

After the other forces were gone, the eyes of the eighteen Yuanying elders and the Misty Palace Master in the void all fell on Huang Xing and the other four who were still standing on the square.

Jiang Yunxiao smiled at them gently, "Everyone, you can choose any one of the nineteen forces to join, and the treatment is the same as other disciples."

The square fell into silence, and the eighteen Nascent Soul elders all looked at Huang Chen and the five with fiery eyes, waiting for their choice.

The five of them had already left and were prepared. Jiang Yunxiao had told them about this matter before it came to the cultivation world.

"Dai Xiaolou, I am willing to worship Dunjia Sect."

After a while of silence, Dai Xiaolou from the Qiankun Sect was the first to speak out, bowing to the elder Yuanying of the Dunjia Sect and said.

The Qiankun Sect is attached to the Dunjia Sect in the martial arts world, and he has already made a decision before he came.

"From today onwards, you are a disciple of the Dunjia Sect."

The Yuanying elder of the Dunjia Sect showed joy, and with a flick of his sleeve, he rolled up Dai Xiaolou and placed him on his flying magic weapon.

"My name is Huang Yue, and I want to enter the Piaomiao Palace." Huang Yue said timidly, Jiang Yunxiao saluted.

Jiang Yunxiao waved to him with a smile, "Junior Brother Huang, come here."

Huang Yue performed lightness kung fu by himself and flew towards the camp of Piao Miao Palace.

Nalan Peizi tied the long sword on his back, and bowed to the elder Yuanying of Jianzong, "I am Nalan Peizi, and I am willing to worship in Jianzong to practice the supreme kendo."

The Yuanying Patriarch of Jianzong nodded to her with satisfaction and boasted, "He is a good seedling with a sword."

Then he stretched out his hand, and the long sword on Nalan Peizi's back came out of its sheath and stopped at her feet.

Nalan Peizi stepped on the long sword excitedly, and flew towards Jianzong's camp under the guidance of the elders of Jianzong.

In the square, only Huang Chen and Luo Xiaoying were left.

The eyes of those elders were all focused on the two of them. They had already seen through their cultivation bases, a Qi refining stage and a Foundation building stage, both of them were rare arrogance and monsters.

In the eyes of everyone, Luo Xiaoying turned to a cloud of black mist in the void, and said in a hoarse voice, "My next Luo Xiaoying, I am willing to join the Gate of Life and Death, but there is one condition, and I hope the elder agrees."

The Gate of Life and Death is one of the three evil forces in the world of martial arts. It also belongs to the killer organization.

Luo Xiaoying saw Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen's terrifying cultivation speed, even worse than Sakurai Asako.

She didn't want to be a burden to Huang Xing, so she came to the world of comprehension, and she was going to walk the path she was best at again, becoming a killer hidden in the dark, and when she was strong enough, she could help him wipe out the enemies.

The Yuanying elders of the Life and Death Gate were hidden in the black mist, and outsiders could not see their faces clearly.

He said with a sinister smile, "Interesting, what's the condition, let's hear it."


This chapter begins to unify the cultivation bases and divide them into realms of comprehension realms:

Qi Refining Period (Innate Grandmaster)

Foundation-building period (above congenital)

Dandan period (beyond the congenital)

Jindan period

Yuanying period


(End of this chapter)

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