Chapter 352 Shot (Part [-])

"pass it to me."

Huang Xing's confident voice could not be rejected, he directly took the pill from the woman in red, put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

The woman in red just stared at Huang Xing blankly, and after he swallowed the pill, she came back to her senses and thought in a panic, "This is the violent pill in the pill formation stage, even if she takes it, it will damage the foundation , he is only in the foundation building stage, how can he survive after being subdued?"

She didn't know why she obediently let him take the pill just now.

At that time, she was inexplicably full of trust in him.

The irresistible "give it to me" is not only to hand over the elixir to him.

It also seemed to tell her to leave the rest of the matter to him.

Not allowing her to think too much, Huang Chen took the violent pill and walked towards Lin Xiu in a leisurely manner.

Seeing him approaching, Lin Xiu slashed out with a smirk, and the dark light of the knife attacked Huang Chen.

The woman in red shouted in shock, "Be careful."

She was behind Huang Xing, and it was too late to help him block the knife.

Huang Xing was unmoved, and at the moment when the saber light approached him, he reached out his hand lightly and tapped on the saber light.


The power of that finger directly scattered the light of the knife.

Everyone was stunned. Lin Xiu's knife was as powerful as the late stage of alchemy, but it was blocked by the monks of the foundation stage.

Huang Xing didn't stop walking, and continued to walk towards Lin Xiu calmly.

"court death."

Lin Xiu roared angrily, raised his knife and slashed at Huang Xing.

He wanted to torture Huang Xing slowly, but he didn't plan to kill him so early. The knife just now used only three points of his strength, but it also had the power of a normal late-stage alchemy. Unexpectedly, Huang Xing blocked that knife so lightly.

His eyes were burning with anger, knowing that Huang Xing was not as easy to deal with as he imagined, so he no longer showed mercy with this knife.

Facing Lin Xiu's full blow, Huang Xing stretched out his fingers calmly.

huh, huh, huh...

The color of the sky and the earth changed, and the space disappeared at this moment.

As soon as Huang Chen pointed out, one after another of silent fingers shot out like spear points.

Boom, boom, boom.

The finger strength collided with the saber energy and exploded.

Ah, ah, ah.

The finger force scattered the saber energy, pierced Lin Xiu's protective aura, and pierced more than a dozen blood holes in his body, making him scream.

When Huang Xing took the pill-level madness pill, his cultivation base doubled, and with the huge damage to his body, the increase in fighting spirit doubled his combat power again.

He used the reference gun to use Bailong to fly into the air, and the power was only about [-]%, but it was more than enough to deal with Lin Xiu who was in the late stage of alchemy.

The power of this finger made everyone dumbfounded, and in just a breath, the mighty Lin Xiu was fatally hit.

Huang Xing looked at him with a sarcastic smile, and walked towards him step by step.

There were more than a dozen blood holes on Lin Xiu's body, and the blood gushed out like a gush. Huang Xing deliberately avoided his vital points, but there was no fatal injury, it just made him completely lose his fighting power.

He fell to the ground, kept moving back, and shouted in fear, "You, who are you?"

His question is also a question that everyone wants to know.

They have never heard of or seen such a terrifying evildoer who can injure Lin Xiu with one finger at the late stage of foundation establishment.

The woman in red looked at Huang Chen with beautiful eyes. She came from Confucianism, one of the top ten holy places, and she was well-informed. This kind of fighting talent almost reached the level of a real dragon.

Huang Xing made up a name casually, and said lightly, "Xiong Er."

Bear Two!

The woman in red whispered the name silently, among the upper third rank sects, no evildoer named Xiong Er had ever been heard of.

But his name is so simple and simple, it may be a pseudonym.


There was a loud noise, and the flying dharma boat shook violently, waking up the shocked crowd.

The sky thunder blasted through the defensive shield of the flying magic ship, and 27 ghosts and thieves went straight to Huang Xing, floating above him and surrounding him.

The power of the seven golden core stage monks locked on Huang Chen, and the battle was imminent.

Huang Chen stepped on the struggling Lin Xiu, sucked up his knife in his hand, laid it across his neck, and looked up at the ghost thief in the air.

When Lin Xiu revealed that his grandfather was the ancestor of the ghosts, Huang Xing changed his mind, instead of going head-to-head with the ghosts and thieves at the golden core stage, he chose to capture Lin Xiu directly and threaten them.

Lin Xiu shivered under Huang Chen's feet, and shouted for help to the late Jindan ghost thief, "Commander Wang, save me."

Commander Wang said in a deep voice, "Let go of the third son, I can spare you from death, otherwise I will make you unable to live or die."

Huang Xing confronted the Seven Great Golden Elixirs fearlessly, and said happily, "Get out of the range of the flying dharma boat, or you will scare me. If I shake my hand, you three young masters will lose their heads."

He put the blade across Lin Xiu's neck, and slowly cut it into the flesh, and blood flowed out instantly.

Lin Xiu screamed and trembled in fright, but the knife had already been cut into his neck, so he didn't dare to struggle.


Commander Wang roared, and immediately led the other ghost thieves out of the sky above the flying magic boat.

He looked at Huang Xing with fear, he didn't expect this young man to be so ruthless, and he didn't give him any room for discussion. Before he could answer, he directly hacked in.

If he slowed down a bit, Lin Xiu would probably have half of his head chopped off.

Huang Xing stopped the saber movement, the blade was still in Lin Xiu's neck, and then asked Xiang Tiannan, "Senior Xiang, how long will it take for the rescued Yuanying Patriarch to arrive?"

Xiang Tiannan was seriously injured, coughed up a mouthful of blood and replied, "It will take about 40 minutes to arrive."

Huang Chen calculated the time silently, turned to Commander Wang and said, "Wait another 15 minutes, I will take him to leave with you, 25 minutes should be enough for you to escape."

The Yuanying Patriarch of Feitianlou is rushing to the rescue. If it takes too long, these ghosts and thieves will definitely not agree. If they are pushed into a hurry, they may kill Lin Xiu regardless of Lin Xiu's life.

It is impossible for him to let him go directly. As long as Lin Xiu is safe, these ghost thieves will definitely attack immediately.

So the only way is for him to hold Lin Xiu hostage and leave with these ghost thieves.

Everyone cast their eyes on Huang Xing, looking at him with complicated expressions.

He is sacrificing himself to save others.

Xiong Er is only in the late stage of foundation establishment, and he also used the Berserk Pill. If he leaves with the ghost thief, he will die as soon as the effect of the medicine wears off.

Commander Wang did not ask for advice, but agreed, "Okay."

25 minutes is almost the escape time they reserved, enough time for them to escape according to the planned route.

The flying French boat fell silent.

Everyone looked at Huang Xing, not knowing what to say.

The method he chose was the only way they could survive.

The few alchemy cultivators who fought side by side with Huang Xing hesitated to speak, sighed and lowered their heads.

They originally wanted to say some words of gratitude, but Huang Xing has died without a life, so what's the use of saying more gratitude?

The woman in red looked at Huang Xing, hesitated for a moment, and walked towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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