Chapter 361
Each realm of a monk is very important. Only by laying the foundation of each realm well can he become stronger and stronger, far surpassing the monks of the same realm.

The foundation building period is mainly to open up the spiritual veins in the body.

There are 36 spiritual veins in the human body.

Thirty manifested spirit veins and six hidden spirit veins.

Only when more than 24 manifested spirit veins have been opened can one break through to the alchemy stage.

During the alchemy period, you can continue to open up the spiritual veins, but you can also open up to thirty manifested spirit veins at most.

For the last six hidden spirit veins, thirty manifest spirit veins need to be opened during the foundation building period before the first one can be manifested.

After opening a hidden spirit vein, the next hidden spirit vein will appear.

As long as it fails once, that hidden spirit vein will wither, and the hidden spirit veins behind will not appear.

Therefore, after many monks have opened up 24 manifested spiritual veins, they are not in a hurry to break through to the alchemy stage, but want to open up [-] manifested spiritual veins, and then open up the hidden spiritual veins that appeared.

But this process is very difficult. Many monks can't even get through all [-] manifested spiritual veins during the foundation building period, let alone hidden spiritual veins.

Those who can open up the hidden spirit veins are all Tianjiao.

Open up a hidden spiritual vein, known as Tianjiao.

Open up the three hidden spiritual veins, known as evildoers.

If you can get through the five spiritual veins, you can be called a real dragon-level evildoer.

Of course, this is only the Tianjiao evildoer in the alchemy period.

During the alchemy stage, there will be a phantom of the golden elixir in the body, and the real golden elixir can be broken through to the golden elixir stage by turning the emptiness into reality.

Jindan phantom can be refined, and the first to third transformations are just ordinary aptitudes.

Every subsequent turn of refinement, the difficulty doubles.

If it condenses the four-turn golden pill, it is called Tianjiao.

If it condenses a six-rank golden pill, it will be called a monster.

If he condenses out rank eight golden pills, he can be called a true dragon level evildoer.

In the alchemy period, the alchemy alchemy phantom fails, and it will not cause too much damage.

After breaking through to the golden elixir stage and then switching to the golden elixir, not only is the difficulty increased several times, but if it fails, the golden elixir will be shattered directly.

Therefore, very few people break through to Jindan and then switch to Jindan.

After breaking through to the Golden Core stage, there are also seven orifices to condense the Nascent Soul.

Therefore, every realm of a monk is very important.

It is possible that you have opened up 35 spiritual veins, and you were called a real dragon-level evildoer during the alchemy stage, but in the end you only condensed a three-turn golden elixir.

At this time, you will disappear from everyone in the golden core stage, and no one will call you a real dragon-level evildoer anymore.

However, under normal circumstances, the more spiritual veins opened up during the foundation building period, the higher the golden core can be condensed.

The two real dragon-level evildoers that Huang Xing has seen, Tianle Shengzi and Jiang Yunxiao both opened up 35 spiritual veins and condensed eight rank golden pills.

Jiang Chenggu, who was killed by him, opened up 33 spiritual veins and condensed a five-turn golden pill.

He can be called a monstrous evildoer at the alchemy stage, but he can only be called Tianjiao at the golden alchemy stage.

And Lin Xiu, who died in his hands, opened up 32 spiritual veins, and the golden elixir phantom has been refined to rank four. If he can refine one more rank and condense the golden elixir of rank five, he can become Jiang Chenggu's first rank. Such a holy place of pride.

So he was only able to fight in the late stage of core formation, and Xiang Tiannan, who was in the early stage of golden core, had no power to fight back.

When Huang Xing just broke through to the foundation building stage, all 36 spiritual veins in his body had been opened.

The last spiritual vein is called Tianmai.

He learned from the jade slips sent by Jia Jing that in the long history of the cultivation world, no one has ever been able to open up the heavenly veins, and opening 35 spiritual veins is already the limit of a monk.

He is the only monk who has opened up 36 spiritual veins, and what is even more frightening is that the No. 30 seven spiritual veins have appeared in his body, which has surpassed the cognition of the comprehension world.

He is still in the early stage of foundation establishment, and even he himself does not know how many spiritual veins will be opened when he breaks through to the alchemy stage.

The same goes for the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.

Nine is an extreme number, and in the records of the cultivation world, no one has ever condensed a nine-turn golden elixir.

He is full of confidence in himself, he believes that the limit is used to break through, no one has ever condensed the nine-turn golden pill, he will not only condense it, but even condense the ten-turn, eleven-turn, twelve-turn...

Huang Xing withdrew his thoughts and observed the changes in Yan Hongyi's spiritual power.

She has opened up 34 spiritual veins, and she is considered a real evildoer.

Now it is the early stage of alchemy, and the phantom of the golden elixir has been refined to the second rank. If this trend continues, at least a sixth-rank golden elixir can be condensed without any accidents.

The aura gathers from the 34 spiritual veins to the golden elixir phantom, and it is continuously refined to leave the most essence of aura crystallized.

Next to the 34 spiritual veins, there is a withered hidden spiritual vein.

Huang Xing asked Wudiqiang, "Brother Qiang, is there a way to repair the withered hidden spirit veins?"

In the world of comprehension, it has never been heard of anyone who can repair the withered hidden spiritual veins.

But others can't help it, it doesn't mean that Wudiqiang can't help it, he didn't disappoint Huang Xing, and said lazily, "Use your power of nature to help her warm her withered spirit veins for half an hour every day, and after six days, she can be completely It can be repaired, but she still needs to open up that spirit vein by herself."

Huang Chen was overjoyed when he heard the words, he never thought that his power of good fortune would have such an effect, as long as he could help her restore her spirit veins, she might succeed in opening them up again.

Just relying on her favor of transferring the Xuanlong inner alchemy to herself, it is enough for him to give her a chance to open up the spiritual vein again.

Thinking of this, Huang Xing shifted his gaze to Yan Hongyi's lips.

That kiss was really sweet.

A thought suddenly popped up in his mind: after kissing me, he is not allowed to kiss anyone else.

Looking at Yan Hongyi, Huang Xing found that his possessiveness was getting stronger and stronger.

Perhaps once a person possesses power, the things that belong to him are no longer allowed to be touched by anyone.

He looked at Yan Hongyi's withered spirit veins, and it was very simple to restore her spirit veins himself.

But the relationship with her is not good enough to expose the cards to her.

He was going to stay in touch with her for a while to see if she was really worthy of his trust.

But before that, you can help her snatch the opportunity of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm.

The Fire Cloud Secret Realm is opened once every ten years, and the greatest opportunity inside is the wisp of Fire Cloud Qi that is bred every ten years. This can be used to refine the golden elixir phantom, which can greatly increase the chance of success in transforming to an elixir.

Secondly, there are ten fire cloud flowers accompanying the earplugs, which can also slightly increase the success rate of the transformation, but the effect is much worse than that of the fire cloud air.

Therefore, every time the Fire Cloud Secret Realm is opened, the alchemy cultivators will flock to it.

In order to compete for this wisp of Fire Cloud Qi, every time the Fire Cloud Secret Realm was killed, blood flowed like a river, and I don't know how many monks who formed the alchemy fell inside.

Yan Hongyi's entry into the Fire Cloud Secret Realm was not for the Fire Cloud Qi, but purely for experience.

She is only in the early stage of alchemy, although she is very evil, she is still far behind in competing for the fire cloud energy.

The only ones who have the opportunity to compete for the Fire Cloud Qi are those evildoers in the late stage of alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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