Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 372 Fire Cloud Secret Realm

Chapter 372 Fire Cloud Secret Realm

Yaoguang City, Huoyun Plaza.

Today is the opening day of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, and the Fire Cloud Square has gathered tens of thousands of monks who went to the secret realm.

The number of people entering the Fire Cloud Secret Realm is fixed at 1 each time.

As long as you enter once, you cannot enter again.

The pass token of 100 yuan middle-grade spirit stone is a burden for ordinary alchemy cultivators, but it can't stop the enthusiasm of many alchemy cultivators.

Most of them are disciples and casual cultivators of the third and lower ranks.

Disciples of big powers rarely enter it.

(Great forces refer to forces above the third rank)

It is mainly an open public secret realm like Huoyun Secret Realm. It is a common practice to obtain resources for those low-level force disciples and casual cultivators.

The disciples of the big forces will not organize on a large scale to compete with these people for cultivation resources, they have a better place to practice.

However, because of the existence of the Fire Cloud Qi, the Tianjiao and evildoers in the alchemy stage of the big forces will also enter it, and their goals are directed at the Fire Cloud Qi and the ten Fire Cloud Flowers.

Or there are some powerful disciples like Yan Hongyi who hide their identities and come out to practice alone.

Every time the winner of the Fire Cloud Qi is a monstrous evildoer from a big force.

But there are also some low-grade forces who fish in troubled waters or think that they have the strength to obtain the fire cloud energy, as well as the arrogance and evildoers among casual cultivators to snatch it.

Basically, every time they compete for the fire cloud gas, blood will flow into rivers.

In the secret realm, it is not only to rob resources, but also to train disciples.

The major forces are also sticking to the rules. When a disciple falls in the secret realm, the elders of the sect will not personally take revenge, but it is understandable for the same generation to take action.

For example, if Yan Hongyi had an accident in the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, his master Master Longsu would not personally take revenge, but Tianle Shengzi would definitely do so.

Generally, low-level forces and casual cultivators would not dare to offend disciples of big forces, and most of them would choose to attach themselves to disciples of big forces.

The disciples of those big forces also fight each other, and they don't pay attention to low-level forces and casual cultivators.

Yan Hongyi and Huang Xing had that lingering passionate kiss last night, and their relationship took a step further.

Like a girl in love, she obediently follows Huang Xing and obeys him.

Looking at the whole world, it has also become beautiful.

When the two came to Huoyun Square, they saw two huge flying magic boats parked in the center, one of which could accommodate 5000 people.

They lined up to board the flying magic boat, found a place to sit down, and waited to set off for the Fire Cloud Secret Realm.

Huang Xing glanced at the monks on the boat, and all the monks in his line of sight were alchemy monks.

They are either nervous, excited, calm, or yearning, with all kinds of moods going to Huoyun Secret Realm to fight for a future.

Maybe when you return, you will have a good harvest and change your fate, or maybe you will never return and turn into dry bones.

It's been exactly ten days since Huang Xing came to the realm of comprehension, and he understood the cruelty of the jungle here.

Cultivation resources are basically in the hands of big forces, while low-level forces and casual cultivators are struggling, the road to practice is full of dangers, and the death rate remains high.

He probably also understands that there are only so many resources in the cultivation world, and the life span of monks is far longer than that of ordinary people. If they all practice peacefully and coexist, there will only be more and more monks, and the resources will be exhausted long ago.

Survival of the strong, elimination of the weak, is an eternal truth everywhere.

Those Tianjiao who entered cultivation from the earth are relatively lucky.

They all have powerful forces to rely on, as long as they prove their talents, they don't have to worry about cultivation resources.

Moreover, the cultivation world will also use their formations to destroy the earth, so their safety is relatively guaranteed, and they can cultivate with peace of mind.

Huang Xing couldn't help but think of the girls, the days when they came to the realm of cultivation, I don't know if they are used to it, how is their cultivation doing now?

He looked at Yan Hongyi beside him, feeling a little entangled in his heart.

Now that I am with her in Xiong Er's appearance, if she returns to her original appearance in the future, will she accept it?

He laughed at himself in his heart and thought: At that time, will he be considered green?

Yan Hongyi noticed that Lu Xing was staring at her blankly, lowered his head shyly, and asked coyly, "Why do you keep staring at her?"

Huang Chen laughed teasingly, "Look at the beauties."

Yan Hongyi spat, and said coquettishly, "Slick tongue."

She felt that the current Xiong Er lacked a bit of the heroism she admired, but it made her get closer and get along with him more happily.

Amidst the banter between the two, it was time for the Flying Fa Ship to take off and set off for the Fire Cloud Secret Realm.

They don't need to worry about bandits daring to loot.

This is the flying dharma boat of Piaomiao Palace, and the elder Yuanying sits on the boat, unless he is impatient to live, he will come to die.

Halfway through the flying boat, a sincere voice came into Huang Chen's ears, "Changhe below, are the two friends interested in entering the Fire Cloud Secret Realm with us?"

He and Yan Hongyi turned their heads to look, and it was the elders in the group of people near them.

The group of people looked at the two of them.

Huang Xing checked their cultivation, they were all at the alchemy stage, six early stages, three middle stages, and two late stages.

The Fang Changhe who spoke was in the late stage of alchemy, a three-turn golden elixir phantom, about 50 years old on the outside, but his real age was 130 years old, and his aptitude was ordinary.

In fact, in the cultivation world, there are more ordinary monks like Fang Changhe.

It is extremely rare for him to be able to refine the golden core phantom to rank three.

Huang Xing had been in contact with disciples and elders of great powers before, so he had the illusion that there were many arrogance and evildoers.

He shook his head and said lightly, "Not interested."

His goal is to win the fire cloud energy for Yan Hongyi, which is obviously different from these people.

Among the group of people, a young man in the early stage of alchemy said proudly, "Mr. Fang is a strong player in the late stage of alchemy. It will only be good for you to enter the Fire Cloud Secret Realm with us."

Fang Changhe also continued to persuade, "Little brother, I think there are only two of you, and it would be very dangerous to go in. Why don't you come with us and take care of each other."

He paused and said seriously, "Our distribution principle is very fair, and we will definitely not let you suffer."

Entering the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, it is randomly teleported to the edge.

But outside, pass tokens can be marked with each other first, so that they can be transmitted together.

The access tokens of Huang Xing and Yan Hongyi have already been marked, and they can be together after sending them in.

In many small forces, a large group of disciples went in to practice, and there were also casual cultivators like Fang Changhe, who entered in groups to take care of each other.

Huang Xing still refused, "No need, we just want to go in and practice by ourselves."

Seeing that Huang Xing didn't intend to join, Fang Changhe no longer forced himself, cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry to bother you."

The proud young man snorted coldly, as if he was a little dissatisfied with Huang Xing's rejection.

(End of this chapter)

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