Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 382 The egg that even Brother Qiang can't see through

Chapter 382 The egg that even Brother Qiang can't see through

After Yan Hongyi was sound asleep, Huang Xing took out two blankets, one spread out on the floor, picked her up and carefully put her on it, and then gently covered her with the other blanket.

He looked at the quiet Sleeping Beauty, and kissed her forehead lightly.

Yan Hongyi slept soundly, with Xiong Er beside her, she could sleep deeply without worrying about danger.

Huang Xing walked to the other side, took out the fire spirit egg and put it in front of him.

The fire spirit marrow contains extremely rich fire spirit power, but it is the material for forging a heavenly magic weapon, and no one will directly refine it directly.

Moreover, this kind of fire spiritual power is different from ordinary spiritual power, it is only suitable for fire monks to absorb, and it is extremely difficult to refine.

These are all small problems for Huang Xing. He sat in front of the fire spirit egg. The egg was taller than him. There was crimson blood flowing on it, and it exuded a faint red soft light under the blood moon. It was a beautiful art. Taste.

He touched the Fire Spirit Egg, it was as warm and moist as jade, and the touch made people forget to return.

If Wudiqiang hadn't asked him to refine the fire essence on the surface to explore the secrets inside, he would have been a little reluctant to refine it.

Huang Xing used the power of creation to refine the fire essence on the surface.

The rich power of the fire spirit was refined into pure spiritual power by him to absorb, which was more comfortable than refining high-grade spirit stones, and it flowed into his body like spiritual liquid.


Huang Xing felt comfortable all over. He thought that refining the fire spirit marrow would consume as much energy as refining the black dragon inner alchemy. He didn't expect that it could be refined easily, and the purity of the spirit energy exceeded his expectations, even compared to the The power of the upper seven sources.

An invincible and strong voice suddenly sounded in Huang Chen's mind, "Tsk tsk tsk, quickly refine it, there must be something really good hidden in it, the Fire Spirit Mine just absorbs its power, it's almost turning into the power of fire. "

He greeted, "Brother Qiang, you're awake."

Invincible Qiang urged anxiously, "Don't be distracted, hurry up and refine, Brother Qiang, I can't wait to see what's inside."

It was the first time for Huang Xing to see Wudiqiang so caring about foreign objects, and he was also very curious about what was inside the fire egg.

He settled down and began to concentrate on refining the fire essence.

As time passed quickly, the fire marrow on the surface of the fire egg was gradually refined, and the egg became smaller and smaller.

After refining for more than five hours, the spiritual energy flowed into his spiritual veins like water.

If it were an ordinary person, this much aura would be enough to break through from the middle stage of foundation establishment to the middle stage of alchemy.

But Huang Xing only increased his realm by a small half, offsetting about 50 Good Fortune Pills.

(128 Good Fortune Pills are required to break through from the middle stage of foundation establishment to the late stage of foundation establishment)
When the last thin layer of fire marrow was refined by him, it revealed a faint green color.

The Fire Spirit Egg turned into a flawless jade with a cyan gleam.

It's still egg-shaped, just a few turns smaller than before.

Huang Xing withdrew his power of good fortune and looked at the sapphire egg.


It's too beautiful to describe.

The cyan streamer is natural.

Crystal clear and beautiful.

This was the most beautiful jade he had ever seen. He was deeply attracted by it just by taking a look at it, and couldn't help but reach out and stroke it gently.

Soft and soft, like brushing on silk.

Huang Xing touched it for a while before he came back to his senses. Thinking of Wudiqiang, he felt a little strange.

Just now he was clamoring for him to refine the fire marrow and see what's inside.

Now that the fire marrow has been refined, Invincible Qiang has no voice.

Could it be that he had been refining for too long and he fell asleep again?
Invincible Qiang said suddenly, "I didn't fall asleep."

His voice was perfunctory, as if he was attracted by something and had no time to talk to himself.

Huang Xing asked curiously, "Brother Qiang, do you see what this is?"

He himself looked with the eyes of the delusion, and there was an ordinary piece of jade in front of him, just like the jade on the earth, without any spiritual fluctuations.

Wudiqiang didn't answer, and after a while of silence, he said to himself, "It's strange, why is there such a thing here?"

Huang Xing said doubtfully, "That great power can open up the realm of self-cultivation, cut off time, break up space, and refine a thousand different spaces together. It's not a strange thing that there is a strange jade egg now, right? ?”

In Huang Xing's eyes, the great ability to develop and cultivate the truth is omnipotent, no matter how strange things happen to him, he doesn't find it strange.

"That's because you don't understand, so you think so." Wudiqiang said contemptuously, "Can elementary school students see the difference between undergraduate courses and doctoral courses?"

Huang Xing felt speechless for a while, Wudiqiang was calling him a primary school student.

But in front of Wudiqiang, his understanding of the world is indeed still a primary school student.

He underestimated in his heart that elementary school students could one day be admitted to university and become a doctor.

He humbly asked, "Brother Qiang, what's so special about this jade egg? Is it more magical than the land of nothingness and the thousand layers of space?"

"Brother Qiang, I have been in the world for several epochs. I haven't seen anything? Even the land of nothingness has been in it like my own back garden." Wudiqiang said boastfully, then changed the subject and said fearfully, "But This jade egg, even after looking at it for a long time, I couldn’t see the calendar.”

When Huang Chen heard this, he was shocked.

Even when Wudiqiang mentioned the great ability to open up the world of cultivation, his tone was very casual, obviously he didn't take it very seriously.

Even Invincible Qiang doesn't know what this sapphire egg is, how amazing is its origin?
Invincible said solemnly, "Try to see if you can refine it with the power of good fortune."

Huang Xing stretched out his hand to touch the jade egg, he was a little hesitant to let it go, he felt that it would be a sin to destroy it.

Wudiqiang knew what he was thinking and explained, "Don't refine it into spiritual power. As long as you don't destroy its power structure, you won't refine it."

"Okay." Huang Xing circulated the power of good fortune and injected it into the jade core. He was horrified to find that the jade egg directly absorbed his power of good fortune.

He quickly stopped and looked at the jade egg with lingering fear. This was the first time he encountered something that could not be refined by the power of good fortune.

Whether it is the divine power of the temple, or the power of the Chinese superpower, or even the power of the seven origins, he can refine it, and now this jade egg can absorb his power of good fortune.

"Sure enough." Invincible Qiang said in a predictable tone, "There is life in this jade egg."

After hearing Wudiqiang's words, Huang Xing was quite shocked, but it was not difficult to understand.

This jade egg is like an enlarged egg, and it is not surprising that life can be hatched.

Wudiqiang pondered for a while and said, "From now on, you will feed it with the power of creation every day, and see if you can hatch it."

He paused, and explained, "You don't have to worry about hatching evil things. If you practice the Heavenly Creation Scripture, you will automatically seek good luck and avoid evil in the dark. The life in this jade egg is 99% not evil. If you are really unlucky and encounter that one percent, Brother Qiang will try his best to seal it."

(End of this chapter)

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