Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 387 Purple Demon Vine

Chapter 387 Purple Demon Vine
Dialect said to himself in horror, "This, what is this?"

The purple vines came out to her just now, and she felt like she was going to be swallowed.

She has never seen such a terrifying man-eating vine, and it has been hidden underground. If it had appeared from the beginning, they would have all been killed long ago, and they would not be able to wait for Xiong Er to rescue them.

Everyone in the Fang family also looked at the purple man-eating vine in trepidation. They thought they couldn't escape just now.

Thanks to Xiong Er who rescued them again.

After repelling eighteen purple vines, Huang Xing retreated in front of them and confronted the purple man-eating vines in the void.

I saw that the dense vines on the ground all climbed towards the purple man-eating vines and blended into it.

The purple of the cannibal vine is brighter and more powerful.

Yan Hongyi frowned and said, "This is the ninth-level purple demon vine."

"How can there be a ninth-level beast here?" Fang Yan said with lingering fear, "Doesn't the ninth-level beast only appear in Huoyun Mountain?"

The ninth-level fierce beast is equivalent to the late stage of Jindan, even if the monsters encountered in the late stage of the sixth turn are more ominous.

In the past few times when the Huoyun Secret Realm was opened, the monks who survived also brought a lot of information, and they have never heard of encountering a ninth-level beast outside Huoyun Mountain.

Yan Hongyi looked at the purple demon vine in fear, and said to Huang Xing, "Xiong Er, why don't we leave here first?"

They had already broken through and wanted to leave, but the Purple Demon Vine couldn't do anything to them.

This purple demon vine is stronger than Xu Youze of Qizong, and it is very difficult for Xiong Er to win.

Huang Xing smiled lightly, "Our dinner is still downstairs, how can we just leave like this?"

He said he was going to roast the lion, and he had to eat it tonight.

Dialect also dissuaded, "My lord, don't take risks lightly. If you and Ziyao Vine lose both, it's not worth it."

The ninth-level ferocious beast is a level stronger than the eighth-level ferocious beast, and it is still in its prime.

Although Xiong Er's combat prowess is astonishing, he may not be fully sure of the ninth-level beasts. If he fights and loses both sides, the consequences will be unimaginable when he meets other monks with malicious intentions.

Lu Chen said confidently, "I haven't paid much attention to the mere ninth-level beasts. You wait here, and I'll come as soon as I go."

"You have to be careful." Seeing that he was so confident, Yan Hongyi didn't try to stop him. In her eyes, Xiong Er was omnipotent.

Dialect was stunned by his rhetoric, and the ninth-level fierce beast was just a word "mere" in his eyes.

If she hadn't seen him kill the eighth-level lion just now, she would have thought he was a lunatic.

Huang Xing flew down and entered the battle circle.

The purple demon vine saw him enter the attack range, and the eighteen vines waved more ferociously.

It didn't attack easily, Huang Xing's strength just now made it very afraid.

Yan Hongyi and the seven members of the Fang family watched nervously as Huang Xing and the purple demon vine confronted each other.

A battle between a late stage foundation establishment and a ninth-level ferocious beast was unprecedented.

call out.

Huang Xing raised his hand, and the light of extinction gathered in his hand.

Soul-destroying finger.

The gloomy beam of light tore through the space and shot at the purple demon vine.


All the vines of the purple demon vine shrank back and overlapped together.


The soul-destroying finger hit the vine, piercing seven or eight of them, but the power was also canceled out.

The purple demon vine let out a roar, dancing the vine wildly.

The resilience of the vines is extremely strong, and the vines on the side stretched over to repair the black hole that was shot through, and at the same time swept towards Huang Xing.

The strong wind brought by the vines whistled.

Boom boom boom.

Huang Xing's extinguished light radiated everywhere, blasting away the vines.

One person and one vine are in the battle circle, fighting fiercely.

At this time, Huang Xing was surrounded by eighteen vines, and it became difficult to escape.

The purple demon vine slowly emitted a purple bone-eroding poisonous miasma, covering Huang Xing like a purple mist.

The purple mist is getting thicker and thicker, blocking everyone's sight.

Yan Hongyi could feel the violent bombardment of the aura in the purple mist, but he couldn't see what was going on inside. He was burning with anxiety in the center of the void, worried about Huang Xing.

Huang Xing was shrouded in purple mist, constantly eroding his body, but all of them were refined by the power of good fortune.

The strength of the purple demon vine is stronger than he expected.

The main reason is that the strongest of his soul-destroying finger is the soul attack.

If it is against monks, its power will be multiplied, but against fierce beasts, it will be much weaker.

The beast is stronger than the beast body.

The vines of the purple demon vine may not look like plant-like monsters, but they are full of toughness and strong healing power.

Huang Xing couldn't kill it for a while.

The battle between him and the purple demon vine is comparable to the battle between the two late Jindan Tianjiao, with extremely strong aura fluctuations.

More than ten miles away, a group of people sensed this battle wave, and one of the tall slender women frowned and said, "What a strong battle wave."

Another man said in a deep voice, "Let's go and have a look, maybe there are some treasures."

Fire Cloud Secret Realm often encounters this kind of situation, and the fluctuation of the battle attracts others to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

The group flew along the waves of the battle, and saw layers of purple mist from a distance.

When they got closer, they saw Yan Hongyi and everyone in the Fang family above the void. The man's expression changed, and he said in a low voice, "It's her!"

The person who came was Liu Tianyi and his party who snatched the Chiyu phalanx from Yan Hongyi in Qizong.

Liu Tianyi looked around in the void, looking for Xiong Er's trace, but he couldn't find it.

He looked at the place shrouded in layers of purple mist, and there was a wave of fluctuations in it that was the breath of the foundation building period.

He was overjoyed, it seemed that Xiong Er had encountered a strong enemy and was fighting fiercely.

This cloud of purple mist should be emanating from the purple demon vine of the ninth-level ferocious beast.

A sinister smile appeared on his face, and he said to the tall slender woman beside him, "Yan Ran, let's go over there."

The tall slender woman had also seen the situation on the field, and when she saw Liu Tianyi's unfriendly smile, she frowned slightly, but still followed him and flew towards Yan Hongyi.

Yan Hongyi and the seven members of the Fang family also noticed their approach and all looked over.

When Yan Hongyi saw that it was Liu Tianyi and his party, he immediately became alert.

Liu Tianyi landed more than ten meters away, and said with a smile, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet Miss Yan here."

The seven members of Fang's family looked at Yan Hongyi, unexpectedly, it was her acquaintance.

But seeing Yan Hongyi's serious face, he knew that this was not a friend, but an enemy.

They also raised alert immediately.

Liu Tianyi looked at Ziwu, and smiled knowingly at Yan Hongyi, "Hey, why don't you see Mr. Xiong?"

Yan Hongyi frowned and asked, "What advice does Mr. Liu have?"

She knew that the person who came was not kind. The other party was the young patriarch of a second-rank family. Not only was he a late-stage Rank [-] alchemy genius, but with his hole cards, his strength far surpassed that of an ordinary fifth-rank alchemy late-stage like Elder Fang.

Xiong Er has been fighting the purple demon vine for more than ten minutes, and the situation of the battle is unknown.

But according to this situation, even if it can win, it will hurt both sides.

If Liu Tianyi attacked them at this time, the situation would be very dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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