Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 411 Junior sister Xiao, please focus on the overall situation

Chapter 411 Junior sister Xiao, please focus on the overall situation
There are only three of the seven-turn knot pill evildoers on Huoyun Mountain.

The evildoer of the Nan'an Saint League's seven-turn knot pill is naturally the true disciple of Qinglong Holy Land - Long Qi.

Qinglong Holy Land is rumored to be guarded by an ancient dragon, but no one has ever seen it, and even the disciples of Qinglong Holy Land only regard it as a legend.

Long Qi can become a true disciple with a late stage cultivation of alchemy, and his combat power should not be underestimated.

Just now he had been watching Huang Xing's battle with cold eyes, now he heard that he was going to give this fire cloud flower to Xiao Qingchen, and reminded him.

What he meant was very clear. If Huang Xing didn't take this fire cloud flower, if he wanted to pick another one for the black-clothed swordsman Xu Youquan, he would be violating the rules of the three major alliances. At that time, the three major alliances would attack together .

The three major alliances competed for Huoyunhua, and all Tianjiao and evildoers always took one shot and then stopped.

This time for the Fire Cloud Flower competition, there were fewer evildoers than in previous years, only 13 people.

They are the most hopeful to compete for the last nine fire cloud flowers. The three major alliances also have their own ideas, and they have arranged their troops and determined the order of battle.

Huang Xing's appearance disrupted all of this.

Zhou Ao, the blood-sacred monster, fought, but was seriously injured by him.

The evildoers of the Zhanmeng and the Holy League just stood by and watched. Even if Huang Xing snatched a fire cloud flower, the Shenmeng would lose a six-turn knot pill evildoer, and the two major alliances had no loss.

Zhou Ao was too confident in his earth-level intermediate magic weapon, he was the first to jump out to kill Huang Xing, but was defeated by Huang Xing.

If the three evildoers of Shenmeng help Zhou Ao, they will give Shengmeng and Zhanmeng an excuse, which will affect the subsequent competition for the flower of fire cloud.

Huoyunhua can not only increase the success rate of refining golden elixir phantom, but also the number of Huoyunhua won is also related to the opportunity to finally compete for Huoyun Qi.

Therefore, the three major alliances restrained each other, creating an embarrassing situation where Huang Xing defeated Zhou Ao without the help of other monsters.

In the battle for the second fire cloud flower, the Shenmeng lost the most.

However, Huoyunhua did not fall into the hands of the other two major alliances, so they could barely accept it.

Although Zhanmeng and Shenmeng didn't grab Huoyunhua, Shenmeng lost a rank six evildoer first, and the situation was relatively favorable for them.

At this time, Huang Xing wanted to give the second Huoyun flower to Xiao Qingchen, which broke the balance.

With the power of a fisherman, Zhanmeng snatched the second Huoyunhua without a single soldier.

When Geng Le heard that Lu Chen was going to give the Fire Cloud Flower to Xiao Qingchen, his face was overjoyed. He was the weakest among the three seven-turn pills. Cloud Qi is very beneficial.

Miyamoto Musashi still looked at Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen expressionlessly, as if it had nothing to do with him whether or not Lu Xing gave the Fire Cloud Flower to Xiao Qingchen.

Long Qi had been waiting for Miyamoto Musashi to express his position, but seeing his expressionless face, he knew that the other party was also forcing him to express his position first.

The League of God has already lost a six-turn elixir evildoer against Huang Xing, and Miyamoto Musashi wants the League of God to express his position, and take action together to clear this troublemaker out of the field first.

When Huang Xing competed for the second Fire Cloud Flower, he already felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird.

He defeated Zhou Ao by himself, but no one else made a move.

He humiliated Zhou Ao, firstly to vent his anger, and secondly to test the tolerance of Shenmeng.

As a result, Shenmeng was very restrained and did not attack him, making him convinced that fighting for Huoyunhua was not as simple as Yan Hongyi introduced.

He guessed right, Yan Hongyi's elder sister died in the battle for the fire cloud energy, Tianle Shengzi couldn't bear to look back, and didn't explain the situation to Yan Hongyi in detail.

Moreover, Yan Hongyi entered the Fire Cloud Secret Realm this time only to follow her sister's footsteps, and did not go deep into it after arriving at Qianyue Lake, so she did not go into details about the details of the battle for Fire Cloud Qi.

What she told Huang Xing was just the appearance of the battle.

After hearing Long Qi's words, Xiao Qingchen said to Huang Xing, "Thank you Mr. Xiong for your kindness, Huo Yunhua is useless to me, you should give it to your friend."

Huoyunhua is really useless to her. She joined the Sword Sect and sat on the Tianjian Peak all night. The Heavenly Sword Sword Intent directly allowed her to break through from the middle stage of Qi training to the early stage of foundation establishment, and all 36 spiritual veins on her body were completely destroyed by her sword. intended to rush away.

Huo Yunhua can increase the success rate of refining the golden elixir phantom for others, but she is not worried at all about whether her own transformation will be successful.

Seeing Xiao Qingchen's refusal, Lu Chen looked at Long Qi with a half-smile, and said domineeringly, "That's your rule, not mine."

Then he said tactfully to Xiao Qingchen, "Since Miss Xiao doesn't need Huoyunhua, please help me keep it. When you meet Huang Xing, give him Huoyunhua, and say it's my life-saving gift for him." kindness."

Long Qi's reminder threatened him not to put it on him. Although Xiao Qingchen didn't need Huoyunhua, he sent one to Yan Hongyi in front of her. If he didn't give her one, she would know about it later. I am Huang Xing, I'm afraid I will be jealous of him.

Xiao Qingchen frowned slightly, the courage of this Xiong Er was really fearless, he dared to break the rules of the three major alliances by himself.

She is not a timid person either, Xiong Er sent Huo Yunhua to Huang Xing and entrusted her to keep it on her behalf. This Huo Yunhua belongs to Huang Chen, how could she reject Huang Xing's things because of fear.

She replied flatly, "Okay."

Huang Xing directly contradicted Long Qi, making all the Tianjiao monsters gasp, first he offended the Divine League, and now he offended the Holy League.

This Xiong Er is really tired of living.

Everyone was expecting Long Qi to take action to suppress Xiong Er, but Long Qi obviously didn't plan to do it, but just looked at Geng Le of Zhanmeng.

Xiong Er's words and Xiao Qingchen's answer made Geng Le frown.

Long Qi and Miyamoto Musashi also turned their attention to him, which made him feel pressured.

The three major alliances restrain each other to achieve a balance. If the Zhanmeng breaks the rules first, the Shenmeng and the Holy League join forces to deal with Zhanmeng. Even with the addition of Xiao Qingchen and Xiong Er, the two foundation-building monsters, Zhanmeng will definitely not be able to resist .

He said to Lan Jian beside him, "Junior brother Lan, you let Junior Sister Xiao put the overall situation first."

After all, Xiao Qingchen is a disciple of the Sword Sect, so it would be best for the Sword Sect's Blue Sword to come forward.

Lan Jian has never met Lu Xing before, but just now when she saw Xiao Qingchen smile when she heard Lu Chen's name, she felt a little jealous in her heart, now she wants to accept Xiong Er's Huoyunhua for Lu Chen, Attract the firepower of the God League and Holy League to Zhanmeng.

He said to Xiao Qingchen on the volcanic lake, "Junior Sister Xiao, please focus on the overall situation. Xiong Er has broken the rules of the three major alliances. We should first remove those who break the rules from the field."

He cast his eyes on Xiong Er, with great unkindness.

The evildoers of the three major alliances don't have much affection for Huang Xing. They are all high in the cultivation world, and no one has ever dared to challenge their majesty.

Even if it is an existence that is even more monstrous than them, they must maintain some respect for the three major alliances.

Xiao Qingchen still stood quietly in the circle of extinction, and replied coldly, "This is something for Huang Chen, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation."

(End of this chapter)

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