Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 415 As Much As Dogs Or As Good As Dogs?

Chapter 415 As Much As Dogs Or As Good As Dogs? (Promote the hall master and add more for Brother Mosquito)
The flowers are in full bloom.

The third Fire Cloud Flower bloomed proudly.

Everyone's eyes were on Huang Xing, wanting to see if he really wanted to break the rules of the three major alliances and challenge the three major alliances by himself.

Huang Xing said to Yan Hongyi and the others, "You are waiting for me here."

"Xiong Er..." Yan Hongyi yelled worriedly. She knew she couldn't stop Xiong Er, so she just looked at him fixedly, hugged him suddenly, kissed him, and said softly, "I'll wait for you to come back .”

She felt hundreds of eyes watching them, let go of Huang Xing, and lowered her head shyly.

Huang Xing touched her head, smiled softly, "Silly girl, it's not about life and death, why are you so nervous."

After speaking, he turned around and stepped out.

All eyes were on Huang Xing walking slowly towards the volcanic lake.

This foundation-building evildoer actually has the guts to provoke the three major alliances.

This is, he wants to use his own strength to fight against the entire cultivation world.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Long Qi's mouth, Miyamoto Musashi remained expressionless for thousands of years, and Geng Le smiled peacefully.

The Tianjiao and monsters of the Holy League and the Divine League all looked at Huang Xing angrily and coldly. This time, they must kill him directly.

Let everyone know how stupid it is to provoke the authority of the three alliances.

In front of them, even a dragon has to coil up, and even a tiger has to lie down.

Huang Chen strolled leisurely to the sky above the third fire cloud flower, and drew a circle with his finger again.

The familiar circle of annihilation appeared on the volcanic lake, and Huang Xing stood with his hands behind his back, looked around at the arrogant monsters of the three major alliances, and said arrogantly, "Those who enter the circle will die."

This unparalleled aura made the casual cultivators and disciples of small forces in the west bank feel excited.

They are as cautious as ants in front of the powerful Tianjiao and evildoers.

Now that some people dare to challenge the arrogant and evildoers of the great powers, their unwillingness has been aroused.

Xu Youquan had stopped to heal his wounds, and stood beside Yan Hongyi and the others, looking at Huang Xing with fiery eyes. It was his honor to be able to serve such a monster.

Yan Hongyi's eyes are full of fascination. It is her pride to have such a man.

Dialect's eyes are also full of fiery light, the young girl Huaichun, but she knows the gap between herself and Xiong Er, so she gets rid of that illusory delusion.

Ji Yanran's eyes were also piercing, and she looked at Huang Xing admiringly. The way of fingering was performed vividly in his hands, opening a door for her.

Long Qi looked at Miyamoto Musashi and Geng Le with a sneer.

The other two seven-turn Jiedan evildoers sensed his gaze and looked back.

Miyamoto Musashi quickly looked away and returned to Huang Xing.

The Tianjiao and evildoer behind him jumped ten people into the air "shuashuashua" without his order.

Huang Chen glanced indifferently, one was a six-turn alchemy evildoer, three five-turn alchemy Tianjiao, and six four-turn alchemy Tianjiao.

The momentum on their bodies was full, and they joined together as one, rushing towards the volcanic lake like a black cloud pressing down on the city.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the Holy League also jumped out of ten people, and they rushed towards the crater lake like beasts.

Geng Le was unmoved, but looked at Huang Chen calmly, and had no intention of sending anyone to besiege Huang Chen at all.

Long Qi shifted his gaze to Geng Le, looked at him firmly and said, "Could Zhanmeng want to violate the covenant?"

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the Holy League and the Divine League also looked at the East Coast Zhanmeng with the same hatred.

Geng Le shook his head, smiled calmly and said, "Brother Long's words are wrong, the covenant is just an agreement between our three major alliances, and Xiong Er is just a casual cultivator, so naturally there is no need to abide by it."

What he said had some truth, but the agreement made by the three major alliances was broken by outsiders. Normally, the three major alliances should act together to maintain the established rules and the dignity of the three major alliances.

Long Qi's face showed sternness and sternness, Geng Le's forceful words were unreasonable, and he was blatantly trying to tear himself apart with the Holy League and the Shenmeng. Wasn't he afraid that he and Miyamoto Musashi would join forces to deal with him?
He knew that among the three of them, Miyamoto Musashi would be slightly stronger, so Geng Le was prepared to join forces to deal with Miyamoto Musashi first.

Now Geng Le doesn't want to take action against Xiong Er, so he can only change his original plan and first deal with Zhanmeng with Shenmeng.

Before Long Qi could respond, Geng Le continued to speak loudly, "We Zhanmeng gave up fighting for this Fire Cloud Flower, and we will not fight for the next Fire Cloud Flower."

His words showed Long Qi and Miyamoto Musashi's superficial attitude that as long as they have the strength to suppress Xiong Er, the third and fourth Fire Cloud Flowers will belong to them.

His arrangement in this way can be regarded as an explanation to the Holy League and the Divine League.

But no matter what, Zhanmeng is sure to make money without losing money.

Even if the Holy League and the Divine League could suppress Huang Xing, they would inevitably suffer heavy losses.

They had already obtained one Fire Cloud Flower without any effort, and gave up the third and fourth Fire Cloud Flower, and they were also in an absolute advantage.

Hearing Geng Le's words, Long Qi's face was gloomy, and he raised his hand, and four more Tianjiao flew out from the holy alliance.

Shenmeng didn't need Miyamoto Musashi's order, and four more Tianjiao flew out.

The Holy League and the Divine League each produced 14 people, a total of two six-turn alchemy evildoers, ten five-turn alchemy Tianjiao, and sixteen four-turn alchemy Tianjiao.

Their aura joined together and suppressed Huang Xing.

The momentum of swallowing the sky seemed to engulf Huang Xing.

Yan Hongyi and the others' eyes were full of worry.

Not enough, it's not enough.

Facing the 28 Tianjiao monsters in the late stage of alchemy, Huang Xing was not afraid, but even more puzzled.

He has proved his strength by defeating Zhou Ao. The Holy League and Shenmeng sent such a lineup to deal with him, which shows that they have taken him seriously enough. Even if Long Qi and Miyamoto Musashi do not take action against him, the safest way should be to directly Send all the sixth-rank evildoers to kill him directly.

Could it be that the agreement between the three major alliances that each person can only make one shot when competing for the Fire Cloud Flower is really made to abide by it?

In other words, not only because of the agreement, but also because of other more important reasons that they can only take one shot, so they have to save the other sixth-rank knot monsters to compete for the remaining Huoyunhua.

With such doubts in Huang Chen's heart, the 28 Tianjiao evildoers of the Holy League and the Shenmeng have also stepped into his circle of extinction.

The war is about to start.

A six-turn alchemy leader of the Holy League looked at Huang Chen with a sneer and said, "It's enough to make you proud that a late-stage Foundation Establishment player can die under such a lineup."

Huang Chen sneered, "To deal with me as a foundation-building monk, your Holy League and the League of Gods need to join forces to dispatch 28 Tianjiao evildoers. I should praise you for being a powerful force. There are as many Tianjiao evildoers as dogs, so I should scold you guys." Tianjiao evildoer is like a dog?"

His words made the Tianjiao and monsters of the Holy League and the League of Gods furious, and the 28 people rose to the sky and rushed towards Huang Chen together.

Faced with their siege, Huang Xing's eyes sharpened, and his middle fingers in the circle of extinction crisscrossed.

The sky and the earth turned pale, and a great war broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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