Chapter 426
The battle for the seventh Fire Cloud Flower has been settled. Now Zhanmeng and Holy League each have two Fire Cloud Flowers, but Shenmeng has none.

In addition, Zhanmeng has a Xiao Qingchen, and the Holy League has a Huo Linger, the situation is extremely unfavorable for the Shenmeng.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the League of Gods began to feel a little anxious, but Miyamoto Musashi remained calm.

Except for the surprise when Xiao Qingchen and Huo Linger made a move just now, he has been calm all the time.

The League of God has only two holy places, and being able to compete with the Zhanmeng and the Holy League, which have four holy places, is enough to show their strength.

Miyamoto Musashi is the holy son of the Shinto Temple, and he has a high prestige in the League of Gods. With him leading the team, the arrogant and evildoers of the League of Gods think that this battle is sure to win.

The current situation has made them start to lose confidence and worry about the final battle.

The eighth fire cloud flower belonged to Shenmeng according to the agreement. When it was in full bloom, a sixth-rank knot pill monster of Shenmeng brought eight five-rank knot pills Tianjiao to fight.

There is only one monster Han Sanmu left in Zhanmeng. As long as he doesn't hide his strength like Huo Linger, the battle of Shenmeng is sure to win.

The Holy League also sent ten Tianjiao into the crater lake to help out, a total of 19 people are waiting for the Zhanmeng to compete for Huoyunhua.

The East Coast Zhanmeng was calm, and there was no intention of making a move at all.

Geng Le smiled at Long Qi and Miyamoto Musashi and said, "We abstained in this round, please do yourselves."

Looking at Geng Le's smile, Long Qi suddenly thought of something, and his expression changed.

The Zhanmeng wanted to avoid the Shenmeng and snipe them with all their strength to get the third Fire Cloud Flower.

Because of Huo Ling'er's sudden outburst, he got carried away with complacency and ignored the details of the formation of troops.

The correct approach of the League of God in this game should be to let the eight fifth-rank Jiedan Tianjiao play first, and keep two six-rank Jiedan monsters to wait for Han Sanmu to play.

He turned to Miyamoto Musashi with a calm face, a gloom flashed in his eyes.

In all likelihood, the opponent had already thought of this, and deliberately sent a six-turn knot pill monster to fight first.

After Han Sanmu avoided this battle, he fought for the ninth Fire Cloud Flower promised to the Holy League.

There are no monsters in the Holy League who have turned six ranks of alchemy, and they will definitely not be able to stop Han Sanmu.

I can only ask for help from Miyamoto Musashi, and ask him to send out the last six-turn jiedan evildoer.

As for the price of doing so, the other party will definitely demand that the tenth fire cloud flower be assigned to the League of God.

As for the battle for the ninth Fire Cloud Flower, if he guessed correctly, the sixth-rank alchemy evildoer from the League of Gods would definitely not be able to do their best, and they would still be snatched by the League of Gods.

Shenmeng can also let Zhanmeng get three fire cloud flowers, and he doesn't want Sanmeng to get three fire cloud flowers.

The Divine League and the Holy League are temporarily in an alliance, but after the Zhanmeng is cleared from the field, they will eventually have to compete with each other for the fire cloud energy.

The Holy League already has more combat power like Huo Linger, if there is another Huoyunhua, the pressure on the Holy League will be even greater.

Therefore, they would rather let Zhanmeng grab the third Huoyunhua.

Long Qi's face was gloomy, unexpectedly he was tricked by Miyamoto Musashi in a moment of carelessness.

But these are just his guesses. Although they are almost inseparable, there is no evidence for them.

He could only hold his breath in his stomach.

The Zhanmeng abstained, and Long Qi made the top ten talents of the Holy League retreat to the south bank.

The six-turn elixir of Shenmeng picked off their first Fire Cloud Flower without any effort.

Miyamoto Musashi said to Long Qi, "I never thought that Zhanmeng would be so cunning that he would give up this fire cloud flower directly. Brother Long, don't worry, if Han Sanmu plays in the next match, I will let Junior Brother Fan play and do my best to help you win the battle." Fire cloud flower."

Long Qi replied in a deep voice, "Thank you, Son of God."

Miyamoto Musashi said awkwardly again, "However, if I let Junior Brother Fan and the others play in the next battle, the last fire cloud flower battle, I'm afraid they will complain."

The last Huoyunhua, according to the previous agreement, was for the two of them to join forces to eliminate the Zhanmeng, and then fight for it based on their own abilities.

Miyamoto Musashi's intentions were obvious. Originally, they had the monster Fan Yuanzhen of the six-turn knot pill in charge, which was enough to win the tenth fire cloud flower.

Long Qi sneered in his heart, knowing what Miyamoto Musashi meant, and said in a dark voice, "If Brother Fan helps, the tenth Fire Cloud Flower will naturally belong to the Shenmeng."

He still wants to maintain the alliance with the League of Gods, and clear the League of Gods first in the battle for the fire cloud.

There is only one Miyamoto Musashi in Shenmeng, who is easier to deal with than Geng Le and Xiao Qingchen of Zhanmeng. Together with Huo Linger, he is confident that he can defeat him.

The two discussed the distribution plan of the last two fire cloud flowers in a hypocritical manner, and waited for the ninth fire cloud flower to bloom.

Long Qi looked at the two evildoers on the other side of the sound transmission, and could guess the content of their conversation without listening.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, the temporary alliance of the League of God and the Holy League to deal with them, it is impossible to truly be of one heart and one mind.

Even before they were cleared out, they began to fight among themselves.

Two dogs fight, play off.

If his guess is correct, Han Sanmu will be able to win the ninth Fire Cloud Flower in the next battle.

The three major alliances have their own thoughts, quietly waiting for the ninth fire cloud flower to bloom.

After more than four hours of refining, Huang Chen completely refined Huo Yunhua into pure power of creation, which greatly improved his cultivation.

Now only 15 Fortune Pills are needed to allow him to break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment, saving 30000 gold coins all at once.

It is no longer difficult for him to compete for the final Fire Cloud Qi.

But Xiao Qingchen had already made a move, so he naturally wouldn't compete with her.

The plan to give Yan Hongyi the Fire Cloud Qi had to be given up.

Wudiqiang told him that after level 12, there will be pills in the system store that increase the chance of success in transforming into a golden elixir phantom, and he will buy them for her at that time.

Huang Xing got up and walked to Yan Hongyi's side, she asked with concern, "Xiong Er, are your injuries all healed?"

He said with a calm smile, "He has recovered a long time ago, and he also practiced for a while."

"It's good that you're fine." Yan Hongyi was relieved at this moment, and then said with lingering fear, "That Huo Ling'er of the Holy League is so powerful, he severely injured Senior Sister Shangguan with one whip. It’s about to die on the spot.”

Her words made Ji Yanran, Fang Yan, and Xu Youquan around her feel sympathetic.

They usually have a lot of confidence in their own strength.

Watching the battle today, I realized how terrifying the real evildoer is, which has exceeded their imagination.

It is only the most basic requirement to divide the Tianjiao monsters in the alchemy stage by the number of times of refining golden alchemy phantoms.

In the same realm of cultivation, the strength is very different.

Thinking of her sister's loss in the battle ten years ago, Yan Hongyi couldn't help but dim a bit.

Lu Xing gently stroked her hair and comforted, "There is Miss Xiao sitting in Zhanmeng, that Huo Ling'er can't make any big waves."

(End of this chapter)

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