Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 429 Isn't it the magic weapon of heaven rank

Chapter 429 Isn't it the magic weapon of heaven rank

Huang Xing straddled the volcanic lake like a dragon, looking cold and evil under the blood moon.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of Shenmeng and Shengmeng looked at him angrily, but no one dared to act rashly.

Xiong Er's strength terrified them, without Long Qi, Miyamoto Musashi, and Huo Ling'er leading the formation, the others would have died if they went.

The phantom of the green dragon on Long Qi's body manifested, surrounded him, and let out a dragon chant.

He was ready to go, and was about to make a move, when Huo Ling'er beside him said, "To deal with a late-stage Foundation Establishment, why do you need Senior Brother Long to do it yourself, and let Junior Sister take care of him."

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Long Qi's answer, she flew towards the crater lake in a blink of an eye, landed on the opposite side of Huang Chen, pulled the long whip in her hand, and said with a smile, "You are very powerful, it would be a pity to kill you , as long as you are willing to submit to me, I can spare your life, and I can also let you enter the holy pool to strengthen your body with the holy blood of Suzaku."

Her words caused a commotion in the Holy League Tianjiao monster.

Each of the four holy lands of the Holy League has a holy pool, and only holy sons and daughters or disciples who have made significant contributions to the holy land can enter.

The blood of the ten thousand-year-old holy beast is contained in the holy pool, which can strengthen the physical body and make the strength soar.

Long Qi's expression changed, even with his identity, he couldn't enter the holy pool of Qinglong Holy Land.

He led the team to the Fire Cloud Secret Realm this time, and if he could capture the Fire Cloud Qi, the Holy Land would reward him with entering the Azure Dragon Sacred Pool.

At that time, he will use the fire cloud energy to refine the eight-rank knot pill, and then use the holy blood of the green dragon to strengthen his body, which will make him a real dragon-level evildoer in one fell swoop.

Long Qi, Miyamoto Musashi, and Geng Le could not help but look at Huo Ling'er with frowned eyebrows, guessing her identity.

Even if she is the saint of Suzaku Holy Land, she is not qualified to let Xiong Er enter the holy pool.

Wudiqiang told Lu Chen the information about the Suzaku Holy Pond, and he said with a calm smile, "The Suzaku Holy Blood is a good thing, and it is barely qualified to be used as bath water. If you submit to me as a maid and serve me to bathe and change clothes, I may consider letting you go." One life."

His domineering words made many Tianjiao and evildoers almost choke.

The holy blood of Suzaku barely qualified as bath water?
Such a pretense is not afraid of being struck by lightning.

Huo Ling'er was not angry either, she just said with a smile, "If you want me to be your maid, let's see if you have the ability."

"Whether I have that ability or not, don't you know if you try it?" Huang Xing took out the sapphire egg from the storage space and smiled, "Believe it or not, I can smash your whip with this egg?"

"Bragging." Huo Ling'er raised the long whip in his hand, and said proudly, "If you tell me about my baby's grade, you will be scared to death."

Huang Chen smiled disdainfully, "Isn't it just a magic weapon of heaven rank, what's so great about it."

Huo Ling'er's face froze, and he said, "Since you know that I have a magic weapon of heaven rank, why don't you surrender and beg for mercy."

The conversation between the two made the Tianjiao and evildoers of the three alliances gasp.

They have only heard of the heavenly magic weapon, but have never seen it.

Is the long whip in Huo Ling'er's hand really a heavenly magic weapon?
Long Qi, Miyamoto Musashi, and Geng Le have already seen some clues. Now that they have Huo Linger's confirmation, they all look at Huo Linger thoughtfully, wondering how many layers of power she can use the heavenly magic weapon.

They looked at the sapphire egg in Huang Xing's hand again, it was about one meter high, the whole body was sapphire color, and the cyan light was soft and clear.

Xiong Erming knew that Huo Ling'er had a heavenly magic weapon in his hand, and he dared to say that he smashed it with that egg, and his cowhide was blown up.

Even if the sapphire egg in his hand is a heavenly magic weapon, it certainly cannot damage Huo Ling'er's heavenly whip.

Xiao Qingchen frowned slightly when he saw the sapphire egg in front of Lu Chen.

She also couldn't see through this egg, but the cyan streamer that appeared on the tip of Xiong's second finger just now, which broke through Zhou Ao's mid-level magic weapon, seemed to be exactly the same color as the egg.

Yan Hongyi looked at the sapphire egg, feeling somewhat familiar.

She has seen egg-shaped fire spirit essence before, this sapphire egg is much smaller than it, but its shape is very similar.

What is the relationship between sapphire eggs and fire marrow?
Huo Ling'er saw Huang Chen looking at her with contempt, and said arrogantly, "If you don't beg for mercy and surrender, I will get you to beg for mercy and surrender."

She raised her hand and whipped at Huang Xing, turning into a chain of fire and rolling towards him.

Huang Xing picked up the sapphire egg and faced the chain of fire in a flash.

The heavenly magic weapon should not be underestimated, and he did not dare to fight it empty-handed.

The origin of the sapphire egg is mysterious, even the invincible can't see through it, so it is the most suitable to use it to smash the magic weapon of heaven rank.


The fire chain was drawn on the sapphire egg, and it exploded into a ball of flames.

The cyan streamer on the sapphire egg is spotless, nothing unusual.

Huo Ling'er's face changed, she didn't use much spiritual power for this whip, but the power of the magic weapon of the heaven rank alone is amazing, even if it can't damage the magic weapon of the lower rank, it should leave some traces.

What kind of magic weapon is this sapphire egg that has been whipped on the front without a trace?

Huang Xing held the sapphire egg, his appearance was a little funny, but no one dared to underestimate him, no one thought it was funny.

They were terrified, if Huo Ling'er really held a heavenly magic weapon, then Xiong Er's egg might also be a heavenly magic weapon.

He is just a casual cultivator, where did he get the heavenly magic weapon?

"This egg of yours is quite miraculous. I want to see how many whips it can withstand."

Huo Ling'er looked at Huang Xing angrily, and used her spiritual power to activate the long whip. With one whip, it turned into a flaming vermillion bird and flew out, opening its mouth to swallow the sapphire egg.

"The egg hits the chicken and flies away."

Huang Chen shouted jokingly, holding the sapphire egg and throwing it, hitting the flame Suzaku that swooped in.

The sapphire egg directly smashed the flame Suzaku into pieces.

Huo Ling'er frowned, raised her long whip and whipped it towards the sapphire egg.

The two moves just now were just whips drawn by the long whip, but at this time, the heavenly long whip was directly drawn on the sapphire egg.

The long whip in her hand is called the Sparrow Tail Whip. According to legend, it is refined from the tailbone of the holy beast Suzaku, and it is a low-level magic weapon of heaven rank.


The sparrow tail whip hit the sapphire egg, and the entire Huoyun Mountain was shaking.

The magma in the volcanic lake is rolling and splashing.

The power of this whip made the Tianjiao and evildoers of the three major alliances shudder. If it was whipped on them, how could they die?
After the earth-shattering noise, the sapphire egg was only blocked and rebounded towards Huang Xing.

It still has a blue streamer shining softly, without any trace.

Huo Ling'er felt a chill down her spine, the hardness of the sapphire egg was far beyond her expectation.

Huang Chen hugged the sapphire egg that bounced back and laughed, "The whip is a good whip, but the person who uses the whip is too weak, if you put it in your hands, it will be a pearl covered in dust, and you will waste everything."

Huo Ling'er's strength was too low to display the true power of the sparrow tail whip.

The holy sons and daughters of the major holy places have to be at the golden core stage to inherit and control the heavenly magic weapon.

Huo Ling'er's chest bulged out of anger, and she said through gritted teeth, "I haven't even made a serious move yet, if I get serious, even I will be afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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