Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 433 1 Sword Slashing Obliquely to Create Scars on the Moon

Chapter 433
Han Sanmu is still thinking about the feasibility of recruiting Xiong Er to join the Piaomiao Palace, and the battle of Crater Lake has also reached its peak.

Huang Xing and Long Qi clashed with pure physical strength, causing Long Qi to howl.

His dragon body was bruised all over by Huang Xing's fist, and finally turned into a human body, in a state of embarrassment.

Long Qi looked at Huang Xing angrily, and wanted to ask him why he specialized in himself.

There is also Miyamoto Musashi, who has been conserving his strength at all without making any effort. If he also used a lot of fighting power, why would he be in such a mess.

Huo Ling'er tried her best, but she was exhausted to begin with, and now her breath was even more disordered, her face was pale, and she felt like she was about to lose her balance and fall into the volcanic lake.

Huang Xing confronted the dragon body head-on, making him look a bit messy, but compared to Long Qi, it was much better.

Everyone looked at him in horror.

His physical body is stronger than Long Qi's Qinglong transforming into a dragon body.

What kind of special constitution does he have?
Huang Xing squeezed his fist in the void, looked at Long Qi who had retreated several miles away with a mocking smile and asked, "Do you want to come again?"

Long Qi still has a hole card to play, but it is used to compete for the fire cloud energy.

If it is used now, even if Xiong Er can be suppressed and killed, he will lose the opportunity to compete for the Huoyun Qi, and the loss outweighs the gain.

He glared at Miyamoto Musashi, saw his calm face, and felt resentful in his heart: the dignified son of the Shinto Academy is so shameless and openly betraying his teammates.

But now it's not the time to tear yourself apart with the Shenmeng, he can only hold back the anger in his heart, turn to Huang Xing, and said with a cold snort, "Let go of you now, and wait until the battle for Huoyun Qi is over, and then fight with him again." It's up to you."

"Junior Sister, let's go."

He shouted to Huo Ling'er, escaped from the battle circle, and retreated to the shore.

Huo Ling'er was already weak to the point of groggy, this battle almost exhausted her, when she heard the sound of Long Qi's retreat, she reflexively retreated to the shore.

Seeing Long Qi and Huo Ling'er retreating, Miyamoto Musashi also returned to the north bank.

Huang Xing didn't stop them from leaving. Although Long Qi was in distress, he was not fatally injured and still had the strength to fight; Miyamoto Musashi had been saving his strength just now and allowed himself to attack Long Qi, but if Long Qi was in danger of his life, he would not will sit idly by.

He has the confidence to kill Ryuichi and Miyamoto Musashi, but he is bound to pay a huge price.

With Xiao Qingchen in the Zhanmeng, it would be difficult for him to fight for the final Fire Cloud Qi, and Geng Le would be taken advantage of in vain.

This battle has already established his prestige, as long as the Tianjiao monsters of the three major alliances leave the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, Xiong Er's name will be famous in the cultivation world.

He needs the identity of Xiong Er to move the cultivation world, and he has other plans, and now his goal has been achieved.

The rest of the battle for the fire cloud will be handed over to Zhanmeng.

Xiao Qingchen, a combat madman, also needs a hard fight to sharpen his swordsmanship.

Let her first battle in the realm of comprehension, also shock the world together.

On the volcanic lake, Huang Chen was the only one who stood out from the crowd.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the Holy League and the League of Gods are all silent.

Today is their day of shame, two evil spirits with seven-turn knot pills and Huo Ling'er holding a heaven-rank magic weapon, unexpectedly beat Xiong Er and the others back.

If this spreads, the Tianjiao monsters of their generation under the Golden Core stage will be completely unable to hold their heads up.

Long Qi's face was gloomy, and after returning to the south bank, he healed without saying a word.

Huo Ling'er also quickly took out the spiritual liquid and drank it, meditating to recover her spiritual power.

Long Hai didn't dare to say anything, just now he had sworn that Long Qi could suppress and kill Xiong Er, but he was slapped in the face.

Miyamoto Musashi retreated to the shore and folded his arms in front of his chest, as if nothing had happened.

The group of Tianjiao and evildoers behind him only felt that he, the Son of God, was really shameless.

It was already very embarrassing for Tangtang Shengzi and others to besiege Xiong Er, whose cultivation level was lower than his, but he also blatantly sold out his teammates, making no contribution.

Does he want the reputation of the Holy Son of the Shinto Temple?

Huang Chen stood proudly alone in the void, and glanced around at the Tianjiao and evildoers of the Holy League and the League of Gods.

Those Tianjiao and evildoers blushed one by one, feeling endless humiliation in their hearts, but Long Qi and Miyamoto Musashi were both repelled, so what could they do?
Huang Xing just smiled at them faintly, the smile was full of sarcasm, then moved his eyes to the east bank and landed on Xiao Qingchen.

He had sensed Xiao Qingchen's gaze just now, and she should have suspected that she was Huang Xing.

When Xiao Qingchen saw Huang Xing's gaze, his heart surged, but his face remained cold.

She drew her sword out of its sheath, slashed out with a slanted sword, and said in a cold voice, "If there is a chance, Qingchen hopes to fight Young Master Xiong to prove the way of the sword."

Her sword was not aimed at Huang Xing, but at the blood moon hanging high in the sky.

The blood-colored sword light flew towards the nine heavens, condensed but not scattered, looking from the bottom up, it looked like a scar had been cut on the blood moon.

"A sword slashing at the moon to create scars, what a beautiful sword move." Lu Xing looked up at the blood moon, and only after the sword light dissipated, he looked at Xiao Qingchen again, and said with a faint smile, "I also have the same intention, Why don't we wait for the Fire Cloud Secret Realm to end, and let's find a place to compete."

Xiao Qingchen's heart was surging, his body was almost trembling with excitement, and he tried to remain calm and replied, "Okay."

Their words fell into the ears of others, as if two peerless monsters in the foundation establishment period met opponents of the same level and wanted to compete, this is very common in the cultivation world.

However, Xiao Qingchen's ears were filled with Xiao Qingchen's words of "Slashing the moon with a sword obliquely", which made her very excited. This was the name of the move that she and Huang Chen used for the first time in their sparring. Speaking to outsiders, only Huang Chen knows the name of this move.

Huang Xing believed that Xiao Qingchen had recognized him, but now was not the time for the two to talk to each other, so they bowed their hands and flew back to the south bank.

Xiao Qingchen looked at Lu Xing's back, and remembered the scene when Lu Chen gave him Huoyun flowers just now, his heart was full of sweetness.

She looked at Yan Hongyi following Huang Xing's figure, and thought angrily in her heart: Huaxin Daluobo, who was surrounded by beauties just half a month ago in the cultivation world, even came to Huoyun Secret Realm to pick Huoyun flowers and give them to the girl in red.

She snorted softly in her heart: But for the sake of giving it to me, I forgive you.

Looking at Huang Xing's back, everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak.

How strong can the limit of the foundation building period be?
Could it be as strong as a true dragon-level evildoer in the late stage of the eighth-rank pill formation?
Maybe the battle between Xiao Qingchen and Xiong Er can tell them the answer.

Yan Hongyi stared at Lu Chenfei back in front of her in a daze before reacting, quickly took out the earth spirit pill and said, "Xiong Er, take the earth spirit pill quickly."

Huang Xing took the Earth Spirit Pill, but he was not affected by the Berserk Pill at all, but the backlash was still there, and he needed treatment.

Tranquility was restored on Huoyun Mountain, and the beam of light reflected by the blood moon in the volcanic lake kept gathering fire spirit power.

As midnight got closer, the low-level magic weapons in the hands of Geng Le, Miyamoto Musashi, and Long Qi gradually emitted blood-colored light and shot directly at the blood moon.

 I'm going to post a chapter first, I'm too sleepy, I don't have the energy to write, I will try my best to make up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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