Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 440 The Battle of Peerless Monsters

Chapter 440 The Battle of Peerless Monsters
Daotiantu is Yan Hongyi's talisman for self-defense, belonging to a high-ranking earth-level, and it is very reluctant to stimulate it with her strength.

When Xu Youquan and the others heard the words, they quickly worked together to help her control the Dao Tiantu.

The majestic awe-inspiring air enveloped them, and their burning sensation disappeared.

Among the Tianjiao monsters of the Zhanmeng, there are disciples of the Confucianism sect. When they saw Yan Hongyi's Daotian map, they shouted in surprise, "The Daotian map? Why does she have the Daotian map on her body?"

Daotiantu is very famous in the world of Confucianism.

The scroll on Yan Hongyi's body is not the real one, but a fake one.

The real Daotian map is a high-level magic weapon of heaven rank, one of the three treasures of Confucianism.

Although the Daotian map in her hand is just a fake, it has reached the high level of the earth, and it is also a rare top-quality magic weapon for body protection.

Geng Le and others heard the exclamation of the Confucian disciples all over the world, and looked over one after another.

Daotiantu and the others have also heard that the woman in red can own a high-level Daotiantu, and her status in the Confucian world is definitely not low. How come they have never seen it before?

Before they had time to think about it, there was an earth-shattering tremor.

The Son of Suzaku lashed out with a whip, and the sky over the volcanic lake was engulfed in flames.

Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen fought side by side, one slashed out with one sword, and the other pierced the air with one finger.


The flame turned into a vermilion bird, and rushed towards it fiercely.

The Slaughter Demon Sword was attached to the Phoenix Blood Sword, turning the blood color into an eerie blood black.

With a sound of phoenix cry, the hell phoenix soared into the sky and swooped down towards the flame Suzaku.

The phantoms of the two holy beasts and birds collided in the air, causing the world to tremble.

Huang Xing wore Shura finger gloves on his hand, and the Nirvana finger force he aroused shot out of the air like a shooting star.

The black fire meteor hit the flame Suzaku, piercing holes in it.

The two of them worked together to block the whip from the Son of Suzaku.

The Holy Son of Suzaku kept on whipping, pulling out one whip after another, and the flames burned.

Xiao Qingchen's sword intent and magic intent were overwhelming, and Lu Xing's aura burst out like an asura.

The three of them fought together on the volcanic lake, and a series of terrifying auras exploded.

The violent atmosphere enveloped the volcanic lake, and everyone watched the battle on the shore, their sights were completely surrounded by burning flames, and they couldn't see their battle clearly at all.

They used their spiritual energy to look for the figures of the three of them, and found that their eyes were stung by the berserk breath, so they stopped immediately, not daring to keep watching the battle.

You can only guess the battle situation in the volcanic lake with the fluctuation of spiritual power.

The strength of the Vermilion Bird Holy Son's Nine Turns Pill is not comparable to those of the Tianjiao and evildoers, and the low-level Bird Tail Whip in his hands is not the same as in the hands of Huo Ling'er.

With one against two, Xiao Qingchen and Huang Xing, who were suppressed, had only barely the strength to parry, and they were soon wounded.

The Son of Suzaku looked at the two peerless evildoers crushed by him, and laughed wildly, "Anyone who dares to stop me from taking the fire cloud's energy will die. Even if you beg for mercy and admit defeat, it's already too late."

He said sharply, "Today, you all must die."

A cold light flashed in Huang Chen's eyes, and he sneered, "It's because you don't have the qualifications yet."

He bought two level 10 mad god pills, took one himself, and softly called out to Qingchen, "Qingchen."

Xiao Qingchen opened her mouth knowingly, and a pill flew into her mouth.

The two of them took the Mad God Pill at the same time, their aura suddenly soared, and their strength doubled instantly.

A look of surprise flashed in Suzaku's eyes, but he still smiled confidently, "In the face of absolute strength, even if you use the Berserk Pill, you can't escape death."

"Then try it."

Lu Chen was full of fighting spirit, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger. The volcanic lake seemed to become a battlefield for Shura, and the meaning of death shrouded the entire volcanic lake.

The magic in Xiao Qingchen's body is even worse, she is also a combat madman who becomes more and more courageous as she fights, her soaring sword intent is full of magic, and slaughters everything.

The aura of the two of them suddenly soared, and everyone watching on the shore was startled and shocked.

Where are the limits of these two foundation-building monsters?

Why can the foundation building period be so strong and strong indefinitely?
The eyes of the Son of Suzaku became cold, and the strength enhanced by the two of them after taking the Violence Pill exceeded his expectations.

But he still has the confidence to suppress them.

The Suzaku totem on his forehead glowed blood-red, arousing the Suzaku sacred body to the limit, and the sparrow tail whip in his hand was burning like a real Suzaku.

Sword Eleven: Heavenly Sword Township
Asura destroys soul
The Heavenly Sword manifested again, suppressing the entire Huoyun Mountain.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the Holy League and the Divine League trembled. They were gutted by the sword just now, and they fully activated the defensive shields of the low-level magic weapons of the heavenly rank.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the Zhanmeng were worried, Xiao Qingchen activated the Heavenly Sword again, and he didn't know if his body could hold it.

Geng Le quickly checked the healing elixir he brought, ready to help Xiao Qingchen at any time.

With the Tianjian suppressing the world, the domain triggered by Lu Chen's Shura fingertips also turned Huoyun Mountain into a Shura battlefield.

They trembled, feeling the endless killing and endless terror.

The Heavenly Sword slashed down, and Shura Miehun pointed a shot through the air.

The sparrow tail whip in the hands of the Holy Son of Suzaku let out a low cry, and turned into Suzaku to meet the Heavenly Sword and Shura's soul-killing finger.

Boom, boom, boom.

The Heavenly Sword slashed at Suzaku, and the entire Huoyun Mountain trembled crazily, with rocks cracking everywhere.

The magma in the volcanic lake is also turbulent.

Tianjian cut Suzaku in half and disappeared.

Huang Xing's Asura Miehun finger pierced through the protective aura of the Son of Suzaku, and hit his body of Suzaku.

Suzaku's holy body blocked the finger force, but left a wound, and did not shoot through.

"How dare you hurt my holy body, you will all die today."

The Son of Suzaku roared crazily, and the sparrow tail whip in his hand attacked Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen again.

After all, Xiao Qingchen was only in the early stage of foundation establishment, even with the blessing of the Mad God Pill, it was still very difficult to activate the Heavenly Sword, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, becoming even more magical.

Huang Xing is better than her. He is two small realms higher, and the strength he inspires is within his body's tolerance. He has increased fighting spirit, and his fighting power is getting stronger and stronger.

Xiao Qingchen's body was burning with raging demonic flames, and the Heavenly Sword manifested again, cutting towards Son Suzaku.

Huang Xing's Asura Miehun finger shot out, and it was more powerful than before.


The Holy Son of Suzaku roared in shock, he did not expect that Xiong Er would become stronger as he fought, and even less that Xiao Qingchen would be able to activate the Heavenly Sword again.

When the people watching the battle on the shore saw the Heavenly Sword coming out again, they were all terrified.

She was able to activate the Heavenly Sword continuously, and with the previous one, it was already three times to activate the high-level Heavenly Sword.

Although it only inspired the phantom of the Heavenly Sword.

But this is a heavenly high-level magic weapon.

The pinnacle magic weapon in the cultivation world.

Who dares to confront her?
She is only in the early stage of foundation establishment, how can her body withstand such a strong force?
The Heavenly Sword slashed down, split the Suzaku into pieces, turned into a sparrow-tailed whip, and flew back to the hands of the Son of Suzaku in a dull light.

The Heavenly Sword did not dissipate this time, and slashed at the Son of Suzaku with the might of subduing the world.

(End of this chapter)

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