Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 442 Allure 1 Sword

Chapter 442 Alluring Sword

"Your vitality has merged with the volcanic lake, so I'm afraid you won't be able to leave here?" Huang Xing said mockingly, "What's the point of staying in the volcanic lake for the rest of your life, even if you don't die?"

"That's right, I really can't leave here now." The Son of Suzaku laughed sharply, "But as long as I break through to the Golden Core stage, the law of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm will allow me to escape from here."

Ten years ago, he was seriously injured and fell into the crater lake by Tianle Shengzi and Jiang Yunxiao.

But his Suzaku sacred body was originally a body of flames, so it was not melted by the magma.

Instead, it is the fusion of vitality and volcanic lake, where it can be immortal.

And the golden elixir phantom of rank eight was directly promoted to rank nine.

And the price to pay is that you can't leave the range of the crater lake.

His only solution is to break through to the golden core stage, and let the power of the laws of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm drive him away.

The rules of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm only allow monks under the golden core stage to enter.

In the past, there were monks who broke through to the Golden Core Stage in the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, but they were not killed by the law, but were directly sent out.

The Son of Suzaku believes that as long as he can break through to the golden elixir stage, he can leave here, and he will become an unprecedented nine-turn golden elixir.

Whoever dares to prevent him from obtaining the Fire Cloud Qi is his life and death enemy.

Originally, he didn't want to fight with Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen, he needed to maintain his state at its peak, so that he could be more sure of turning the illusion of the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir into reality.

Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen didn't agree to his conditions, so he made a move. As a result, these two peerless monsters in the foundation establishment period were stronger than he imagined, and they jointly injured him severely.

If it wasn't for being immortal in the volcanic lake, he might have been killed by them.

It is extremely difficult to turn the illusion of the nine-turn golden elixir into reality. Now that his Suzaku sacred body is still seriously damaged, it is even more difficult to break through to the golden elixir stage, so he devours Huo Ling'er without hesitation, trying to refine it Transform her Suzaku spiritual body to restore her own Suzaku holy body.

Now borrowing the power of the volcanic lake, his strength is even stronger. As long as he kills the two people in front of him, no one can stop him from capturing the Fire Cloud Qi.

He is going to return the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, which has never been seen before, to the world of comprehension, and become the real number one evildoer in the world of comprehension.

The flames on Suzaku's body burned even more intensely, turning the sky and the earth red, burning the void.

Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen fought side by side, both of them were exhausted to the extreme, but the Son of Suzaku could continuously borrow the power of the volcanic lake, and if they continued to fight like this, they would definitely lose.

He looked at Suzaku hovering in the void with a sneer and said, "If that's the case, then we'll kill the volcanic lake together and see how you survive."

Seemingly hearing the funniest joke, Son Suzaku laughed wildly and said, "Even Daoist Dongxu can't destroy the volcanic lake, so you guys dare to say destroy the volcanic lake?"

He said arrogantly, "Now, I will show you the true power of Crater Lake."

flames burn nine days

Suzaku spread its flame wings and soared for nine days, and the magma of the volcanic lake rolled into the void like a tsunami.

The magma erupted and the flames burned forever.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the three major alliances retreated again and again in horror, urging the low-level magic weapons of the heavens to stay away from the volcanic lake.

Geng Le and the others were worried about Xiao Qingchen, but they could no longer intervene in the current battle, even if they aroused Si Dou Luopan's power, it would have little effect.

What's more, Long Qi also has a low-level magic weapon in his hand, if they use it, the Holy League will use it to stop it.

"Bear Two."

Yan Hongyi looked at the volcanic lake burned by the flames, and cried out involuntarily, wanting to rush into the volcanic lake.

"Junior Sister Yan, calm down."

Ji Yanran grabbed Yan Hongyi and prevented her from going to die.

No one can intervene in the battle of the crater lake, and now anyone who enters will only have a dead end.

Everyone in the Fang family and Xu Youquan also showed worry on their faces. Under such a terrifying attack, can Xiong Er and Xiao Qingchen survive?

They couldn't see the battle inside clearly, but they could tell by induction that the aura of the Son of Suzaku was getting stronger and stronger.

Although Xiong Er's breath has also strengthened a lot, it is still suppressed by the Son of Suzaku.

"Xiong Er said, let us not intervene no matter what happens." Ji Yanran held Yan Hongyi tightly, dissuading her, "We must believe that Xiong Er will be able to suppress Suzaku Son together with Miss Xiao. At a critical moment, if you rush over, it will only distract him."

After listening to Ji Yanran's persuasion, Yan Hongyi calmed down. The breath of Xiong Er and Xiao Qingchen has not disappeared, and now the three of them are fighting fiercely. Not only can rushing in by himself not help, but it will affect Xiong Er.

She looked at the void that had been burned into blood red by the flames, and said firmly, "Xiong Er and Miss Xiao will definitely win."

The others also nodded resolutely.

Xiong Er has created too many miracles for them all the way, and I hope he can create another miracle now.

Son of Suzaku borrowed the power of the volcanic lake to burn the nine heavens with flames. He was confident that under such an attack, Xiong Er and Xiao Qingchen would be burned to ashes by the fire of Suzaku.

"Light dust."

Huang Xing suddenly took Xiao Qingchen's hand, and shouted softly.

Xiao Qingchen's body trembled slightly, he held Huang Chen's hand tightly, turned around and looked at him tenderly, and shouted in a trembling voice, "Huang Xing."

Huang Xing undid the fusion of the Thousand Illusion Mask, turned back into the original appearance, hugged Xiao Qingchen into his arms, and kissed her delicate lips.

The sky-burning fire blazed, engulfing the figures of the two people.

They forgot to fight, and forgot that the Suzaku fire was still burning the world.

They only had each other in their eyes, embracing and kissing forgetfully.

Seeing Huang Xing's sudden change of appearance, the Son of Suzaku was puzzled.

Then watching him and Xiao Qingchen embrace and kiss, she couldn't believe it.

What's the situation with these two people?
It's ready so soon?
and many more.

Just now Xiao Qingchen called him Huang Xing?
Son of Suzaku overheard the outside conversation in the volcanic lake, and knew that Huang Chen was Xiao Qingchen's Taoist companion, and even saved Xiong Er.

This Xiong Er turned out to be the Huang Xing they were talking about.

His disguise deceived everyone, even himself.

"You are……"

The Son of Suzaku shouted in horror, just as he was about to call out Huang Chen's name, he suddenly felt the aura of destruction.

This breath made him feel like he was in hell, it was the breath of death.


The Son of Suzaku roared in shock, and Suzaku swooped down and rushed into the volcanic lake.

Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen stopped kissing passionately, and they looked at Son Suzaku with their fingers clasped together.

Allure of Love.

A sword appeared between their clasped hands.

The two of them cut out with one sword, cutting off the world.

Suzaku was cut in half, and Crater Lake was cut off from it.

The magma inside stopped beating, and the lake was calm and waveless.

The fire that burned the sky was extinguished, and the sky and the earth returned to clarity.

(End of this chapter)

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