Chapter 445
Slight revision at the end of the previous chapter, please re-read it.


Heaven-level magic weapons rarely recognize their masters.

Huo Ling'er and Suzaku Son can use the Sparrow's Tail Whip only because they have the Suzaku Spirit Body and Suzaku Holy Body, and the Sparrow's Tail Whip allows them to use their own power.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the three major alliances even feed their own low-level magic weapons with blood essence before they can use them.

Moreover, the power they inspire is only the limit used during the alchemy period.

Only in the hands of the ancestors in the Mahayana period or even the transcending tribulation period can a heavenly magic weapon exert its true power.

In the eyes of Qi Ling, the heavenly magic weapon, the Tianjiao and evildoers of the three major alliances are just their juniors.

Only Xiao Qingchen really let the Heavenly Sword recognize her as the master, and the higher her cultivation base, the more powerful the Heavenly Sword can be aroused.

Now the bird tail whip is willing to recognize Huang Xing as the master, so Huang Xing can truly control him.

Huang Xing didn't refuse this time, for the sake of Suzaku's eggs, he agreed to let the sparrow tail whip recognize the master.

Wudiqiang told him that the holy beast Suzaku existed beyond the Tribulation Transcendence Period, and that even ordinary ascended immortals were far inferior to the holy beast Suzaku.

If you can find a Suzaku egg to hatch it, it would be good to get it as a mount.

Seeing that Huang Xing did not refuse, the spirit of the sparrow tail whip said happily, "Master, please drop a drop of blood on me, and then I can recognize you as master."

Huang Xing was about to drip blood to make the sparrow-tailed whip recognize the master, when Geng Le's voice came from his ear, "Brother Xiong, the heaven-rank magic weapons of other forces cannot be refined, and it is useless to keep them. If you forcibly intercept the sparrow-tailed whip, I'm afraid The experts from Suzaku Holy Land will come to ask for it back."

Seeing Huang Chen refining the sparrow tail whip, Geng Le frowned slightly, and reminded him.

The major forces have fought for thousands of years, and there have been incidents of winning the heavenly magic weapons of other forces, but all of them require ancestors above the Mahayana stage to suppress and subdue the heavenly magic weapons of other forces.

Although Geng Le was shocked by Xiong Er's strength, he didn't believe that he could refine the sparrow tail whip, and it would be troublesome to keep it.

Huang Chen looked up at Geng Le, shrugged his shoulders and said innocently, "I didn't want to keep the sparrow tail whip, but he insisted on staying to recognize me as the master, and he can't be driven away, and I can't help it."

His words froze Geng Le's face, and he didn't know how to answer the words. This Xiong Er was talking nonsense with his eyes open, how could the sparrow tail whip take the initiative to recognize him as the master?
The Tianjiao and evildoers of the Holy League are all angry and annoyed, but they dare not speak out. Xiong Erming is forcibly stopping the bird tail whip, and shamelessly said that the bird tail whip wants to recognize him as the master and does not want to leave.

Under everyone's questioning eyes, Huang Xing let go of the sparrow tail whip, and asked it with a half-smile, "Do you want to go back to the Vermillion Bird Holy Land, or do you want to stay and follow me?"

The spirit of the sparrow tail whip was terrified after being refined by Huang Xing, so he didn't dare to run, so he circled around him to show his position.

Everyone looked at the sparrow tail whip circling around Huang Chen, and they were all stunned.

"Impossible! How could you subdue the Sparrow Tail Whip?"

A disciple of Suzaku Holy Land in the Holy League shouted in disbelief.

Huang Xing looked at him and smiled calmly, "Maybe because I'm handsome."

He held the sparrow tail whip with a faint smile, and whipped it towards the disciple of the Suzaku Holy Land.

Seeing Huang Xing's sudden attack, the Tianjiao and evildoers of the Holy League all frightened and dodged, and no one dared to stop him.


The sparrow tail whip hit the disciple of the Suzaku Holy Land, and a raging flame ignited.

Ah, ah...

That person was only turning four rounds of alchemy, how could he escape the whip, and was burned to ashes screaming.

Hearing the heart-piercing screams, the Tianjiao and evildoers of the Holy League were all terrified, thankful that they hadn't talked too much just now, otherwise Xiong Er would have shot directly if they disagreed, and they didn't know how they died.

Huang Chen killed the disciples of Suzaku Holy Land with one whip, and boasted carefully while holding the whip, "Not bad, it's quite handy."

He doesn't have the whip martial skill, and his power is less than one in ten. If he cultivates the level 10 whip martial skill and paired with the sparrow tail whip, his combat power can be raised to another level.

His decisive killing made the Tianjiao and evildoers of the Holy League and the League of Gods tremble with fear. They didn't dare to take a breath when they stood still, for fear of offending the killer.

Geng Le couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat. Fortunately, Xiao Qingchen was in command during this trip, otherwise he would most likely join forces with the Holy League and the Divine League to deal with Xiong Er.

He didn't dare to dissuade Huang Xing any more, and stood on the shore silently as a bystander.

There was no sound on Huoyun Mountain, Huang Xing forced a drop of blood onto the sparrow's tail whip, and suddenly the red light shone, and a mysterious power from the sparrow's tail whip entered his body, allowing him to truly control the sparrow's tail.

The red light lasted for more than ten seconds, and the three major alliances Tianjiao and evildoers who were watching were all shocked, and the bird tail whip actually recognized Xiong Er as the master.

The artifact spirits of the heavenly magic weapon are very proud, and the conditions for recognizing their master are very strict.

The heavenly magic weapons of the major forces rarely recognize their masters again after the fall of their first generation masters.

They are all enshrined by the major forces as their heritage.

Only when a real dragon-level evildoer appears, the major forces will ask for a heaven-level magic weapon to be temporarily used by him.

I also hope that the evildoer of the real dragon level can be recognized by the heavenly magic weapon and recognize him as the master.

The heaven-level magic weapons of the major forces will not be easily betrayed, unless they are forcibly refined by the ancestors above the Mahayana stage of other forces.

Now the sky-rank magic weapon of the Vermillion Bird Holy Land, the Sparrow Tail Whip, actually recognizes Xiong Er as the master.

Could it be that Xiong Er betrayed the Holy Land of Suzaku because of his incomparable monstrosity that made Quetail Whip surrender?

Or is it really what Xiong Er said, because he is handsome?

They didn't think about it, Xiong Er in the foundation building stage could forcibly kill the spirit of the sparrow tail whip.


After acknowledging the master with a drop of blood, the spirit of the Sparrow Tail Whip became very obedient, and greeted him respectfully.

Huang Xing circulated the power of good fortune to send a ray into the whip of the bird's tail, and said calmly, "Heal your injury first, and then tell me about the Suzaku egg in detail after the matter here is over."

Qi Ling was severely injured by Qingcheng Zhilian, and the power of good fortune entered the sparrow tail whip to wrap it up and nourish it.

It could feel that this power was the power that refined it just now, and was shocked by the strength of Huang Xing's good fortune.

Whether to warm up or kill, it's all in his mind.

Qi Ling said respectfully, "Thank you, Master, for the reward."

Huang Xing put the sparrow tail whip into the storage space, and then looked at Yan Hongyi who was refining the fire cloud energy.

The Tianjiao and evildoers of the three major alliances stared dumbfounded at the sparrow tail whip and recognized Huang Chen as the master, and only after he put it away did he come back to his senses.

The blood moon was in the sky, Yan Hongyi was dressed in red, and the blood moon shone on her body, making her look even more red.

The power of the fire cloud continuously poured into her body, converging on her golden core phantom.

As long as necessary, she can directly use the power of Huoyun Qi to increase the success rate of the transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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