Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 454 Yingchuan Jiang Family

Chapter 454 Yingchuan Jiang Family

Xiao Qingchen knew that Huang Xing would come over tonight, so the door was left open.

As soon as Huang Xing entered the room, he removed the disguise of the Thousand Magic Mask and restored his original appearance.

Xiao Qingchen looked at the familiar figure in front of him, as if in a dream.

"This mask is called Thousand Illusion Mask, which can change appearance and aura."

Holding the removed Thousand Illusion Mask in his hand, Huang Chen walked up to Xiao Qingchen and said.

Xiao Qingchen raised his hand, gently stroked Huang Chen's handsome face, and suddenly squeezed it hard.


Huang Xing was suddenly attacked, he grinned in pain and took a sharp breath, and shouted, "Why, you want to murder your husband!"

Xiao Qingchen said with a sweet smile, "I want to confirm whether you are really Huang Xing."

Huang Xing hugged her tightly into his arms, and bit her hard.

What's worse is that the two of them are so powerful that they almost lose their temper.

If it wasn't for Huang Xing's moderation, it is estimated that they would become the first pair of peerless monsters who were suffocated because they bit their mouths.

Lu Chen reluctantly let go of Xiao Qingchen's hand, took a bite, and asked teasingly, "Have you confirmed it now?"

"Not yet, I have to confirm again."

Xiao Qingchen was not as cold as ice in front of outsiders, he answered playfully, and then pushed Huang Xing to...

Huang Xing was pushed back in this way, but he was content with it, enjoying it...

The two of them almost died again, and Xiao Qingchen spared Lu Xing.

Lu Chen put his arms around Xiao Qingchen and smiled, "Have you confirmed it? Do you want to confirm it again?"

Xiao Qingchen's small face was slightly shy, very cute and charming, she whispered shyly, "It's confirmed, you are my Huang Xing."

Lu Xing happily squeezed Xiao Qingchen's pink face and smiled, "Be good, wife Qingchen, hurry up and call your husband to listen."

Xiao Qingchen buried her face on Huang Xing's chest, and shouted in a voice like fine lines, "Husband."

The room suddenly fell silent.

Quiet only the sound of each other's heartbeat.

Plop plop.



Xiao Qingchen leaned on Huang Chen's shoulder in a leaning manner, and whispered about what happened after he came to the world of cultivation.

Huang Xing hugged her gently, listening to her quietly.

After the two talked to each other, it was...

When they woke up the next day, both Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen were radiant and more energetic.

Looking at the even more lovely beauty, Huang Xing murmured in his heart: Women still need the nourishment of love to be more beautiful, and love is the truth.

The world of comprehension is much more conservative about matters between men and women.

The main reason is that in their cultivation system, keeping Yuanyin and Yuanyang can make cultivation more effective.

Especially for women, maintaining a virgin body is of great benefit to cultivation.

Huang Xing didn't know whether the theory of the cultivation world was right or wrong, but after Xiao Qingchen became his woman, he didn't find any effect on his cultivation.

After Xiao Qingchen took care of Lu Chen to wash up, the two continued on their way to Feitian Tower and took the flying magic boat to Yingchuan City.

The Jiang family in Yingchuan is a family of elixir, so they have a high prestige among the middle-level forces, and they have very close relationships with some nearby families and sects.

"Qingchen, should we go directly to Jiang's house to find Xu Youquan, or should we investigate secretly first?"

When the two arrived in Yingchuan City, Lu Chen asked Xiao Qingchen.

Xiao Qingchen answered bluntly, "Go directly to Jiang's house."

Her way of handling things is simple and likes to speak with a sword in her hand.

Huang Chen smiled lightly, "Okay, then we'll come to the door directly and see what tricks the Jiang family is playing."

Today is the No. 17 day since I came out of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm. Huang Xing's gold coins have gradually increased to 183570. You can buy Good Fortune Pills at any time to upgrade your cultivation base to the early stage of alchemy. Identity, this trip to Jiang's family is full of confidence.

The Jiang family is the first family in Yingchuan City, so Huang Xing found the location of the Jiang family just by asking around.

When the two arrived at the gate of Jiang's Villa, they were stopped by the guards, "Stop the visitor, which faction do you two come from? Do you have a greeting card?"

Huang Chen shook his head, and said calmly, "Loose cultivator Xiong Er, there is no invitation."

When the guard heard that it was a casual cultivator, and there was no greeting card, he said impatiently, "This is the Jiang Family Villa, and no idlers can enter. Get out of here quickly."

The Jiang family is a family of pills, and there are often monks who seek medicines and pills.

"Who is making noise here?"

Before Huang Xing could answer, a voice came from the side, and a group of monks in Chinese clothes came over, and the leading young man asked with a haughty expression.

"Third young master, come back."

When the guard saw the young man, a flattering smile appeared on his face, and he said, "It's just two casual practitioners, they should be here to ask for medicine."

The third young master looked at Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen indifferently, and said impatiently, "Hurry up and drive them away, don't block Mr. Shi's way."

"It's the third young master, I will drive them away." The guard nodded and bowed quickly when he heard the third young master's words.

Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen originally turned their backs to the Third Young Master and the others, but when they heard their conversation, they turned around.

When the group of people saw Xiao Qingchen, they couldn't help being stunned.

There are amazing women in the world!
Next to the third young master of the Jiang family was a young man in black, his eyes were shining brightly, and he smiled at Xiao Qingchen, "I'm in Xiahua Tianfu, Shi Yong, just tell me what pill you want, girl."

Hua Tianfu is a third-rank force, and Shi Yong is the son of Shi in the mouth of the third young master of the Jiang family, the arrogance of the mid-stage five-turn Golden Core.

Just as the guard raised his hand to chase away people, when he heard Shi Yong's words, he quickly stopped his movements and withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

Lu Xing said with a faint smile, "I'm afraid you won't be able to get the elixir we're looking for."

Shi Yong saw that Lu Chen looked down on him, and a stern look flashed in his eyes, but he didn't burst out, instead he kept smiling and said to Xiao Qingchen, "It's just the pill that the girl wants, I can give it to the girl."

He saw that Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen were young, they didn't seem to have high levels of cultivation, and the level of pills they needed would definitely not be very high.

Lu Chen calmly said, "Do you have the Huoyun Pill refined by Huoyunhua?"

The third young master of the Jiang family's expression changed when he heard Huang Xing's words.

A few days ago, something happened in the clan, which was related to Huoyunhua and Huoyundan.

This matter is a secret among the clan, how could he know?
Shi Yong's face darkened, and he said in a cold voice, "Huoyunhua is a natural treasure, and I have never heard that it can be refined into a elixir. You are using it for fun. Do you know the consequences?"

Huang Chen looked at the third young master of the Jiang family, and said with a half-smile, "You haven't heard of it, it's because you are ignorant. If you don't believe me, you can ask the third young master beside you, can Huoyunhua be refined into Huoyundan?"

(End of this chapter)

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