Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 456 Xu Youquan's Best Friend

Chapter 456 Xu Youquan's Best Friend
Xiao Qingchen asked in a cold voice, "The Jiang family can refine Huoyun Pill with Huoyun Flower, is there such a thing?"

Jiang Tianming shook his head and said, "I haven't heard that anyone can refine Huoyun Pill, but I don't know all about the alchemy method of the elders in the family. Please come in first, Sword Master Xiao, and I will ask the elders in the family."

Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen looked at Jiang Tianming as if he didn't seem to be lying, it seemed that he didn't know about Xu Youquan's matter.

After all, Xu Youquan is only at the alchemy stage, and if the Jiang family master wants to deal with him, there will be no big disturbances, and the rest of the Jiang family may not know.

They looked at Jiang Haoyu, this Jiang Sanshao is the son of the Jiang Patriarch, and he had such a big reaction just now, so he might know about it.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Elder Jiang doesn't need to ask the elders of the Jiang family, just ask the head of the Jiang family."

Jiang Tianming frowned slightly and asked, "What does Mr. Xiong mean?"

After all, the battle for the Fire Cloud Secret Realm was just a battle of Tianjiao and monsters in the alchemy period. He didn't pay much attention to it. He just heard that Jianzong had a Heavenly Sword Master. He didn't know Xiong Er's name, but he and Xiao Qingchen Along with him, Jiang Tianming did not dare to underestimate him.

Lu Chen said in a deep voice, "Patriarch Jiang told me that he could use Huoyunhua to refine Huoyundan to cure his sister's Jiuyin cold syndrome, but he brought Huoyunhua to Jiang's house and sent me a message for help." If there is no message, there will be no audio."

Jiang Tianming's complexion changed. If this matter is true, it might be a bit tricky. He could only use a tactic to delay the attack and said, "Don't be impatient, Mr. Xiong. Maybe there is some misunderstanding in this. Please come inside first, and this matter will be dealt with later." After we find out, we will definitely give Xiao Jianzhu and Mr. Xiong an explanation.

The guards beside them were too frightened to speak, and Jiang Haoyu's group looked at Xiao Qingchen in a daze. They never thought that this young woman, who was younger than them, had such a distinguished status.

Then, Jiang Tianming said to Jiang Haoyu, "Haoyu, hurry up and tell your father Jianzong Xiao Jianzhu to come to visit and ask him to discuss matters in the living room."

He vaguely guessed that this matter had something to do with Patriarch Jiang, and asked Jiang Haoyu to inform him so that he could make early preparations.

Xiao Qingchen saw what he was thinking, and said domineeringly, "No need, let Patriarch Jiang come out and answer directly."

As she said, the killing demon sword intent on her body burst out in an instant, and one hundred and eight thousand swords enveloped the entire Jiang family.

Her current cultivation base is still too low, and the power of one hundred and eight thousand swords alone is not great, but the range is so wide that it is not a problem at all to cover the huge Jiang family villa.

When it comes to group battles, even Huang Xing can't compare to her now.

The sudden burst of power made everyone around tremble with fear, and Xiao Qingchen's domineering made Jiang Tianming turn pale with shock.

This Heavenly Sword Sword Master really doesn't give the Jiang family face at all.

It is a naked provocation to envelop the entire Jiang family with sword intent.

Lu Chen and Xiao Qingchen walked directly over the Jiang family. Jiang Tianming didn't dare to do anything to Xiao Qingchen, so he led everyone to follow, and could only wait for the family elders to deal with the matter.

One hundred and eight thousand swords enveloped the Jiang family, and the monks of the Jiang family sensed it immediately.

Everyone was furious. Someone dared to directly call on the Jiang family to provoke the Jiang family. I was really impatient.

Jiang Tianyou, the head of the Jiang family, also sensed the sword intent, and his face darkened. As the head of the Jiang family, he wanted to see who would dare to come to the Jiang family to act wildly.

"A daring lunatic who dares to act wildly in the Jiang family, really doesn't know whether he is dead or alive."

The monks of the Jiang family all rose into the air, blocking the way of Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen. Jiang Tianyou saw that Jiang Tianming behind them did not stop the two from provoking the Jiang family. He became suspicious and asked in a deep voice, " Tianming, what's going on here?"

Jiang Tianming quickly introduced, "Patriarch, this is Sword Master Xiao of the Sword Sect Zhenzong Tianjian."

Everyone in the Jiang family was shocked when they heard Jiang Tianming's introduction.

During this period of time, Zhanmeng made several major events:

One is that the Confucian Daoist Longsu successfully broke through to the Mahayana period.

Second, Zhanmeng won the battle.

The third is the high-level magic weapon of Jianzong Heaven, and Zhenzong Tianjian has already recognized its master.

They just heard that the sword master of the Heavenly Sword is an evildoer of the younger generation, but they didn't expect it to be the stunning woman in front of them.

No wonder there is such a terrifying sword intent.

No wonder he dared to blatantly cover the Jiang family with sword intent.

Jiang Tianyou's face turned ugly, and he said to Xiao Qingchen in a cold voice, "The Jiang family has always abided by the rules of the war alliance, why did Sword Master Xiao insult the Jiang family so lightly?"

The Zhanmeng is composed of major forces, so naturally there are some rules that need to be followed by the major forces.

Although small powers generally dare not offend big powers, and disciples of big powers are courteous, but being bullied like this in full view, if they keep silent, it will make people look down on them even more.

Moreover, the Jiang family is not a subsidiary force of Jianzong, but is backed by the second-rank sect Tianluozong.

Although Xiao Qingchen has a distinguished status and ranks as the master of the Sword Sect, she is still a junior after all, her cultivation is only at the foundation stage, and she has no real power in the Sword Sect, it is more of a symbolic meaning.

If she came to visit normally, the Jiang family would naturally greet her politely with a low profile.

But she was not a good person. If the Jiang family was humiliated by her at will, how could it gain a foothold in the cultivation world if the news spread?

Several big Nascent Soul monsters of the Jiang family surrounded Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen, both of them remained expressionless.

Xiao Qingchen asked in a cold voice, "Patriarch Jiang, ten days ago Xu Youquan brought Huoyunhua to Jiang's family to refine Huoyun Pill to treat his sister's Nine Yin Cold Syndrome. I wonder if there is such a thing?"

Jiang Tianyou was terrified when he heard the words, he didn't expect Xiao Qingchen to come here for this matter.

After all, he had been in a high position for a long time, and he was used to seeing strong winds and waves. He was shocked in his heart, but he said without changing his face, "This is indeed the case."

Xiao Qingchen asked again, "Then where are their brothers and sisters now?"

A young man beside Jiang Tianyou bowed his hands and replied, "I'm Jiang Haohai, I have met Sword Master Xiao. Brother Xu and I are best friends. Youyou has been staying at Jiang's house for treatment since the onset of Jiuyin Cold three months ago. Brother Xu He took Youyou away on the second day after practicing Huoyun Pill. I originally asked him to wait for Youyou to recover from the Jiuyin cold syndrome before leaving, but he seemed to have something urgent to do, so he took Youyou away in a hurry, five days I also sent a message to ask him if Yoyo’s Jiuyin cold syndrome has been cured, but I have not received a reply, and I am also in a hurry to find him.”

Jiang Haohai asked worriedly, "Did something happen to Brother Xu?"

Looking at the pretending Jiang Haohai, Huang Xing sneered in his heart.

Before he and Xiao Qingchen came, he thought that the Jiang family might insist that the Xu Youquan brothers and sisters had left.

After all, the Jiang family is a fifth-rank family of the Zhanmeng, backed by the Tianluozong. Without evidence, even the Jianzong can't kill him for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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