Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 458 Fighting Yuan Ying

Chapter 458 Fighting Yuan Ying
The atmosphere above the villa was tense instantly, and the members of the Jiang family surrounded Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen.

Looking at Huang Xing, they all felt that this young man was so arrogant that he didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

Did he think that relying on Xiao Qingchen's power, he could do whatever he wanted?
It was just killing a casual cultivator of alchemy and wanting the head of the Jiang family to pay for his life?
Who gave him the courage to say such a thing?
Even Jiang Tianqi, who wished for Jiang Tianyou's misfortune, just wanted to take advantage of the situation to make him suffer, and he could use this incident to make a fuss in the future.

Jiang Tianyou laughed back angrily, "Young man, I advise you not to push your boundaries. The Jiang family is not a place for you to run wild. For Xiao Jianzhu's sake, the promise just now is still valid."

He was frank about what he had done and offered full sincerity to make compensation, which had already given Xiao Qingchen enough face.

After all, Xu Youquan was just a casual cultivator, not a disciple of Jianzong, and even Jianzong wouldn't say much about his handling.

Now that a little Foundation Establishment Loose Cultivator Xiong Er dared to call for his life, did he really think that with Xiao Qingchen's power, he was afraid of him?

The Nascent Soul aura on Jiang Tianyou's body was released, and the terrifying power shrouded the mountain villa, and he said to Xiao Qingchen in a harmonious voice, "The Jiang family is in awe of Sword Master Xiao and Sword Sect, and I didn't know Xu Youquan and Xiao Qingchen beforehand. The sword master knows, otherwise I wouldn't dare to attack him even if I had ten guts, the matter has come to this point, and I know that I have made a big mistake, and I am willing to show enough sincerity to compensate your friend, what is Xiao Jian's idea?"

As long as Xiao Qingchen agrees that his compensation will not be pursued, Xiong Er's opinion is irrelevant.

Xiao Qingchen said coldly and magically, "It's only right and proper to kill people for their lives."

Her words stunned everyone in the Jiang family, Jiang Tianyou's smiling face must have darkened, and he said in a cold voice, "Sword Master Xiao, don't force people too much."

"How about forcing you?"

Xiao Qingchen's icy voice made people feel chills all over.

Jiang Tianyou clenched his fists tightly, holding a resentment in his chest. A majestic Nascent Soul cultivator and the head of the Jiang family was so despised by two foundation-establishment monks.

Does she also think that she can kill herself at will by relying on her status?
I am a middle-stage Nascent Soul, and I am afraid that these two foundation-building stages will fail.

He was resentful in his heart, but he didn't dare to do anything to Xiao Qingchen.

He thought that when he really did something, he had to keep his hands off Xiao Qingchen, so that he could explain to Jianzong.


In the void, a destructive sword intent condensed and suppressed the entire Jiang family villa.

Sword Eleven: Heavenly Sword Township
As soon as the Heavenly Sword came out, the sky and the earth changed color.

All the monks of the Jiang family were terrified.

The sword intent of destroying heaven and earth fell towards Jiang Tianyou.

Jiang Tianyou was startled and angry, his body burst into aura, and he punched Tianjian with his fist.


Heavenly Sword Sword Intent and Fist Shadow disappeared together.

The members of the Jiang family hurriedly withdrew from the battle circle, they never expected that Xiao Qingchen would actually make a move.

What's the use of the two foundation building stages against the Nascent Soul stage?
The power of the Heavenly Sword sword is terrifying, but it is only used in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and it is still too reluctant to deal with the Nascent Soul Stage.

Huang Xing's Shura Soul Extinguishing Finger also shot out at the same time, Jiang Tianyou blocked the sword intent of the Heavenly Sword, saw the force of the finger breaking through, surrounded by Gang Qi, and blocked it.

Jiang Tianyou blocked Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen's young masters, and he was more powerful. He said arrogantly, "Xiao Jianzhu is aggressive, and I can only offend him."

Huang Xing's finger was easily blocked, as expected.

The difference in cultivation between the two is too big, there is a difference of three big realms between the Foundation Establishment Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage.

A sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth, and he took out the sparrow tail whip from the storage space and held it in his hand.

The phantom of Suzaku emerged and surrounded him.

The Nine Layers of Subduing Dragon Whip.

Holding the whip in his hand, Huang Xing directly spent 25600 gold coins to buy the level 10 whip martial skill.

In an instant, more insights into the way of whipping appeared in his mind, and the sparrow tail whip sensed his way of whipping, and Suzaku uttered a long cry in response to him.

Everyone in the Jiang family sensed the breath of the sparrow tail whip, and looked at Huang Xing in horror.

What magic weapon is this?
It's like having life.

This is definitely not an earth-level magic weapon.

Could it be that this is the legendary heavenly magic weapon?
Who is he?
Didn't you say it was just a casual cultivator?

How could there be a heavenly magic weapon?

Everyone gasped in their hearts, and they all guessed Huang Xing's identity.

Jiang Tianyou felt startled, his eyelids twitched, his attitude softened again, and he asked, "Which old ancestor is Mr. Xiong?"

Among the casual cultivators, there are also a few hidden ancestors who cannot be provoked.

Xiong Er can take out the magic weapon of heaven rank, could it be the apprentice of those hidden ancestors?
They didn't know that Huang Xing's sparrow tail whip was snatched from Suzaku Holy Land.

The monks rarely use the heavenly magic weapon, and the sparrow tail whip is a thing of the sacred place of the holy alliance, because they have never seen it.

"You don't deserve to know my master's name."

Lu Chen said in a cold voice, dispelled the Mad God Pill in his body, and swung his whip towards Jiang Tianyou.

If the two of them took the Mad God Pill during the battle, it would easily attract suspicion, so he and Xiao Qingchen swallowed the Mad God Pill before coming to Jiang's house, but wrapped it with spiritual energy, which did not dissolve its medicinal power.

The Mad God Pill melted, and its power traveled through the 38 spiritual veins in his body, instantly doubling his strength.

The sparrow tail whip split the space, and the flame Suzaku rushed towards Jiang Tianyou.

Holding the sword in his hand, Xiao Qingchen also dissipated the medicinal power of the Mad God Pill in his body.

Sword Eight: Slashing the Sky and Pulling the Sword

A bloody light cut out, as fast as lightning.

Boom, boom, boom.

Seeing the attack of the two, Jiang Tianyou's face became serious.

The strength of the two exceeded his expectations.

But after all, he was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and his body was full of aura. With a loud shout, he blasted towards Xue Jian and Suzaku.

The other monks of the Jiang family all retreated to the sidelines to watch the battle.

In their view, Jiang Tianyou in the mid-Yuanying period was more than enough to deal with two foundation cultivators.

Xiao Qingchen's identity as the master of the Heavenly Sword is right there.

It is impossible for the Jiang family to kill them, they just want them to retreat.

Xiao Qingchen and Lu Chen flew up into the sky at the same time, killing Jiang Tianyou.

The two faced the middle stage of Nascent Soul without any timidity.

Huang Xing has a sparrow tail whip boost, and with the training for more than ten days, his combat power is much stronger than when he was in Huoyunshan.

Xiao Qingchen's comprehension of the way of the sword is also advancing rapidly, and when he came out of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, he had already broken through to the middle stage of foundation establishment.

The two teamed up to besiege Jiang Tianyou, causing this Nascent Soul cultivator to fall into a hard fight.

Everyone in the Jiang family was watching the battle, and the more they watched, the more frightened they became.

These two are really just in the foundation building stage?

Shi Yong felt the deepest, he is the arrogance in the middle stage of rank five golden core.

It is almost impossible to leapfrog the Nascent Soul monster.

The higher the cultivation base, the harder it is to fight across the ranks.

Because ordinary golden core monks cannot break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

Those who can become Nascent Soul monsters are almost all those who started with Rank [-] Golden Elixir, and they were the arrogance themselves when they were young.

The higher the realm, the harder it is to break through, and those who can break through are the best among them.

So it is more difficult to fight across the ranks.

If you are in the mid-stage of rank five golden elixir, if you meet a Nascent Soul monster at random, maybe someone else was a rank five golden elixir a hundred years ago, what a fart!

Xiong Er and Xiao Qingchen's two foundation-building periods unexpectedly fought inextricably with Jiang Tianyou.

(End of this chapter)

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