Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 463 Expelling Cold Poison

Chapter 463 Expelling Cold Poison
Lu Chen said with a faint smile, "For the sake of Master Lu, I'll spare his life, but this Mr. Jiang is also the mastermind, so he should be punished as well."

He looked at Jiang Haohai, who was paralyzed on the ground in shock, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He understood that Lu Benjian took the initiative to abolish Jiang Tianyou, in fact, he wanted to save his life.

In any case, the Jiang family is attached to Tianluozong. If they are killed directly, it will also chill the small forces attached to Tianluozong.

Lu Benjian acted first and abolished Jiang Tianyou directly, showing enough respect for him and Xiao Qingchen.

In this way, they would be embarrassed to make further progress and kill Jiang's father and son.

If Lu Benjian hadn't been there, Jiang Xiaofeng would have stopped them from killing Jiang's father and son.

Huang Xing knew that it was because he and Xiao Qingchen's strength was too low.

If the two of them have the strength to suppress and kill Daoist Dongxu, I am afraid that the elders of the Jiang family will be the first to jump out and kill Jiang's father and son to apologize to them.

Now it is only relying on Xiao Qingchen's identity that Tian Luozong and Jiang's family can reach such a level.

After listening to Huang Xing's words, Lu Benjian didn't hesitate to capture Jiang Haohai and immediately abolish his cultivation.

Huang Chen expressed his attitude with a smile, "Thank you, Master Lu, for upholding justice, and this is the end of the Jiang family's affairs."

He didn't dwell on the matter any more, and the guards of the Jiang family carried Jiang Tianyou and Jiang Haohai out.

Then Jiang Xiaoyun returned the Huoyunhua brought by Xu Youquan, and took three high-level earth-level pills and more than ten middle-level and low-level earth-level pills to make amends to Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen.

Although the Jiang family is an alchemy family, taking out so many pills at one time is still hurting.

Huang Xing didn't stay long, and after saying goodbye to Lu Benjian, he left Jiang's house with everyone.

They found a restaurant in Yingchuan City to live in, and planned to use Huoyunhua to suppress Xu Youyou's cold symptoms first.

In the training room, there were only Huang Xing and Xu Youyou.

Huang Xing took out Huo Yunhua and said, "I'll help you refine Huo Yunhua to suppress cold syndrome, the process will be very painful, you have to be patient."

Xu Youyou said softly and delicately, "Second Master, don't worry, Youyou can bear it."

It's best for them to sit cross-legged, so Huang Xing started to help her refine Huoyunhua.

Xu Youyou's pure yin body was not properly guided, and her physique was destroyed, with thousands of holes and cold poison gathered in her spiritual veins.

Huang Xing urged the power of Huoyunhua to clear away the cold poison in her body. Xu Youyou's body fluctuated from hot to cold, like falling into an ice cave for a while, and burning in flames for a while.

She bit her lips tightly, enduring the pain of the two heavens of ice and fire.

As time passed, Xu Youyou's will gradually became a little blurred, and she hummed in pain.

The soft groaning sound reached Huang Xing's ears, which almost made his breath a little messy.

Huang Xing calmed down his breath, and concentrated on helping Xu Youyou get rid of the cold poison.

It took about an hour before Huang Xing helped her refine Huo Yunhua.

The cold poison in her body was basically eliminated.

But treating the symptoms is not the root cause, with the continuous awakening of the pure yin body, the cold poison will still attack.

It is still necessary to use Huoyao Pill to help her completely recuperate her body.

Xu Youyou had already fainted from the pain, Huang Xing looked at the girl who was drenched in sweat, and admired her strength.

The torment of the two heavens of ice and fire is not something ordinary people can bear.

She didn't even cry out in pain.

But that biting lip, moaning in a low voice was really ecstasy.

Huang Xing took out one of his own clothes and put it on Xu Youyou, then picked her up and walked out of the training room.

Everyone was already waiting for them outside the practice room.

When Xu Youquan saw them coming out, he quickly asked, "Second Master, how is Yoyo?"

Huang Xing said, "The cold poison has been completely dispelled, but it will still recur in the future. When the time comes, I will give her the fire-type elixir. After seven to four or nine days, the pure yin body will be perfectly awakened."

When Xu Youquan heard that his sister was fine, he said gratefully, "Thank you, Second Master. Youquan can't repay the kindness that Second Master has shown us to rebuild our brothers and sisters. From now on, I will let Second Master order me, and I will spare no effort."

Huang Xing carried Xu Youyou to the bed, covered her with the quilt, and said to everyone, "Let's go out first, and she will be fine when she wakes up."

Everyone exited the room and came to the hall, Lu Chen smiled at Xiao Qingchen, "Sword Master Xiao, you might as well just let it go, if we all use the magic weapon of the heaven rank, I'm afraid we will only lose."

The power of the heavenly magic weapon is too strong, their offense is strong and their defense is weak, if the two attack against each other, they will only lose.

Xiao Qingchen nodded, and said coldly, "Okay."

The two of them told Ji Yanran to tell her why they didn't compete.

The four of them were a little tired and went back to their rooms to rest.

With Ji Yanran and Xu Youquan's two light bulbs around, Huang Xing naturally couldn't sneak into Xiao Qingchen's room anymore. After the two returned to their room, they chatted sweetly with the Jade Talisman of Communication.

The two of them had already bought a large number of communication jade charms in the passing city.

Even if a spirit stone is gone, they don't think it's a waste, and the chat is hot.

The next day, Xu Youyou also woke up, without the torment of the cold poison, her face was much rosier.

Xu Youquan took her to thank Huang Chen a thousand times.

Everyone gathered in the hall, Huang Xing asked Xu Youquan, "Youquan, have you considered your future?"

Xu Youquan said with a firm gaze, "Youquan swears allegiance to the second master to the death, and is willing to follow the second master on the saddle."

Huang Xing asked again, "What about your sister?"

Before Xu Youquan answered, Xu Youyou said, "Youyou's life was given by the second master. If the second master doesn't dislike it, let you stay by your side as a slave and maidservant to serve the second master."

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "Youquan, your aptitude is good, but the level of the cultivation method is too low, the higher the cultivation base, the more you will suffer. You should first go to Fang's house in Huai'an City to find a dialect, and practice "Guiyuan Gong" with her , I will help you find a suitable exercise for you in the future."

The grade of "Guiyuan Gong" is not high, but it is even inclusive, and it is easy to transfer to other exercises.

The big powers discovered the Tianjiao evildoers in the loose cultivation, and they were not very keen to accept them as their disciples, because the cultivation methods might not be suitable, and it was very difficult to specialize in cultivation.

Unless it just fits their cultivation method, or is like Huang Xing, a peerless evildoer who is unrivaled, the big forces will try to win them over.

When Xu Youquan heard that he could practice more advanced exercises, his face showed joy, and he said gratefully, "Thank you, Second Lord."

Huang Chen nodded, looked at Xu Youyou and said, "You have a pure yin body, I think those superpowers will be happy to include you in the sect, you follow me for a while, and wait for your pure yin body to fully awaken, I'll help you find a good teacher."

The superpower refers to the Holy Land and the first-rank power. There are very few special physiques in the cultivation world, and there are only a handful of them among the younger generation. Some sects accept her as a disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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