Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 467 Fighting alone with the ghost monster

Chapter 467 Fighting alone with the ghost monster

As long as they break through the big realm, there will be some movement to some extent.

The old ghost, the ghost, couldn't understand why Xiong Er was able to break through to the alchemy stage under his nose.

But so what if he breaks through?
Now that Xiao Qingchen is not around, he still has full confidence in suppressing Xiong Er.

It's just a little more troublesome than before.

With one finger, Huang Chen killed the late-stage cultivator of the third round of alchemy, shocking everyone.

They felt chills in their hearts, and if this finger came towards them, they would not be able to react.

This Xiong Er also directly formed the aura of alchemy on his body, but it was enough to kill them instantly.

Zhou Yafu looked at Huang Xing in amazement, and greeted him with cupped hands, "Mr. Xiong..."

He didn't know what to say next.

Should he bear the wrath of Nascent Soul boss alone?

Or would they keep him safe?

Huang Xing looked at Zhou Yafu, and didn't mind his hesitation. When encountering such a thing, it is indeed difficult for people to choose.

He will not ask others to be saints, and work hard for him for no reason.

But for those who want to harm him, he will not be so polite.

Huang Xing looked at Bu Yong who let him out first, and said calmly, "As the golden core monk stationed in Feitianlou, it is your responsibility and obligation to protect the safety of every passenger. You want to push me to death, Is it against your purpose?"

Bu Yong's complexion changed. Xiong Er's strength shocked him, and he was very afraid of him, but thinking that he was in the middle stage of Jindan, he had confidence again, and said righteously, "I did this to protect the safety of other passengers. , if you cause others to die because of your greed for life and fear of death, it is our fault."

His words are thought-provoking. If it were me, I'm afraid I would have chosen the same way.

Huang Xing applauded, looked at him with a half-smile and said, "You look so righteous, if I were in your position, I might do the same."


Huang Chen's tone suddenly turned cold, and the Shura fingertip in his hand manifested, he raised his hand and said to Bu Yong, "If you dare to speak rudely to me, you will die."

Bu Yong felt the strength of Nirvana's finger, his hair was standing on end, his whole body was full of spiritual power, and he wanted to avoid the finger.

This finger has the growth of the cultivation finger, which is several times stronger than the previous finger.

Shura's soul-killing finger directly pierced through Bu Yong's protective aura and killed him with one finger.

Zhou Yafu wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Several Jindan monks on the boat rose up and confronted Huang Xing.

Unexpectedly, before the Nascent Soul monster outside could do anything, Xiong Er shot and killed two people in succession.

One of them is the Jindan cultivator who sits in Feitianlou.

Lu Xing looked at Zhou Yafu and the others calmly, took out the silver-level flying token and threw it over.

Zhou Yafu took the token, and several Jindan cultivators looked at it. When they saw the Silver Rank Feitian Ling, their faces softened instantly and said, "It turns out that Mr. Xiong is a distinguished guest of Feitianlou."

"Not long ago, a group of ghosts and thieves were exterminated, and Elder Huang of Floating Light City gave me this token."

Lu Chenfeng said lightly, and looked at the old ghost with a half-smile.

He had already guessed who the Nascent Soul monster was blocking the way.

This Nascent Soul monster has been following him since Yaoguang City. He thought it was someone sent by the Zhanmeng to investigate him, but now he directly wants his life, which means that he is not from the Zhanmeng, but after he entered the fire cloud. Someone who offended the secret realm before.

Then there is only the ghost thief who was killed by him.

The name of this Nascent Soul monster is ready to come out - the ghost monster.

Zhou Yafu said pleasantly, "It turns out that Mr. Xiong killed the ghost thief."

On the way from Kaiyang City to Fuguang City, some monks killed a group of ghosts and thieves and saved thousands of monks.

This matter has been spread in Feitian Building, but the monk's name has not been revealed.

Those monks stationed on the ship hated bandits deeply. Xiong Er was the monk who exterminated ghosts and robbers. Zhou Yafu quickly regarded him as one of his own. Young master, who is this?"

"If I'm not mistaken, he should be the leader of the Liaogui Thief, the Liaogui old monster Lin Liaogui."

Huang Xing looked at the old ghost with a faint smile and said, "I guess right, old ghost?"

"Jie Jie Jie." The old monster Liaogui laughed loudly, "You guessed it right, it is me."

Several Golden Core cultivators were startled when they heard the old ghost of the ghost admit it.

No wonder an old Nascent Soul monster would come to intercept and kill Xiong Er, who was only in the alchemy stage. It turned out to be such a life-and-death enmity.

These are vicious bandits, even if Xiong Er came out, he would not be able to keep his promise and let them go.

Thousands of monks panicked even more, looking at the old ghost with trembling eyes.

Today they are all doomed.

Zhou Yafu said as if death was at home, "Master Xiong, the message for help has been sent out, and now we can only fight to the death. The longer we hold him, the less chance he will escape from the siege of the elders."

Xiong Eryi's ability to kill Bu Yong shocked him. This is definitely a monster of the real dragon level, but his cultivation base is still too low, and there is no hope for Shang Yuanying.

Huang Xing smiled confidently, "Since he's coming for me, then let me meet him, you just stay here and watch the battle."

"Mr. Xiong, you..." Zhou Yafu was speechless in shock to Huang Xing's bold words.

Huang Xing smiled at the old ghost, "Old ghost, you don't need to waste your efforts to break through the formation, I will come out and meet you right away."

Then he said to Zhou Yafu, "Commander Zhou, turn off the protective shield and open it after I go out, so as not to be hurt by the aftermath."

Zhou Yafu still couldn't believe it and confirmed, "Mr. Xiong, do you really want to fight the old ghost alone?"

Xu Youquan also said, "Second Lord, let's help you together. If there is one more person to restrain you, there will be more chances of winning."

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "You won't be able to help much if you go, it will only increase casualties and distract me."

The battle of Nascent Soul, not to mention Xu Youquan, even Zhou Yafu in the later stage of Jindan would not be able to make much difference.

The ghost old monster stopped and urged Tianlei to break through the formation and smiled, "Young Master Xiong is indeed a brave man with high skills, so I am here waiting for you to come out."

Zhou Yafu hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and ordered the Jindan monk who controlled the defensive formation, "Remove the defensive shield."

Then he said to Huang Xing, "Master Xiong, take care."

The defensive shield was turned off, and Huang Xing smiled domineeringly, "Don't worry, I'll let you see today, what is the formation of pills and Tu Yuanying."

He said, with a movement of his body, he stepped out of the air and walked towards the old ghost.

The defensive shield of the flying dharma boat was opened again, and only Huang Xing and the ghost old monster were left facing each other in the void.

After hearing Huang Xing's heroic words, thousands of monks looked at them with bated breath, expecting a miracle to happen.

If Xiong Er couldn't resist the old monster, they would also be doomed today.

The Nascent Soul on the old ghost's body soared, overwhelming the entire void, and a dark spear appeared in his hand.

Huang Chen's sparrow tail whip has also been taken out, and the breath of the heavenly magic weapon is burning.

(End of this chapter)

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