Chapter 475 Apologize
Fang Yuanzhen was quite embarrassed by what he said, and the truth was the same. He had just taken over the position of Patriarch, and he was busy installing cronies to eliminate Fang Yuanfeng's influence, so he didn't have time to care about outside affairs.

Fang Zhenren glanced at Fang Yuanzhen lightly, and was extremely dissatisfied with him. He had not received any news about such an important matter, otherwise he would not be so passive now.

He has seen Huang Chen's strength just now, and he is definitely the most perverted alchemist he has ever seen. This kind of person has made him grow up, and he will definitely be a person who stirs up the situation in the future and suppresses an era.

Fang Yuanzhen could only bite the bullet and replied, "Of course I will investigate this matter."

"Then Patriarch Fang, please go and investigate now. I'm still waiting for Madam to fulfill the bet." Looking at Chen Zhenxiang, who was ashen-faced, Huang Xing smiled lightly, "If Patriarch Fang is inconvenient to find out, I will Here are the communication jade talismans of Reverend Piaomiao Gongliang and Reverend Tianluo Zonglu, would you like me to help you contact the two real people to confirm the authenticity?"

There was a look of fear on Fang Zhenren's face. Liang Zhenren and Lu Zhenren gave Lu Xing the communication jade amulet, which showed that they attached great importance to him, and why did he have something to do with Tian Luozong?

Fang Yuan really knew that this matter was almost true, he was not so bold as to bother those two real people because of this kind of thing.

Now he only blames his mother-in-law for being too ignorant to make a bet with her, and now it makes him hard to get off.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Huang Chen smiled and said, "Patriarch Fang doesn't speak, so he believes that I am not a member of the Holy League, and that I am a heavenly magic weapon snatched from Suzaku Holy Land?"

Fang Yuanzhen said pleadingly, "Your Excellency is very capable, why should you be aggressive."

Just now Chen Zhenxiang was slapped away by the other party, and this revenge may not be avenged, if she says in public that she is a bitch, then she should not come out to meet people in the future.

He, the Patriarch of the Fang family, is ashamed to continue to be the head of the Fang family.

"Those who humiliate others will always be humiliated." Huang Xing was determined to vent his anger on the dialect today, and said in a cold voice, "Could it be that Madam is going to break the bet in full view?"

Chen Zhenxiang was angry and frightened, raised her finger to land on Chen Chen, and said tremblingly, "You...don't push people too much..."

"So what if I'm going to force you today?" Huang Chen's eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly, "Yan Ruhai from Suzaku Holy Land and I have to fulfill the bet honestly if we lose the bet, don't you want to do it in front of me?" Can you go back on your word?"

Shen Zhenxiang was so frightened that her whole body trembled, she looked at Fang Yuanzhen for help.

Fang Yuanzhen's face turns blue and turns pale. The opponent's strength is stronger than him, and his own words have no weight in front of him.

The only person in the Fang family who can shock him is Fang Zhenren in the Dongxu stage, but Fang Zhenren doesn't seem to be pleading for his wife.

He was just about to bite the bullet and ask Huang Xing not to pursue it, when he heard the dialect suddenly shout, "Second Lord."

Huang Xing turned around and looked over, Fang Yan didn't dare to look at him, lowered his head slightly, and said softly, "I know Second Master treats me well and wants to stand up for me, but she is my second aunt after all, please ask Second Master Forgive her this time."

Shen Zhenxiang didn't expect that it was Fang Yan who pleaded for her at this time, and looked at her gratefully.

Lu Xing looked at Fang Yan helplessly, sighed softly in his heart, and then said to Chen Zhenxiang in a cold voice, "Fang Yan is not only the daughter of your Fang family, but also my Xiong Er's. Even if the Fang family bullies her, I will never forgive her." , today, because of Fang Yan's intercession for you, I will forgive you once, as long as you sincerely apologize to Fang Yan, I can forget about this matter."

Fang Yan, the client, pleaded for mercy, so he stopped humiliating Chen Zhenxiang.

Chen Zhenxiang was overjoyed, but it was better to just apologize than to call herself a slut in front of everyone.

She looked at the dialect and said in a pleasant voice, "Yan'er, the sister-in-law is not here, the second aunt should have treated you as her own daughter. I was deceived by lard before and did something sorry for Yan'er. Please tell me Forgive Second Aunt, I will definitely treat you as my own daughter in the future."

After hearing her words, Fang Yan burst into tears.

Since her mother died in no hurry after giving birth to her, she has had no maternal love since she was a child.

She seems to be independent and strong, but in fact she is very fragile inside, longing to be loved by relatives.

When Huang Xing watched her say these words with piercing eyes, there was not much emotional contrast.

Maybe it was the dialect pleading for her, which moved her a little bit.

No matter how false or true what she said, as long as he backs Fang Yan, members of the Fang family will not dare to bully Fang Yan anymore.

Fang Yuanfeng looked at the sobbing woman, and his heart was full of indebtedness. When he was the head of the Fang family, he was busy with family affairs all day long and had no time to take care of his daughter.

Huang Xing walked up to Fang Yan, patted her head and said, "With me here in the future, no one will dare to bully you."

Unknowingly, he developed a strong desire to protect Yan Yan, and didn't want her to suffer any harm.

"Second Master."

Fang Yan threw himself on Huang Xing and cried bitterly, venting all the grievances buried in his heart before.

Huang Xing hugged her gently, and only let her go when she had cried enough.

Only then did Fang Yan realize that he was hugging Huang Chen in full view, his face flushed with shame, and he buried his head even lower.

Only then did Huang Xing turn to the only real person in the Fang family and said, "Realist Fang, I want to talk to you about the dialect."

In the end, the Fang family is in charge. In the final analysis, it is Fang Zhenren. He also understands what Huang Xing asked him to talk about. The two hugged each other in public. Could it be that the Fang family can continue to promise the dialect to the Xue family.

He replied, "Young Master Xiong, please come to the pavilion with me to have a talk."

After finishing speaking, Fang Zhenren took Huang Chen to the attic where he retreated.

The two came to the top floor of the attic, and they could see the scenery in all directions.


Fang Zhenren treated Huang Xing as an equal, and waved his hands to invite him to take a seat.

After Huang Xing sat down, Fang Zhenren filled a cup for him, and said calmly, "Mr. Xiong came here for the marriage contract in dialect?"

He didn't know that Fang Yan didn't tell him about the engagement in order to prevent Huang Xing from getting involved, thinking that it was dialect who sent Huang Xing to stop the engagement.

Huang Chen took a sip from his teacup, shook his head and said, "I'm going to the Confucian world to visit the ancestor of Longsu, and I happened to be passing through Huai'an City, so I came to see the dialect."

He purposely stated the purpose of this trip to negotiate with Fang Zhenren by taking advantage of Long Suzu's power.

The Fang family has already given the dialect to the Xue family, which is equivalent to robbing the family.

His personal strength is only equivalent to the late Yuanying stage. The Xue family is a fourth-rank family after all, and Xue Nanyan is still a monstrous disciple of the second-rank Qianxiang sect. If he can't come up with more chips, Fang Zhenren will definitely not offend Xue for him. Home.


When Master Fang heard the name of Master Longsu, his calm face was a little turbulent. He took a sip from the teacup and said, "Young Master Xiong should know that Fang Yan is engaged to the young master of the Xue family. Hugging in public, if it gets to the Xue family's ears, I'm afraid something will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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