Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 477 Are You Looking For Me?

Chapter 477 Are You Looking For Me?

Huang Chen said noncommittally, "As Sword Master Xiao, can't she be the master of the marriage contract of her direct disciple?"

Fang Zhenren said with a headache, "Master Xiong wants the Fang family to regret the marriage directly?"

If the Fang family repented of their marriage, the Xue family would not be able to blatantly destroy the Fang family, but the Fang family could not gain a foothold in Huai'an City even if they secretly played tricks.

Huang Chen said, "I asked Fang Yan, she and Xue Nanyan didn't have much intersection, but Xue Nanyan tried every means to marry her, don't the real people think it's suspicious?"

When Fang Yuanfeng was the head of the family, he withstood the pressure and declined the Xue family's marriage. As a result, Xue Nanyan did not give up, and secretly supported Fang Yuanzhen to be the head of the family, and persuaded Fang Zhenren to agree to their marriage.

Fang Zhenren was silent, Xue Nanyan's attitude towards the dialect was indeed abnormal.

If it was said that Xue Nanyan was obsessed with Fang Yan and wanted to get her by any means, even he would not believe it.

But the Fang family had nothing for Xue Nanyan to pursue.

And he also checked that the dialect is not a special constitution and blood.

Why did Xue Nanyan go out of her way to force the Fang family to give him the dialect?
He had thought about these issues too, but for the sake of the future of the Fang family, he didn't think deeply about them.

I just found a reason for myself, maybe Xue Nanyan really just likes dialects.

Fang Zhenren is regretful now, why did he agree to the Xue family's marriage so early, otherwise it would be the best choice for Dialect to follow Xiong Er.

Needless to say, Xiong Er's own strength, future achievements are limitless.

In the early stage of alchemy, there is the combat power of the general Nascent Soul in the late stage.

If he broke through to the Golden Core stage, he might not even be his opponent.

And his network of relationships is also extremely terrifying. Confucianism, Piaomiao Palace, and Sword Sect are all superpowers that the Fang family can't reach.

Accepting direct disciples is a major event in the cultivation world, and monks with higher cultivation bases and higher status are more cautious and strict in accepting disciples.

Xiong Er was just a messenger jade talisman, and Xiao Qingchen agreed to accept the dialect as his apprentice, which shows the deep friendship between the two.

He felt regretful and depressed, and promised Xue's marriage after returning from the dialect Fire Cloud Secret Realm. If she had told him about her relationship with Xiong Er earlier, he would not have made a decision in such a hurry.

There is no regret medicine in the world, it is too late now.

"Mr. Xiong's words are indeed somewhat suspicious." Fang Zhenren nodded in agreement with Huang Xing's words, and asked, "According to Mr. Xiong, what is Xue Nanyan's purpose in marrying Fang Yan?"

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "What purpose does he have? I don't know yet. Anyway, it won't be a good thing. I will first bring Fang Yan to Jianzong to be a teacher, and then secretly investigate Xue Nanyan's matter. As long as I find out what his purpose is, I will come When it is revealed in time, then naturally there will be no remorse.”

Fang Zhenren's eyes lit up, Xiong Er's words were very reasonable.

If it can be found out that the marriage between the Xue family and the Fang family has another purpose, then they will be able to stand morally.

Otherwise, if you really regret the marriage, let alone whether the Xue family will retaliate against the Fang family, it will not be good to spread the reputation of the dialect.

Fang Zhenren looked at Huang Chen, and couldn't help feeling that he was not only talented, but also thoughtful, with superb means, and arranged everything properly in a flash.

Such a courageous and resourceful young talent is rare in the cultivation world. If Fang Yan can follow him, it is a blessing from her cultivation in her previous life.

The two had a plan, the atmosphere eased, and they began to drink tea and chat leisurely.

Master Fang insinuated about Huang Xing's inheritance, the purpose of visiting the ancestor Longsu in the world of Confucianism, and his relationship with Xiao Qingchen.

Naturally, Huang Xing's inheritance will not be detailed, but just perfunctory in a mysterious way.

The purpose of visiting Longsu Patriarch and the relationship between Xiao Qingchen is frankly told (the relationship between Xiong Er and Xiao Qingchen).

Fang Zhenren knew that he and Longsu Patriarch's direct disciple Yan Hongyi were also in love, his face became very strange, thinking that he would not be afraid to go to the world of Confucianism with dialect, Yan Hongyi would be jealous, Longsu Patriarch directly Slap him to death!

However, three wives and four concubines are normal in the cultivation world, so he doesn't talk too much about young people.

While the two were chatting, suddenly a powerful aura of late Yuanying came towards Fang's house.

When Fang Zhenren saw the person coming, his face showed displeasure, the Xue family came so fast, it seems that how many members of the Fang family have secretly colluded with the Xue family.

Seeing the Nascent Soul monster approaching, the old god took a sip of tea, and said lightly, "Today I will kill a Nascent Soul cultivator Liwei first."

Fang Zhenren was stunned when he heard the words, and dissuaded him, "Young Master Xiong has already made a plan, why bother killing people to intensify the conflict?"

Huang Xing smiled lightly, "Because I think Xue's family is unhappy, is that enough reason?"


Fang Zhenren is speechless, he can only say that Xiong Er has the strength, has the backing, and willful!
The Nascent Soul monster approached the sky above Fang's house, Fang Yuanzhen also rose up, stood beside him, and greeted him with a smile, "I don't know if Elder Xue is here, what advice can I give?"

The name of Yuanying old monster is Xue Fan, Yuanying's late stage cultivation, he didn't give Fang Yuan any face, and said angrily, "Is the madman Xiong Er in your Fang's house?"

Fang Yuanzhen replied, "Young Master Xiong is a guest at Fang's house, I wonder why Elder Xue is looking for him?"

Xue Fan said angrily, "Xiong Er attacked and injured members of the Xue family in the street, and the old man personally came to arrest him and return him to Xue's family for forgiveness."

The man in yellow who was injured by Huang Chen was Xue Nanyan's younger brother Xue Nanhuo. When he returned to the Xue family, he wanted the Xue family's golden alchemy masters to seek revenge from Huang Chen.

Xue Jiajindan is a cautious person. Hearing that Xue Nanyan was whipped away without any resistance, he felt that Huang Xing was not simple. He was worried that he was a powerful and evil person with a background, so he summoned the familiar Fang family members to investigate Huang Chen's details.

As a result, the Fang family told the Xue family Jindan about the battle between Huang Xing and the four great Yuanying, which made him sweat coldly. Fortunately, he did not blindly avenge Xue Nanhuo, and immediately reported the matter to the public.

The Xue family already knew about Xiong Er's feat in the Huoyun Secret Realm and the Jiang family's affairs, but Fang Yan had a marriage contract, and the Xue family held righteousness, so they sent Xue Fan to Fang's family to take revenge.

Although Xiong Er defeated the Fang family's four early Yuan Ying with one to four, Xue Fan was also top-notch in the late Yuan Ying and was confident of suppressing Xiong Er.

Fang Yuan was really wondering why the Xue family came to the door so quickly, and only then did he realize that Xiong Er had already had conflicts with the Xue family, so he said solemnly, "Elder Xue, is there any misunderstanding? "

He didn't want Xiong Er to have a conflict with Xue Fan at Fang's house, so he just made an excuse.

"Misunderstanding?" Xue Fan shouted in a cold voice, "How can there be any misunderstanding when committing crimes in the street in full view? Does Patriarch Fang want to shield Xiong Er?"

Seeing that Xue Fan had no intention of peace talks, Fang Yuan dared not participate in their affairs, so he hurriedly said, "How dare you! Elder Xue, please."

"Are you looking for me?" Huang Xing walked over and asked calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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