Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 485 Bear 2 is Huang Xing

Chapter 485 Xiong Er is Huang Xing
The spirit of the sparrow tail whip didn't know if there was an opportunity to break through the tribulation period in the Chixiao burial ground.

But he has!
As long as he waits for a while, when he reaches level 15, there will be pills in the system store that increase the chance of crossing the catastrophe.

Patriarch Xutian's background is already sufficient, but there is only one opportunity missing. With his elixir, he will definitely be able to break through to the tribulation stage.

Patriarch Xutian pondered over what Xiong Er said with his brows, and considered the gains and losses of entering Chixiao Burial Ground. After hesitating for a while, he asked, "Although you are evil and unparalleled, your foundation is good and shallow now. You and I will enter Chixiao's burial ground. The burial ground, I am afraid that the old man will protect you along the way, and then you get the egg of the holy beast Suzaku, this deal is too good-for-nothing."

Xiong Er's strength is comparable to Dong Xu's, but it is still too low compared to Xu Tian's ancestor.

No matter how he thought about it, Patriarch Xutian felt that he had suffered a big loss from this cooperation.

The old god Lu Chen said with a faint smile, "Anyway, the ancestor has been waiting for thousands of years, and he doesn't care about waiting a little longer. After I break through the Nascent Soul, I will enter with the ancestor. At that time, it will not only be me and the ancestor, Sword Master Xiao will also go together, although I dare not say that there is no danger, but it is not easy to fall."

He asked confidently, "The patriarch thinks that Xiao Jian and I mainly broke through to the Nascent Soul Stage, what will be our strength?"

Patriarch Xutian pondered silently, if other people had broken through to the Nascent Soul stage, they would be no different from ants in his eyes, but he would never underestimate Xiong Er and Xiao Qingchen.

Xiong Er can suppress and kill Dongxu by forming alchemy now, and reaching the Nascent Soul stage after breaking through the two great realms, I am afraid that it is very dangerous for ordinary Mahayana early stage opponents.

Xiao Qingchen is in charge of Zhenzong Tianjian, and these old monsters know how terrifying it is for a high-level magic weapon to recognize its owner.

The highest level of Feitianlou is only the mid-level magic weapon of the sky rank, and he can't completely let it recognize the master, and can only exert [-]% to [-]% of its power.

He has not heard of anyone other than the first owner of the high-level heavenly magic weapon, who can automatically recognize the owner of the high-level heavenly magic weapon.

If these two peerless evildoers break through to the Nascent Soul stage, they may not be their opponents together.

Ancestor Xutian was already a little moved, and asked suspiciously, "Why did you ask me to cooperate? With the opportunity to break through the tribulation period, the late Mahayana ancestors among the superpowers must be happy to cooperate with you. There will be even more benefits.”

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "Among the superpowers, the ancestors of the Transcending Tribulation Period are not the only ones, they may not take the risk of entering the Chixiao Burial Ground with me, and if they know about Suzaku Egg, no one can guarantee whether they will have a different heart.

"Among the second-tier forces, Feitianlou can be ranked in the top five. The only thing that is lacking is the ancestor of the tribulation period. To cooperate with the ancestor, I believe that the ancestor will definitely do his best."

"Furthermore, Feitianlou started out as a flying magic ship, and its reputation is relatively higher than that of other second-rank forces. In addition, you are all involved in the ten holy places, so you can't cooperate with a certain company alone to plot Suzaku eggs."

"To show my sincerity, after entering the Chixiao burial ground, I will first take the ancestor to obtain the opportunity to break through the realm, and then go with us to get the Suzaku egg after the ancestor breaks through to the stage of crossing the catastrophe."

Huang Chen talked eloquently, explaining the cause and effect, and in his words, he also hinted that Patriarch Xutian, with the power of the Feitianlou family alone, he is not afraid of the Suzaku eggs who plot against him.

After listening to Huang Xing's analysis, Patriarch Xutian already had eighty-nine percent willingness to cooperate.

Although the Suzaku eggs are good, they are not something that Feitianlou's family can eat.

He pondered for a while, and then said, "My little friend's words are indeed full of temptation, and the old man is also very sincere in cooperating. Why don't you go to Feitian City with Haitang first, and we will discuss the cooperation in detail face to face."

This matter is of great importance, and Xiong Er can't rely entirely on Xiong Er's one-sided words. The details still need to be clarified. He also wants to meet this peerless evildoer in person, and personally verify whether the other party is qualified to cooperate with him.

Huang Chen smiled lightly, "The matter of cooperation does need to be discussed in detail face to face, but the ancestor still needs to wait for some time, and I will go to Feitian City to visit the ancestor after I have finished dealing with the matter at hand."

Patriarch Xutian asked, "How long will it take?"

Huang Chen said, "It will take almost two months. After I finish handling the matter of Huai'an City, I still need to go to Confucianism to meet Master Longsu, and then I will bring a friend to the Ice Mist Sect to be a teacher, and then I will meet Xiao Jianzhu and return Jianzong asked Fang Yan to come under Xiao Jianzhu's sect, and after all these matters have been dealt with, I will go to Feitian City with Xiao Jianzhu to visit the ancestor."

After hearing Huang Chen's itinerary, Patriarch Xutian couldn't help but feel that although Xiong Er is only a casual cultivator, he has already entered the field of vision of the major superpowers. Confucianism, Binglanzong, and Jianzong, these three major forces are all better than Feitian. Loudu is even more powerful super power.

These itineraries are imperative, and he has no reason to stop him, so he said, "Okay, according to my friend, we will meet again in two months. You are currently cultivated to be good and shallow, and before you break through to Nascent Soul , the old man asked Haitang to stay by your side to protect you."

He asked Shangguan Haitang to stay with Xiong Er, not only to protect his safety, but also to find out his details.

He already had doubts in his heart, what is the relationship between Xiong Er and Xiao Qingchen?Let her accept the dialect as a direct disciple, protect Fang's family, and let her go to Chixiao Burial Ground together.

And Xiong Er's sudden rise, Fei Tian Lou was unable to find out his bottom line.

They run the business of flying magic boats and have branches in every city. If Xiong Er had ever taken a flying magic boat, he would definitely leave some clues.

Ancestor Xutian smiled tentatively and said, "Sword Master Xiao and my little friend really have a close relationship, not only accepting the dialect as your apprentice for you, but also following you into the Chixiao burial ground, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that to her Taoist companion Bar."

Huang Xing knew that he was testing himself, so he smiled calmly, "Why did Patriarch Xutian try to beat around the bush, I'm looking for cooperation with Patriarch, I didn't intend to hide it."

As he said, he undid the fusion of the Thousand Illusion Mask generously, revealing his true face.

Patriarch Xutian was not surprised to see him revealing his true face, he had such an expression.

"This cooperation is full of sincerity." Huang Xing said with a smile, and then reintegrated the Thousand Illusion Mask to become Xiong Er and said, "Xiong Er is about Huang Chen, please keep it a secret for the ancestors."

Patriarch Xutian said, "Don't worry, little friend, I will never leak a word, but Xiong Er's origin is unknown, I am afraid that all major forces have already become suspicious."

Huang Xing also knew that it wouldn't take long to hide it, as long as it could be delayed until the Nascent Soul stage, he said in a spirited way, "So I still need the ancestor to help me arrange an identity, if you and I don't know each other, this time the ancestor will help me block it." Isn't the matter of going down to Xue's family arousing suspicion?"

(End of this chapter)

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