Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 489 What is lazy and gluttonous?

Chapter 489 What is lazy and gluttonous?
Shangguan Haitang and Yu Menglong also landed beside Huang Xing.

Yu Menglong asked playfully, "Big brother, do you want me to help?"

Huang Chen smiled and said, "I'll teach you how to grill animal meat. If you want to eat it in the future, you can grab it and roast it yourself."

He thought that Yu Menglong would let him grill seven or eight of them at a time, and if he came a few more times, he would be bored to death if not exhausted.

It is better to teach a person how to fish than to give a person a fish. Just teach her how to grill animal meat and let her do it herself.

Yu Menglong saw through Huang Chen's conspiracy at a glance, and said with a smile, "I don't want to learn, I want my big brother to bake it for me."

Huang Chen raised his hand and knocked on Yu Menglong's little head, and cursed with a smile, "Snack, do you know what is lazy and gluttonous?"

After knocking, he realized that he still can't afford to provoke Yu Menglong now, but just looking at her, he thought that Lu Xiaoke was like this when he was a child, so he knocked smoothly.

Yu Menglong was not angry, she touched her little head and asked like a curious baby, "What is it?"

Huang Chen answered solemnly, "It's a pig."

"Okay, you dare to call me a pig." Yu Menglong glared at her big round eyes angrily, grinning her little canine teeth and said viciously, "Then I will be a lazy and greedy little pig from now on, eating Poor you."

"Don't, don't, I admit my mistake." Huang Xing begged for mercy, "You have to eat like this every meal, and I don't have to do anything in the future, I will roast beast meat for you every day."

Shangguan Haitang looked at the two fighting, but couldn't calm down.

Who is this little girl named Yu Menglong?

Seeing her playing with Xiong Er is an innocent and romantic child.

But her strength is too terrifying.

Shangguan Haitang was still feeling emotional, while Huang Xing had already taken Yu Menglong to clean up the animal meat.

She smiled and said, "Young Master Xiong, I'll help you too."

Huang Chen nodded, first checked the structure of these spirit beasts with the eyes of delusion, and then instructed Yu Menglong and Shangguan Haitang to clean up those useless parts.

The three of them cleaned up the Chitian Eagle and seven or eight beasts, and Huang Chen smiled at Yu Menglong and Shangguan Haitang, "Okay, thanks to your help, otherwise I would have to make it to dawn alone."

Both Shangguan Haitang and Yu Menglong smiled happily, it was the first time for them to make food by themselves, and they found it very interesting.

Huang Xing took out the sparrow tail whip and said, "Go to the side and play for a while, it will be baked soon."

After he finished speaking, he urged the sparrow tail whip, turning into a fire snake and rolling up the cleaned spirit beast meat.

Huang Xing is probably the only one in the cultivation world who uses a heavenly magic weapon to barbecue.

He carefully controlled the heat of the sparrow tail whip to grill the meat of the spirit beast.

Yu Menglong and Shangguan Haitang sat aside and chatted.

As a snack, she couldn't talk about food.

Ask Shangguan Haitang to introduce her to where there is delicious food in Huai'an City, and take her there to eat during the day.

Shangguan Begonia has been in Huai'an City for hundreds of years. Although he has not deliberately learned about food, he has heard of some famous ones.

She originally regarded Yu Menglong as a senior expert, and she had deep awe.

But as the two chatted, Yu Menglong smiled and mouthed each sister Haitang one by one, making her gradually regard Yu Menglong as a lively and lovely little sister, and she was not so restrained when chatting.

" fragrant..."

The two chatted for a while, and Yu Menglong yelled happily when she smelled the aroma of barbecue.

Huang Xing grilled with the fire of Suzaku, and roasted a few spirit beasts until they were charred on the outside and tender on the inside, golden and oily, Yu Menglong's mouth watered when he saw it.

She didn't care that the Suzaku fire was still roasting the meat, she rushed directly into the sea of ​​flames, tore off a piece of neck meat from the Chitian vulture, and put it in her mouth.

The fire of Suzaku was still burning fiercely, but when it touched Yu Menglong's body, it retreated completely.

"Wow, it's delicious." Yu Menglong has a small appetite but not a small one, so he devoured a big mouthful of barbecue meat in his hand, and shouted to Shangguan Haitang, "Sister Haitang, hurry up and eat, okay?" tasty."

Shangguan Haitang looked at Suzaku Huohai a little embarrassed, she knew that her own strength could not make Suzaku Huo back down.

Huang Chen shook his head helplessly and said with a smile, "Come out quickly, it's not baked yet, so why worry?"

Yu Menglong tore off another piece of animal meat, and said coquettishly, "No, I want to eat it, and I want to eat it even before it's roasted."

Huang Chen shrugged and said indifferently, "Then you can do whatever you want, as long as you leave one for us, it will taste better when I sprinkle it with sauce later, don't compete with us."

While biting the animal meat, Yu Menglong asked, "Will it really be delicious soon?"

Huang Chen couldn't help but said, "Why should I lie to you?"

"Then I'll eat it later, hurry up and bake the sauce."

Yu Menglong hadn't finished eating the one with her right hand, she tore off another piece of animal meat with her left hand, and then flew back to Huang Chen's side.

She took a bite from the left, and took another bite, urging with a greasy mouth, "Roast quickly, roast quickly, make the fire even hotter."

Huang Xing calmly controlled the heat and said, "The heat is just right now, if it is bigger, the meat will be too cooked and the taste will not be good."

Yu Menglong quickly finished eating the two pieces of animal meat in her hands, sucking her greasy little hands, and asked anxiously, "It's not heal yet."

"It'll be ready soon." With a smile, Huang Xing took out some bottles and jars from the storage space and threw them into the air, controlling them to spread the sauce evenly on the barbecue.

The roasted meat squeaked, and the aroma was even more tangy.

Yu Menglong's saliva drools.

Huang Xing put the bottles and cans back into the storage space, and said with a smile, "Okay."

call out.

Yu Menglong rushed to the barbecue again in an instant, tore off two pieces of animal meat with both hands and started eating.

Huang Chen shook his head helplessly, put away Suzaku's fire, and said to Shangguan Haitang beside him, "Elder Shangguan, try my craft and see if I didn't lie to you."

Shangguan Haitang looked at the golden-yellow and crispy roast meat, smelled the tangy aroma, pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Just because of the smell and color, I know what Mr. Xiong said is true. Today, Haitang can feast on its mouth."

"Delicious, so delicious."

Yu Menglong didn't care about Huang Xing and Shangguan Haitang, and started to eat first.

She ate so fast, she didn't know how such a small body could hold so much barbecue?
Isn't she afraid of gaining weight?

Huang Xing and Shangguan Haitang also walked to the barbecue, tore off a piece, and sat on the lawn to eat.

Shangguan Haitang took a bite, and suddenly felt that it was tender and crispy, and the taste was excellent. He couldn't help boasting, "Mr. Xiong's barbecue skills are really amazing. Haitang has never tasted such delicious barbecue."

Huang Chen took a sip of his wine and said with emotion, "The road to practice is endless, wouldn't it be boring without the company of beauties, wine, and food?"

"Young Master Xiong is indeed a man of temperament, Haitang respects you."

Shangguan Haitang poured himself a glass of wine and drank it down.

Yu Menglong also sat beside them and muttered, "Sister Haitang, I want to drink too."

(End of this chapter)

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