Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 493 This is Interesting!

Chapter 493 This is Interesting!
Fang Hongming said, "Fang Yan wants to worship Xiao Qingchen, the sword master of Heavenly Sword."

Leng Xiaoting was shocked when he heard Xiao Qingchen's name.

The name of the sword master of the Heavenly Sword has been heard like thunder for a while, and dialect actually worshiped her under her sect?
He looked at Xiong Er, guessing in his mind whether Xiong Er was playing tricks in it. It was rumored that Xiong Er had a very close relationship with Xiao Jianzhu.

But Fang Yan and Xue Nanyan already had a marriage contract, Fang Yan joined Xiao Qingchen's family, and his status skyrocketed.

Leng Xiaoting directly made the decision for Xue Nanyan, and said with a smile on his face, "Miss Fang joined Master Xiao Jian's sect, so naturally she can no longer be a concubine. Nanyan has not yet married, so she can just marry Miss Fang as his wife."

Fang Hongming said, "We still need to wait for the dialect apprenticeship, and then ask Sword Master Xiao to discuss it together."

Leng Xiaoting said with a smile, "Naturally, the old man will go to Jianzong to visit Sword Master Xiao in person."

He could see that Fang Hongming was unwilling to marry Fang Yan to Xue Nanyan again, but no matter what, Fang Yan and Xue Nanyan were already engaged.

Although Fang Yan's status changed after joining Jianzong, Xue Nanyan was his direct disciple, a true disciple of the second-rank power Qianxiangzong, so marrying Fang Yan as his wife was considered worthy.

Even if Xiao Jianzhu is the master of dialect, there is no reason to regret the marriage.

Xue Nanyan's expression changed when she heard that Fang Yan was going to worship under Heavenly Sword Master.

Before he could speak, his master made decisions for him.

This is even better, as long as he marries Dialect, he can also be regarded as having a relationship with Jianzong.

He knows what the sword master of the Heavenly Sword means, that is the symbol of the Sword Sect, and dialect can become Xiao Qingchen's direct disciple, and he can get more benefits in the future if he marries her.

When Huang Xing heard them discussing the marriage in dialect, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

He originally wanted to investigate Xue Nanyan's purpose for marrying Dialect first, and then make a move.

Now that Xue Nanyan delivered it to her door, there was no need for that.

Dialect is his woman, Xue Nanyan wants to marry her, she is looking for death.

Huang Chen asked Fang Yan gently, "Yan'er, are you willing to marry him?"

Fang Yan looked up at Huang Xing, with firm eyes, shook his head and said, "I don't want to."

She didn't want to marry Xue Nanyan at first, but she was very soft-spoken, and the Fang family agreed to the Xue family's marriage contract, so she could only accept her fate.

Now that she likes the man in front of her, she is naturally even more unwilling to marry Xue Nanyan.

"Okay, then I'll kill him now."

Huang Xing's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about something trivial.

His words shocked everyone.

He actually wanted to kill Xue Nanyan?
Everyone didn't doubt that he had Xue Nanyan's strength.

Although Xue Nanyan broke through to the early stage of Nascent Soul with the sixth-turn Jindan, her strength is much stronger than that of the average late Nascent Soul.

Xiong Erlian can kill Xue Changan in the early Dongxu stage, let alone Xue Nanyan.

But at this time there is Leng Xiaoting present, he is a real person in the later stage of Dongxu.

Also in the late stage of Dongxu, Leng Xiaoting is much stronger than Xue Changkong.

Even Shangguan Haitang was not sure of defeating him.

Xiong Er wanted to kill Xue Nanyan in front of him, it was just a dream.

When Xue Nanyan heard that Xiong Er wanted to kill him, she was so furious that she suddenly trembled all over, and a dangerous breath rushed straight to her forehead.

Level 12 Star Picker, [-]% "Brilliant Strike".

With cold eyes in his eyes, Huang Chen stretched out his hand to grab Xue Nanyan in the air.

His divine illusion transformed into a phantom, which went straight into Xue Nanyan's dantian.

"court death."

Leng Xiaoting shouted angrily, and slapped Huang Xing with a palm.


Xue Nanyan let out a shrill cry, and before he could react, his body was penetrated by the Star Picker.

Huang Xing pierced Xue Nanyan's dantian, grabbed his Nascent Soul directly, and pinched it in his hand.


Leng Xiaoting sensed that something was wrong, and quickly attacked Huang Xing, trying to stop him.

Shangguan Haitang twirled the folding fan to help Huang Xing block the blow.

In the blink of an eye, Xue Nanyan's Yuanying was caught by Huang Chen, and he said to the furious Leng Xiaoting with a half-smile, "If you frighten me by moving again, my hand will shake, and your apprentice's Yuanying The baby can't be kept."

Xue Nanyan's Nascent Soul screamed for help in horror, "Master, save me."

Leng Xiaoting said angrily, "Junior, let go of Nanyan's Nascent Soul, otherwise I will kill you today even if you are an old friend of Xutian Patriarch."

It was the first time for everyone to hear about Xiong Er's origins. After it turned out to be an old friend of Xutian Patriarch, it is no wonder that Xutian Patriarch would protect Xiong Er.

Of course, this is just Huang Xing letting Patriarch Xutian talk nonsense.

Everyone was also shocked by Huang Xing's sudden burst of star picker.

No real person with this kind of power dared to go straight to the front, but Xue Nanyan in the early stage of Yuanying was directly caught by Yuanying.

Huang Xing didn't pay attention to Leng Xiaoting's threat, the strength in his family's hands made Xue Nanyan's Nascent Soul scream.

He said calmly, "As long as you answer my two questions honestly, I can let you go."

Xue Nanyan screamed, "Don't kill me, I will answer you honestly."

Huang Chen asked coldly, "How did your first two concubines die?"

Xue Nanyan quickly replied, "They died accidentally during their training."

Huang Chen said coldly, "How dare you lie to me."

His delusion-breaking eyes could see that when Xue Nanyan said the answer, she was emotionally fluctuating, and there was a high probability that she was lying. He increased the strength in his hand, and pinched it hard into the transformed palm that shrouded the sky.

Xue Nanyan screamed, "What I said is true, I didn't lie to you."

"If you don't tell the truth, you will die."

Unmoved, Huang Xing increased the strength in his hand.

When Leng Xiaoting heard Huang Xing's question, his complexion changed, and the aura of the later stage of the hole broke out on his body, and he said angrily, "How do you know that what Nanyan said is false? If you use this as an excuse to kill my apprentice, I will I will never forgive you today."

Without fear, Huang Xing said confrontationally, "I will tell the truth or lies, of course."

He used the power of good fortune to refine Xue Nanyan's Nascent Soul, and said, "I'm not telling the truth, I will let you know what life is better than death."

The power of good fortune refined and devoured Xue Nanyan's Nascent Soul little by little.

This process is equivalent to watching yourself being swallowed slowly, which is more terrifying than being directly crushed to death.

Xue Nanyan yelled in horror, "I said, I said, please forgive me, it is my master..."

"If you dare to kill my apprentice, I will demand your life today."

When Leng Xiaoting heard the word "Master", his face changed drastically, and the coercion of Dongxu's later stage directly blasted Xue Nanyan's Nascent Soul.

Huang Xing was also prepared, and Yuan Ying, who was protecting Xue Nanyan, took his hand back.

Shangguan Haitang also made a move, blocking Leng Xiaoting's attack.

If Leng Xiaoting missed a single blow, he lost the chance of instant killing, and he and Shangguan Haitang bombarded him with more than ten moves in a row, but they had no choice but to give up.

Lu Xing looked at Xue Nanyan's Yuan Ying with great interest, but he didn't expect that the death of Xue Nanyan's concubine was actually related to Leng Xiaoting.

This is fun!
(End of this chapter)

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