Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 50 The Qin Family Hu Gufeng

Chapter 50 The Qin Family Hu Gufeng

Turning hands is a cloud, covering hands is rain.

Ling Tianqi was chewing on these words, and his eyes on Huang Xing had changed from surprise to fear.

Was it because he was young and ignorant and fearless, or because he was so powerful that he ignored the Qin family, that he could say such overbearing and insolent words?

Huang Xing held the wine glass and gently shook the red wine inside.

Under the reflection of the light, it shows a charming purple color.

He raised his glass, smelled the mellow red wine, and took a sip slowly.

Whether it's a big talk or a cloud and rain, tonight's battle will tell the truth.

Ling Tianqi looked at Huang Xing, who was as stable as Mount Tai, and he knew that Huang Xing would definitely win.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have brought his girlfriend and younger sister along, and accompanied them to have fun in the KTV peacefully.

It seemed that he really just brought them to play and dealt with the Qin family just as easily as he could.

Ling Tianqi was impressed by this calmness.

He believed that becoming friends with Huang Xing would be the proudest thing in his life.

The strength of the Ling family is comparable to that of the Qin family. Being able to make friends like Huang Xing will be of great benefit to both him and the Ling family.

The Qin family, this time they really kicked the iron plate.

The silver bell-like laughter of the girls came. Huang Xing and Ling Tianqi looked over and saw that the four girls were having a great time playing, smiling prettily.

Xu Shasha stuffed the microphone into Su Xiu's hand, and urged cheerfully, "Come on."

It turned out that after the four girls drank some wine, they planned to rest for a while, and changed to singing a song for the loser, and they had to find someone to sing a love song with her.

It doesn't matter whether you are looking for a man or a woman.

Then Su Xiu was the first to win the lottery.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke's faces were flushed after drinking, and they looked even more charming sitting on the sofa, making people salivate.

Xu Shasha didn't change her face after drinking, rolled her sleeves to her arms, and stood there, leaning forward and back, applauding and encouraging.

Su Xiu ordered Sun Yue and Yi Zhengxiao's version of "Good Man, Good Dream", then picked up another microphone and handed it to Wang Dongyi, asking him to sing along with him.

Wang Dongyi showed embarrassment and shyness on his dull face.

"Come, come, you have to hold hands and sing in chorus." Xu Shasha ran to them and yelled, took Wang Dongyi and Su Xiu's hands to make them hold together, and then held Su Xiu's shoulders to make her turn around and meet Wang Dongyi. Dong faced each other and shouted, "OK, just keep this posture."

Then he snapped his fingers, "music."

Wang Dongyi and Su Xiu, one is rigid and the other is reserved, in full view of the public, their faces are blushing, their heads are slightly lowered, and they dare not stare at each other.

The music is ringing.

Su Xiu's singing is above the standard, with a nice voice; Wang Dongyi's singing is a bit stiff, perhaps too nervous, and sometimes out of tune.

just let me silently and sincerely for you
everything is silent

There is fate, needless to say, we will stay together forever

make a difference

Even if there are all kinds of customs in the world
I still have a soft spot

my dear i bless you forever

good people have good dreams

The two sang and sang, gradually entering the state, staring at each other affectionately when forgetting love, immersed in the singing.



As the rhythm of the music ended, there was warm applause, and everyone cheered for their singing.

The four girls giggled and started a new round of the game.

This time it was Lu Xiaoke who lost, her eyes rolled round and round, and finally fell on Xu Shasha.

She originally wanted Huang Xing to sing with her in the chorus, but thinking that her brother has a girlfriend now, she left his "virgin chorus" to Ji Ran.

Lu Xiaoke ordered a very sweet "You Will Marry Me Today" and sang with Xu Shasha.

Lu Xiao is a crazy girl, Xu Shasha is like a tomboy, the two hold hands and stare affectionately like a couple.

The singing is sweet and greasy, and people who don't know the truth think they are a pair of lilies.

In the tranquility before the storm, Huang Xing and the others were still happily immersed in the singing, and the Qin family's master of dark energy also came quietly.

Hu Gufeng, the most trusted subordinate of the second master of the Qin family, is calm in his work, strong in strength, and a master of the fifth level of dark energy.

Wearing a dark blue Tang suit, he came to Dynasty Entertainment City alone.

The night in the city has long been illuminated by bright street lights.

"Sorry sir, we are closed tonight."

The thugs in black at the gate of Dynasty Entertainment City stopped the middle-aged man in Tang suit and said politely.

They speak politely and are as polite as a real greeter.

Master Hu explained that they are different from before. Now they follow Young Master Lu, they can no longer be brutal and rampant, and they must be good-quality and polite thugs.

The middle-aged man in Tang suit stood straight at the door, his face was calm, and he said in a deep voice, "Hu Gufeng from the Qin family came to pay a visit to Young Master Lu."

"So it's Mr. Qin Jiahu, please."

The thugs in black withdrew their hands, stepped back and stood on both sides, and made a gesture of please come in.

Master Hu has explained that what they are waiting for is someone from the Qin family.

Hu Gufeng raised his head and walked in, his steps were steady, every step seemed to be calculated, and the distance was the same.

Every time the black-clothed thugs passed by the sentry post, they all stretched out their hands and shouted, "Please".

The thugs in black were neat and orderly, not at all like the rabble in other places, which made Hu Gufeng think highly of Wang Hu.

But ants are ants after all.

He still didn't pay attention to Lord Tiger of Beicheng.

Hu Gufeng walked into the hall.

Lord Tiger of Beicheng had already been waiting in the hall, with a dozen black-clothed thugs lined up on both sides.

"Hu Gufeng from the Qin family came to pay a visit to Young Master Lu."

Hu Gufeng went deep into the tiger's lair alone, his bearing was still extraordinary, he stood proudly, he did not salute Wang Hu, his unhurried voice echoed in the hall.

Master Tiger of Beicheng, he is not qualified to talk to him yet.

"Mr. Hu, please wait a moment, I have already sent someone to inform Young Master Lu."

The arrival of the Qin family is not something Wang Hu can face, so he has already informed Huang Xing.

He looked at Hu Gufeng who was standing proudly, with a scorching light in his eyes.

Hu Gufeng's dismissive look at him did not make him angry.

In the past, he was not qualified to face the Qin family, but he believes that he has the qualifications now and in the future.

Wang Hu looked at Hu Gufeng without any timidity.

He believed in someone like Hu Gufeng, and when he saw him in the future, he would call him "Master Tiger" respectfully.

This is why he abolished Lei Yun without any scruples.

That's why he followed Huang Xing desperately.

He, Lord Tiger of Beicheng, was not willing to be looked down upon by those high-ranking ancient warriors.

Hu Gufeng saw the disrespect in Wang Hu's eyes, and a trace of displeasure flashed across his face.

He didn't like the way these ants showed their eyes.

There should only be respect and fear in their eyes.

Hu Gufeng frowned and asked, "You injured Young Master Qin?"

"That's right, it's me, Lord Tiger of Beicheng."

Wang Hu looked at Hu Gufeng fearlessly and answered.

He knew that before Huang Xing came down, his answer would only anger Hu Gufeng and teach him a lesson.

But he still answered without fear.

Because he is Lord Tiger of Beicheng.

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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