Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 512 Upgrade to Level 12

Chapter 512 Upgrade to Level 12

On the second night when he came to Yuhua Daomen, after Ji Ran fell asleep, Huang Xing went to the practice room to practice.

He has now absorbed spirit stones at a terrifying speed, and he has absorbed the daily quota of 1024 low-grade spirit stones in a blink of an eye.

A short while after twelve o'clock, the voice of upgrading sounded in his head.

"Congratulations to the host for reaching level 12 and unlocking the "Yin-Yang Dual Cultivation Dafa". The store has unlocked level 12 items and has a chance to draw a lottery."

Yin and Yang Shuangxiu Dafa: XXX (undescribable)
When Huang Xing heard "Yin-Yang Dual Cultivation Dafa", he guessed what it was for, and then saw the indescribable introduction. As expected, married life can enhance the strength of both parties.

This is true that "sleeping" can improve one's cultivation.

He thought wickedly and wanted to experiment with Ji Ran later.

Huang Xing resisted this thought, and first checked the changes after the upgrade.

Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 12 (0/614400)

Today's Quota: 2048/2048
Gold: 289930
Combat strength: early stage of alchemy
Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Dao Body: Star Dao Body

Up to level 12, now you can get 40960 gold coins a day.

Moreover, the level 3 treasures in the store have a qualitative leap, and the effects of all kinds of treasures at level 12 are much stronger than those at level 11.

Level 12 Healing Pill is equivalent to the Heaven-rank Healing Pill in the cultivation world, and its biggest feature is that it works quickly and has no side effects.

In addition, there is a level 12 clearing eye pill, which can heal Luo Xiaoying's eyes and restore her eyesight.

Huang Xing opened the mysterious shop, and the potions of level 13 and 12 were naturally more effective than those of level 13. Among them, the level 10 madness pill could make the combat power of Jindan stage and Nascent Soul stage soar, but now he only needs to Using the level [-] Mad God Pill has an effect, so I closed the mysterious shop.

Finally, there is a lottery draw.

Huang Xing got up and returned to the bedroom, checking the prizes of the lottery while walking.

Thank you for participating in one space, and reward four spirit stones.

There are [-] Fortune Pills in one grid, and the other three are rewarded in kind.

Level 12 exercises: Su Nu Heart Sutra.

Level 13 pill: Yuan Ying Pill.

Level 14 Martial Skill: Liaoyuan Hundred Strikes (Martial Skill of Marksmanship)

The 12th level Su Nu Heart Sutra is only suitable for girls to practice;
The 13th-level Yuanying Pill can make Jindan's breakthrough [-]% successful in the later stage.

The Ningying Pill in the cultivation world only increases the chance of breaking through the Nascent Soul Pill, but the Nascent Soul Pill can be [-]% successful.

However, it is not of much use to Huang Xing. If he cannot break through the Nascent Soul with his own strength, it will be difficult to achieve success in the future. It is only suitable for monks with average aptitude.

Level 14 Liaoyuan Hundred Strikes can shoot a hundred shots in an instant, smashing all enemies with the force of a prairie fire, Huang Xing looked greedy, he has not used a gun for two months, now that he has recovered his identity, he can just use his gun way .

Back in the bedroom, Ji Ran was sleeping soundly, and Huang Xing kissed her secretly.


With a silent recitation, the aperture rotated rapidly.

Here he proved that the power of kisses is useful, and the voice of the system came to mind: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining a level 14 prairie fire hundred blows."

Ji Ran was also awakened by Huang Xing's kiss, and asked softly with sleepy eyes, "Why aren't you asleep?"

Huang Xing hugged her and said softly, "I miss you."

Then the two of them...

The two of them... Afterwards, Huang Xing found out that he had broken through!
From an unforeseen breakthrough in the early stage of alchemy to the middle stage of alchemy.

Maybe there are signs, but I was too emotional just now and didn't pay attention.

This effect is too good!

The only regret is that he did not continue to refine the golden elixir phantom after the breakthrough, as he thought, but he also felt that the ten-turn golden elixir phantom was faintly about to succeed. If he broke through the late stage of alchemy, he should be able to condense ten Turn to the golden elixir phantom.

If I come a few more times, wouldn't I be invincible in the universe.

"Yin-Yang Dual Cultivation Dafa" can improve both parties' cultivation, Huang Xing hugged Ji Ran, who was a bird in his arms, and shouted, "Of course."

"En." Ji Ran looked at Huang Xing tenderly and responded to him.

Lu Chen asked with a wicked smile, "Have you noticed that your cultivation has improved?"

Seeing the wicked smile on Huang Xing's face, Ji Ran was shy for a while, but when he heard his question, he was stunned for a moment, and found that he had been promoted from the early stage of foundation establishment to the late stage of foundation establishment.

She said in shock, "I broke through from the early stage to the late stage, this...what's going on?"

Huang Xing didn't expect the effect to be so good, he bit Ji Ran's pink and tender ears and said, "I just practiced a method of yin and yang dual cultivation, let's try again."

Ji Ran blushed with shame, and buried herself in Huang Chen's arms, letting him manipulate her.

The two were lingering in love again, and Huang Xing hugged Ji Ran tenderly. This time, he didn't break through all of a sudden like before. He just felt a little more spiritual power, but compared to practicing by himself, it was still much faster .

Huang Xing gently stroked Ji Ran's crisp shoulders, and said solemnly, "This time the effect is not obvious, maybe the first effect is particularly good."

Then he said with a smirk, "From now on, we don't need to practice anymore, we just need to cultivate both yin and yang every day."

Ji Ran's face was bright red, and he spat softly, "Smelly rascal, learn some rascal skills."

Huang Chen laughed and said, "Let's continue to practice."

Then he threw Jiran down like a big bad wolf.

"No." Ji Ran gently pushed and stopped Huang Chen and said, "Didn't you mean that my master and they might not let you take me away easily tomorrow."

When Huang Xing saw her suddenly mention formality, he stopped and said, "Well, in their eyes, although Qingchen and I are strong, but at the same time we have to face more dangers, so I think it will be safer for you to stay in the Holy Land .”

He gently stroked Ji Ran's hair and said, "But don't worry, I will prove to them tomorrow that I have enough strength to guarantee your safety."

Ji Ran leaned his little head against Huang Xing's chest, and said softly, "Didn't you just say that this hooligan technique worked really well for the first time?"

"En." Huang Xing said, "I also just practiced Yin and Yang Dual Cultivation Dafa, guess it should be the first time that the effect is particularly good."

Ji Ran whispered, "Then put me to sleep later, and go to Qing Chen to practice together."

"This..." Huang Xing was a little stunned.

"You are so beautiful." Ji Ran pinched his waist and said, "I just want you to improve your cultivation so that you can be more confident tomorrow."

"Of course." Hearing Ji Ran's explanation, Huang Xing hugged her tightly and kissed her lips. How could he marry such an old man.

Just like this, Ji Ran was in Huang Xing's arms, and gently closed his eyes.

After Ji Ran fell asleep, Huang Xing tiptoed up, covered her with the quilt, kissed her forehead, and left the room.

Huang Xing knew that if he proposed to take Ji Ran away tomorrow, the ancestors of Yuhua Dao Sect would definitely object.

So he and Xiao Qingchen had to show enough strength to convince them.

(End of this chapter)

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