Chapter 517
Huang Chen smiled and looked at Xiao Qingchen who was walking towards him.

This girl is still as strong as ever.

Strong enough to overshadow his limelight.

He saw that it was Jianxiu who was facing the battle of Yuhua Daomen.

He knew that Xiao Qingchen would undoubtedly win.

To compete with her in the sword, even the ancestors in the tribulation period are not qualified.

Like herself, she did not use the Heavenly Rank magic weapon, the Heavenly Sword.

And use the phoenix blood sword brought from the earth.

By the way, Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke also made a splash.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke's sword intent has also improved a lot.

Just now they cast "Sword Locking Heaven and Earth", using their own sword intent.

Xiao Qingchen joined forces with Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke to inherit the three-sword formation, which also has other deep meanings.

"Sword Locking Heaven and Earth" is a defensive formation, even he cannot break through it easily.

She wants to let Yuhua Daomen rest assured that Ji Ran will leave with them.

Xiao Qingchen seems to be indifferent to everything, but as long as she cares about things, her thoughtfulness is no less than that of Huang Xing.

The Qingchi Sword flew back into the hands of Patriarch Jianxin, and the sword intent on his body burst out again.

The sword intent soared into the sky, several times stronger than before.

Holding the sword as a disciple's gift, he bowed in Xiao Qingchen's direction, "Thank you Sword Master Xiao for teaching the sword."

Xiao Qingchen accepted his obeisance frankly, and said, "You can cut through the shackles because you have a sincere sword heart. For a sword repairer, setbacks are like sharpening stones. danger."

The one who has mastered it is a teacher. In the way of swordsmanship, she is qualified to accept the worship of the ancestor Jianxin.

Patriarch Jianxin's cultivation base was only a step away from the door, and he could break through only after Shang Jianzong defeated Patriarch Guiyun.

Xiao Qingchen preached and gave him a sword, which made him instantly enlightened, directly cut through his own shackles, and broke through to the tribulation stage.

He saluted sincerely again, and said respectfully, "Jian Xin remembers Master Xiao Jian's teachings."

Among the onlookers, many of them were also sword cultivators. They all looked at Xiao Qingchen in awe, and held their hands in salute to her.

These few words of hers are all kendo mantras.

Listening to her words is better than practicing swords for a hundred years.

They all felt that their sword hearts were more stable.

Dao should not be passed on lightly.

Even among the same forces, no one who is not a direct disciple can easily preach.

Xiao Qingchen preached and taught swords in front of a large audience, it can be seen that she has a broad mind and can be a master of swordsmanship.

The two competitions came to an end.

The peerless demeanor of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen shocked people's hearts.

Whether it was Lu Chen defeating Xuanling Patriarch with one shot, or Xiao Qingchen taking the sword of Jianxin Patriarch with two fingers, they all proved their strength to Yuhua Daomen.

Huang Xing took the girls back to the Xuanling Patriarch's dojo, Lei Wuwang looked at them with respect in his eyes.

With strength, one can naturally obtain the corresponding status.

If Xiao Qingchen's previous status as the sword master was just a symbol.

Then after this battle, her sword master status is well deserved.

The Xuanling Patriarch would not continue to stop Ji Ran from leaving.

After Huang Xing bid farewell to him, he took all the girls out of the Yuhua Dao Gate, and directly sent them to Feitian City through the teleportation array.

Feitian City is the headquarters of Feitianlou in Feitianlou.

When Huang Xing and his party arrived at Feitian City, Feitianlou dared not neglect them.

The deputy host, Ding Sanshi, hosted a banquet in person to welcome them.

After the guests and hosts had a good time, Shangguan Haitang took Huang Xing to the dojo of Xutian Patriarch.

When Patriarch Xutian saw Huang Xing, he was very emotional.

A month ago, Xiong Er, who also cooperated with him and sought asylum.

Now he already has the strength to defeat Xuanling Patriarch with one shot.

His strength is somewhat stronger than Xuanling Patriarch, but he doesn't have the confidence to defeat Xuanling Patriarch with one move.

After Shangguan Haitang returned to Feitian City, she reported to Patriarch Xutian about the journey.

She had already gotten through with Huang Xing, except for concealing Yu Menglong's matter, she reported everything else truthfully.

Patriarch Xutian arranged for Shangguan Haitang to follow Huang Xing, one is to protect him; the other is to inspect him and see if he is qualified to cooperate with him.

There is no need to doubt now, Huang Xing is naturally qualified to cooperate with him.

Coupled with Xiao Qingchen, it can be said that he took advantage of this cooperation.

The two met, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then began to talk about business.

Ancestor Xutian looked at Huang Xing who was drinking tea, and asked suspiciously, "I don't understand one thing. Why did Xiaoyou Lu cooperate with the old man to find the holy egg of Suzaku?"

After he knew the strength of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen, he became suspicious of Huang Xing's cooperation with him.

No wonder he was suspicious.

Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen are only at the alchemy stage now, and they already have the peak strength of the Mahayana stage. If they break through to the Nascent Soul stage, wouldn't even the ancestors of the Tribulation Stage be afraid of it?

With their strength, there is absolutely no need to find him to cooperate.

To put it bluntly, if they go to the Chixiao Burial Ground after their Nascent Soul Stage, he will be a complete burden!

So he was a little worried, whether Huang Xing had another purpose.

Huang Xing was quite embarrassed when he asked him such a question.

When he was cooperating with Patriarch Xutian, he was just one day away from reaching level 11, and he didn't expect his strength to soar so quickly after leveling up.

At that time, his strength was roughly comparable to Daoist Dongxu, but after being promoted to two levels, his strength is now comparable to Daoist Daoist.

Huang Xing put down the teacup, shook his head and said with a wry smile, "If I told the ancestor, at that time I myself would not have expected that my cultivation base would break through so quickly, would the ancestor believe it?"

When the ancestor Xutian heard the answer, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Little friend Lu said so, I naturally believe it."

He combined all the information, Huang Xing's answer should not be false.

There are traces of Xiong Er's growth trajectory, and he has indeed broken through everyone's cognition time and time again.

But it's not like saving strength either.

It can only be said that his strength is rapidly breaking through, so every time he fights, he feels constantly shocking.

But this breakthrough speed is too scary.

Patriarch Xutian's scalp is numb. If this continues, won't he be invincible in a few months.

Lu Xing said seriously, "That's why I want to leave early with my ancestor to go to the Chixiao burial ground to look for Suzaku eggs."

Ancestor Xutian frowned and said, "When does little friend Lu want to leave?"

Huang Xing said, "I can leave when I break through to the Golden Core Stage."

Patriarch Xutian pondered for a while, then agreed, "Okay."

He asked, "How long will it take for Xiaoyou Lu to break through the golden core stage?"

Huang Xing said, "It will take about a month."

Patriarch Xutian took a deep breath in his heart, feeling numb to Huang Xing's breakthrough speed.

He said, "Then I will prepare in the next few days. As soon as Xiaoyou Lu breaks through, we can set off."

Huang Xing reminded, "Suzaku's holy egg has a lot to do with it, and the ancestor still needs to be careful. Don't let the wind leak out during Chixiao's burial."

(End of this chapter)

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