Chapter 539 Qingdi
The ancestors who came back alive from Chixiao's burial did not enter the ruins, they just practiced outside in order to break through.

Those who entered the ruins were basically the ancestors who were at the peak in the later stage of the tribulation.

Because it is rumored that only by entering the ruins can the catastrophe be attracted and the catastrophe ascended.

But none of those peak ancestors came back alive.

All the cards were broken.

This means that they did not ascend successfully, but all fell.

Soaring from the ruins, ten deaths and no life.

No one knows what kind of danger lies in the ruins.

Only the four holy beasts returned to the realm of comprehension from Guixu alive, and they all fell without leaving any information about Guixu.

That's why the realms of comprehension unite and prepare to merge the two realms, no longer be suppressed by the law, and ascend from the earth.

Patriarch Xutian withdrew his thoughts and looked at the calm and fearless Huang Xing.

He believed that this young legend would surely create a miracle and come back from the ruins.

The flame Suzaku flew to the entrance of Guixu, and rushed in without a pause.

As soon as they entered the Guixu, everyone seemed to have come to another world.

Boom, boom, boom.

Thunder billowed.

In an instant, it seemed that the world was gone.

Terrible thunderclouds gathered towards them.

The sky and the earth are furious, and the wind howls.

The wind blew faster and faster, mixed with pea-sized raindrops falling down.

Bleak and rainy.

The wind is the gang wind from the nine heavens, and the rain is the yellow spring water from the Styx River.

The wind blows and the rain pours down.

Ancestor Xutian was scared out of his wits by the power of heaven and earth.

This is how the same thing?

They have no one to overcome the catastrophe, how could they attract the catastrophe?
Who can stop this catastrophe?
It's no wonder that those peak ancestors who entered Guixu in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe all fell.

Will they also perish here?
"Don't worry." Invincible's voice rang in Huang Chen's ears, "This is because Ji Ran's entry into the ruins has activated the laws of heaven and earth. She has the six seals of the gods on her body. As long as she doesn't break through the golden core, she won't be discovered."

After hearing Wudiqiang's words, Huang Xing was relieved.

When Xiao Qingchen saw the power of catastrophe, his body's demonic intent shot up into the sky, and he entered the strongest state in an instant. He looked up at the sky coldly and angrily, and held the hilt of the Phoenix Blood Sword in his hand.

Even Tiandao, she has the courage to draw a sword and fight.

If the sky wants to destroy them, she will destroy the sky.

Huang Chen reached out and grabbed Xiao Qingchen's slender hand, shook his head at her, and then looked at Ji Ran.

Xiao Qingchen was stopped by Lu Chen, and then she broke away from the enchanted state in an instant, followed his gaze to look at Ji Ran beside her.


The sound of dragon roar sounded.

The golden dragon soared straight into the sky, roaring towards the thunder cloud in the void.

Ji Ran looked up at the sky.

Six powers manifested from her body, surrounding her.

These are the six seals of the gods that Wudiqiang once sealed on her body.

Ji Ran frowned slightly, many memories flooded his mind.

She saw that she was arbitrarily determined through the ages, entered the land of nothingness, fought against the heavens, and sought the way of detachment.

Her name - Emperor Qing.

She stood proudly, the blue shirt on her body whistling in the strong wind.

"I am back."

Ji Ran drew his sword out of its sheath, and a blue light cut towards the clouds gathered in the sky.

The supreme power of the sword intent tore through the space, and with a loud bang, the space vibrated, as if it would burst at any time.

The wind stops, the rain stops, and the robbery clouds recede.

Ji Ran returned his sword to its sheath, turned around and looked at Huang Xing steadily.

At this time, her body is full of supreme and invincible majesty, as if she is like an eternal empress, making people bow and worship.

Huang Xing also looked at her fixedly.

Hearing Ji Ran's words, he knew that she had awakened the memory of her previous life.

Is she still the same now?

Is it still her Ji Ran?
Huang Xing walked towards her, and their faces were close to touching each other.

They could hear each other's heartbeat and breathing.

There was a strange feeling in Ji Ran's eyes.

Huang Xing opened his hands and embraced her in his arms.

No matter who she was in her previous life.

In this life, she is her own woman.

No one can change this.

Not even the Supreme Empress in her previous life.

Ji Ran's body stiffened.

Her memory is very confused.

Want to avoid him, push him away.

But go instinctively expecting his hug.

Huang Xing kissed Ji Ran's forehead lightly, and called out softly, "Of course."

Ji Ran just stared at him blankly, then closed his eyes.

The six seals surrounding her body entered her body again.

The supreme majesty on her body receded, and she returned to the original ordinary girl next door.

"Huang Xing." Ji Ran shook his little head, feeling a little pain in his head and a little confused.

Just now she seemed to have a dream, dreaming that she had become another person.

Wudiqiang's voice sounded in Huang Chen's mind, "The Six Seals of the Conferred God will also seal the memory of her previous life."

After listening to Wudiqiang's explanation, Huang Xing stroked Ji Ran's hair and said, "It's all right, of course, let's continue to find Suzakudan."

"Yeah." Ji Ran said in a low voice obediently.

She knew that something must have happened to her just now, if Huang Xing said it's okay, then it's okay, being with him is her greatest happiness.

She had the illusion just now that they almost separated.

She thought firmly in her heart, "No matter what happens, they will never separate."

Xiao Qingchen looked at Ji Ran, knowing that her identity was hiding this shocking secret.

The sword intent of the sword just now made her feel a lot, and made her see a higher level of peak on the road of swordsmanship.

Her kendo has just begun.

She still has a long way to go.

One day, she will reach the pinnacle of kendo.

Patriarch Xutian was completely speechless in fright.

The power of destroying the world was actually cut off by her with a single sword.

He thought Xiao Qingchen was the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

But this sword is even more terrifying than Xiao Qingchen's kendo.

The people started to continue on the road again.

Flame Suzaku took them to the direction where the four holy beasts crossed the catastrophe.

It doesn't know the exact location of the Suzaku egg, so it can only find it slowly by itself.

"Why is there anyone here?"

On the third day of returning to the ruins, Huang Xing traveled calmly and did not encounter any danger. When he arrived at the place where the Suzaku eggs were left in the memory of the Sparrow Tail Whip, he saw a group of monks.

A group of living people are not ghosts or ghosts after death.

Those people's cultivation bases are all in the tribulation stage, and they all look very young.

Those people became five forces, each occupying a position.

Invincible Qiang's voice sounded: "They are people from the Great Thousand World."

Huang Chen frowned, and flew over with the flame Suzaku.

The group of monks in front of him are actually people from the world.

What are they doing in the ruins?
When the five forces saw Huang Chenfei coming, they all looked at him and frowned slightly.

The five factions of them all know each other, and they are all well-known superpowers in the world.

Which faction are these four people who came from?
The five forces quickly looked away again.

They all came for the secret realm.

Many forces have calculated that they were born in the secret realm, and other forces will come one after another.

So I don't feel too surprised about Huang Xing's arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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