Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 552 Return of the Qing Emperor

Chapter 552 Return of the Qing Emperor
A saint, canonized by heaven.

Only the Immortal King is eligible to be bestowed with the title of Saint by Heaven.

There are only fifteen saints in the world.

The fairy king who became a saint is much stronger than the fairy king in the same realm.

Because they are canonized and recognized by heaven and earth, it is easier for them to grasp the laws of heaven and earth and use the power of heaven and earth.

The sage hunts on behalf of the heavens and is honored as the defender of the order of heaven.

But in the mouth of the rebels, they are called the lackeys of the way of heaven.

As long as those who go against the way do not violate the laws of heaven and earth, the way of heaven cannot personally obliterate them.

These people are suppressed by saints.

The power of the eleven celestial monarchs is all in the Beihuan Tianyu, which is the Tianyu controlled by the sage Yinghuo.

Although there are conflicts between the eleven forces, they are all under the control of the saint Yinghuo, who can be called the disciple of the saint.

They were all shocked when they heard that Ji Ran was going to use their souls to lock the position of Saint Yinghuo.

Who is this woman in Tsing Yi?

What is she going to do?
broken, broken, broken...

The six seals of the Conferred God surrounding Ji Ran exploded one by one.

The phantom of the thirteen-turn golden elixir in Ji Ran's body turned into reality, breaking through to the golden elixir realm.

Qingdi's aura is no longer concealed, revealed between the heaven and the earth.

Boom, boom, boom...

There was a thunderclap between the sky and the earth.

The sound of heaven's wrath resounded from all over the world.

All the immortals were terrified, like the end of the world.

Guixu was plunged into darkness.

The darkness was illuminated by streaks of hideous lightning.

The reflection shines on Ji Ran's clear and beautiful face.

Her face reveals the aura of King's Landing Nine Heavens.

Several ancient beings in the heaven and earth woke up one after another, looking through the Nine Heavens and Ten Realms in shock to the Guixu.

The sudden vision of heaven and earth frightened the eleven immortals who were in the great world to their wits.

This kind of majesty of heaven and earth, even the ninth-level peak immortals like them who command a star field will tremble.

They made a quick decision and wanted to take back the projection.

"I still want to leave after coming."

Ji Ran snorted coldly, and the formation under her feet lit up with a shining light, illuminating the world, and the power flowed into her body.

She just glanced at the eleven immortals lightly.


who are you?

Their souls were shocked and screamed in horror.

Annihilated at a glance.

With just one look at Ji Ran, the souls of the eleven immortals who ruled a star field were scattered and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

The souls of the eleven immortal monarchs traveled through the heaven and earth, and flew towards a dojo in the Beihuan Tianyu with the power of annihilation.

The sage Yinghuo is preaching at the altar.

It is rare for a saint to preach once in a thousand years.

The first immortals listened to the sound of the Great Dao, fascinated and intoxicated.

The sudden sound of thunder and thunder in heaven and earth made the immortals frightened.

The sage Yinghuo also frowned in surprise and calculated, his face suddenly changed, and he almost fell off the altar of the lecture in fear.

"She has come back."

The sage Yinghuo murmured in horror.

Suddenly, he sensed eleven soul powers locked on him and shuttled towards him.

Those eleven soul powers carried his familiar aura.

That was his nightmare.

Saint Yinghuo panicked and wanted to cut off the connection with those eleven spirit powers.

But no matter how powerful his Taoism is, he still can't break the lock of the eleven soul powers.

"Emperor, please forgive me."

The sage Yinghuo no longer has the sage demeanor of the sage who gave the altar lecture just now, and knelt on the altar in a desperate manner, begging for mercy in the direction of Ji Ran

In just an instant, eleven soul powers bombarded Saint Yinghuo with annihilated power.

Saints fall.

There was a rain of blood in the world, and there was a cry of mourning like a bull's horn blowing a trumpet.

Amidst the mournful cries of heaven and earth, came a voice from King Lin Nine Heavens - "Traitor, be punished."

This sound resounded throughout the nine heavens and ten earths, scaring the three mighty giants out of their wits.

They are also traitors in her mouth.

She has come back.

Emperor Qing returns.

She declared her return with the blood of a saint.

All this happened in just a breath.

Wudiqiang's voice sounded in Huang Chen's mind, "As expected of Emperor Qing, you are so domineering!"

He explained, "I don't know how many eras the Mietian Project has gone through. In the era of Emperor Qing, it was most likely to succeed. As a result, four traitors appeared, which made the Mietian Project fall short."

"Before Emperor Qing was reincarnated, he still had the power to seal it in the Ten Absolute Formation. When she returns this time, she will directly use this power to suppress the saint Yinghuo, one of the traitors, to deter the nine heavens and ten earths, to announce her return, and to declare the world extinct." The plan has not failed."

After Ji Ranzhen killed Yinghuo Saint, he looked up at the void, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

What I killed just now was just a dog of Tiandao.

Then comes the real enemy.

Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen knew what Ji Ran was going to face next.

But they all flew to her side resolutely and without fear, and faced the obliteration of heaven together with her.

Huang Xing stood in the middle holding the Flame Dragon Spear.

Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen stood beside him, one on the left and the other on the right.

Ji Ran turned to look at Huang Xing beside him, there was no emotion in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Huang Xing also looked at him and smiled faintly.

Heaven was furious, and he had already sensed the aura of the rebel.

This was the aura of a traitor that he hated the most.

It's just that her current cultivation base is very weak.

Under the laws of heaven that he had customized, he could only use the power of the mortal realm to kill her.

He is the way of heaven and has the ultimate control over power.

His control over every level of power is the ultimate and strongest.

So no one can escape the obliteration of heaven.

The way of heaven turned into a bolt of lightning and came towards Ji Ran.

This bolt of lightning carried the wrath of heaven, burning all directions.

The creatures of all worlds felt the wrath of heaven.

They were also frightened.

The entire Guixu turned into a large formation.

Returning to the Ruins is the Ten Absolute Formation laid down by Ji Ran.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu.

All four holy beasts manifested.

Qinglong belongs to wood, and belongs to the wood formation.

The white tiger belongs to gold and belongs to the golden formation.

Suzaku belongs to fire and belongs to the fire formation.

Xuanwu belongs to water and belongs to the water formation.

The Huben army also came out of the universe in the palm of their hands and entered the Tuyan Formation.

Huang Chen turned into a giant, striding across the wind roar formation and thunder formation, with every breath, it was the wind roar and thunder.

Xiao Qingchen's body was full of demonic energy, and the Phoenix Blood Sword, Love in Allure, Zhenzong Tianjian, and Nether Sword formed the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, and entered the Nether Formation.

From the depths of Guixu, a copper coffin flew out, and it was lying in the fierce formation. It is unknown who was buried inside.

Ji Ran came to the Nine Heavens and flew into the heavenly array.

Ten Absolute Formation, Absolute Heaven Formation.

When the heavenly lightning came to Guixu, it was like entering the Ten Absolute Formation.

Faced with the lightning from heaven, Ji Ran stretched out his hand and shouted, "Come with the sword."

Follow the law.

All the creatures in the cultivation world were drained of all their power in an instant.

Whether it is an ordinary mortal or an ancestor of the Holy Land.

They all lost all their power in an instant.

All these forces gathered in Ji Ran's hands.

Cangsheng sword.

Use the common people as a sword to cut the sky.

To cut the way of heaven, it can only be possible with the power not subject to the laws of the way of heaven.

She opened up the cultivation world just for this time.

(End of this chapter)

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