Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 558 I'm only here for this girl today

Chapter 558 I'm only here for this girl today (updated)
Everyone was restrained by Huang Xing's palm, and they took a deep breath.

They felt chills down their backs and stared dumbfounded at the corpse of Yamada Juncheng who fell from the void.

One-shot kill!

Huang Chen actually killed Yamada Juncheng in the early stage of crossing the catastrophe with one move.

Although Yamada Juncheng used the secret method of the Shinto Temple to help him break through to the stage of crossing the catastrophe, there is still some gap between his combat power and the real stage of crossing the catastrophe, but no matter how weak he is, he is still the ancestor of the early stage of crossing the catastrophe, compared to his peak in the Mahayana stage. It is several times stronger.

Moreover, Yamada Junchen also has a low-level treasured sword on his body. Although it is not a defensive magic weapon, the defensive power of the automatic guardian of the weapon spirit is also very amazing. It was dimmed by Huang Chen's palm. Ancestor Xutian on the side.

What is Huang Chen's cultivation level?
You can instantly kill Transcending Tribulation Period with one move!
What came out of him just now was just the breath of the Nascent Soul.

The Nascent Soul crosses the catastrophe in seconds!
Even legends dare not make it up like this.

If they had heard of such a thing before, they would just scoff.

They thought that Huang Chen would be able to defeat Xuanling Patriarch in the late stage of alchemy, and they accepted it slightly in their hearts.

But in just half a year, Huang Xing's cultivation has soared from the early stage of foundation establishment to the stage of Nascent Soul.

Who can match this breakthrough speed?
In fact, the three major alliances are very afraid of the monster fighting power of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen.

However, they guessed that the higher the cultivation base of the two, the harder it would be to break through.

So just wait and see.

Now that Huang Xing has gone to the Chixiao Burial Ground and returned, he already has the strength to instantly kill the early stages of Transcendence Tribulation.

This has broken through their bottom line.

The tribulation period is their bottom line!

This is the pinnacle combat power in the cultivation world.

It is the guarantee of superpower dominance.

When Huang Xing broke through this line, even the ancestors of the Zhanmeng's Crossing Tribulation Period were very afraid of him.

This is beyond their control.

They also expected that Huang Xing's strength would eventually reach their unbelievable level, but they didn't expect it to be so fast, and they were not ready to deal with it.

Patriarch Xutian took the treasured sword thrown by Huang Xing, and was not surprised that he killed Yamada Juncheng in seconds, but felt a little bit in his heart.

He and Toshiro Yamada were equal in strength, and they had fought openly and secretly for thousands of years, but the other party was slapped to death by Huang Xing's backhand.

This gap made him not very embarrassed.

The low-level treasure sword of the heaven rank has not yet recognized Yamada Juncheng as the master, it belongs to Feitianlou, and it was held in the hands of Xutian Patriarch and did not break free.

It didn't dare to break free, and the terrifying aura next to it made it tremble. It was an aura that could completely kill him, and he was so frightened that he didn't dare to move around.

Patriarch Xutian looked at the treasured sword in his hand, feeling lucky and proud that he had always chosen to stand by Huang Xing's side.

He believes that from now on, Feitianlou will no longer have to rely on others, and contribute 80.00% of its income to the elders of the three alliances.

There were still a few ancestors from the Mahayana stage in the Feitian Building in Shenmeng District, but they were all scared out of their wits, and they were even slapped to death by him in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. How dare they show their heads?
Huang Chen slapped Yamada Juncheng to death, and also knocked out many ancestors of the three major alliances.

He took out the sparrow tail whip, and asked with a half-smile to the eight ancestors of the Suzaku Holy Land standing in front of the Leiguang Shenzhou, "Do you want to get the sparrow tail whip back?"

Seeing the contemptuous smile on Huang Xing's face, the eight patriarchs of the Suzaku Holy Land felt a little creepy. Just now he slapped him to death at the beginning of the tribulation, which made them very afraid.

The leader, Patriarch Mo Kong, calmed down, and said in a deep voice, "The three major alliances made an armistice agreement back then, and within it, they could not snatch their respective heavenly magic weapons. As long as you return the sparrow tail whip, the Suzaku Holy Land can let the past go."

He is an ancestor in the late stage of the tribulation, and he has a high-level magic weapon in his hand, and Huang Xing is still a little bit confident.

However, Suzaku Holy Land originally wanted to directly fight for the Sparrow's Tail Whip, but now it has changed it to use words to test first.

In fact, the ultimate purpose of the three major alliances coming here is for Suzaku Egg.

It's just that everyone hasn't picked it out yet.

The Suzaku Holy Land happened to have the excuse of the sparrow tail whip, so it was the first to attack.

Huang Chen smiled lightly, "That day at the entrance square of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, Yan Ruhai said in person that as long as the sparrow tail whip recognizes me as the master, it will belong to me."

"What?" He sneered, "You Vermilion Bird Holy Land want to go back on your word and take back the Sparrow Tail Whip?"

After Huang Xing finished speaking, the atmosphere became solemn, the surroundings were eerily quiet, and the air seemed to freeze.

"I would like to bet and admit defeat. Since the bird tail whip has been lost to Lu Daoyou, it will naturally belong to him."

A vigorous voice came from the direction of the Zhanmeng, and the three ancestors of the Tribulation Period came towards them.

The one who spoke was the leader, a gray-clothed patriarch. He didn't show a trace of sword intent, but he looked like a peerless sword drawn out of its sheath.

There were only three people from Jianzong, but all three were ancestors of the Tribulation Period.

The leader is Feng Buping, the peak patriarch in the later period of the tribulation.

The other two are also ancestors in the middle stage of the tribulation.

On the surface of Jianzong, there were only seven ancestors in the tribulation period, and three of them came at one time.

Everyone knew that Xiao Qingchen, Xiao Qingchen, Lu Xing's Taoist companion, was the sword master of Jianzong Zhenzong Tianjian, so it was not surprising to see Jianzong being the first to come out to support Huang Chen.

There are also seven auras coming from the direction of Shenmeng, six of which are in the tribulation period and one is in the Mahayana period.

The Mahayana monk is a young man in his 30s, dressed in a blood-red robe, with a bit of arrogance on his stern face, and a cold aura that makes people look horrified.

Huang Xing looked at him with a sneer, he had seen this face in the video a long time ago - Lan Xiuming, the Holy Son of Blood.

Lan Xiuming's cultivation had already broken through to the Mahayana stage, and his strength and means made many ancestors of the Tribulation Stage dare not underestimate him.

Blood Sacred Land has six patriarchs in the tribulation stage at one time, two of them are in the late stage of the tribulation, two are in the middle stage of the tribulation, and two are in the early stage of the tribulation. The strength is evident.

Although the ten thousand years of inheritance of the ten holy lands have not been destroyed, no one can do anything to anyone.

However, the eight holy places of the Holy League and the Zhanmeng also had to admit that when it comes to the strength of a single holy place, the Divine Dao Temple can be ranked first, and the Blood Holy Land can be ranked second.

With the appearance of the Holy Land of Blood, six more people came out from the Zhanmeng direction, two Dujie Patriarchs and four Mahayana Patriarchs, including Patriarch Jianxin and Patriarch Xuanling.

The leading ancestor is dressed in a Taoist robe, looks like a fairy, the ancestor of the peak in the late stage of the Taoist crossing the catastrophe, the ancestor of Xuanmi.

All the major forces knew that the Blood God Son had always wanted to get rid of Huang Chen's other Taoist partner, Ji Ran. She was a disciple of the Yuhua Dao Sect, so how could the Yuhua Dao Sect just ignore it?
The four major forces confronted each other across the air, Lan Xiuming looked at Ji Ran who was beside Huang Chen, and said coldly and arrogantly, "Today I am only here for this girl, as long as you hand her over to me, I promise that the League of God will immediately Leave and won't interfere with other things."

Lan Xiuming's words made all the ancestors of the Holy League and the Zhanmeng frown solemnly.

He had something to say and would not intervene in other matters. Not only did he not intervene in the sparrow-tail whip dispute on the surface, but he also withdrew from the battle for Suzaku eggs.

He also understood what he meant, as long as Zhanmeng and Huang Xing handed over Ji Ran to him, Shenmeng would not attack Zhanmeng.

But if he refused to hand over Ji Ran, the Shenmeng would join hands with the Holy League to deal with Zhanmeng.

How can Zhanmeng stop it?

 Belated update!12 more chapters at [-]pm

(End of this chapter)

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