Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 560 One Sword Slashes Six Ancestors

Chapter 560 Killing the Sixth Patriarch with One Sword
The eight ancestors of Suzaku Holy Land all looked at Huang Xing in horror, and they were vaguely afraid of the flame breath on his body.

How can this be?

Even Zhanmeng Tianhuozong's fire control skills are not comparable to Suzaku Holy Land.

Their Suzaku fire is the strongest flame in the cultivation world, how could they be afraid of other flames?
Two groups of flames burned in the void, and the heat wave evaporated all the aura around them.

The ancestors of the three major alliances could feel the heat even thousands of miles away.

Patriarch Mo Kong has sacrificed the high-level Suzaku totem.

The Suzaku Totem can make eight ancestors form the Suzaku Formation, which increases its power tenfold.

"If you want to die, then you will be fulfilled."

Patriarch Mo Kong gave a cold shout, and punched Huang Xing.

The flame breath on Huang Xing made him feel inexplicably afraid. Such an enemy must be eliminated as soon as possible. If he is allowed to continue to grow, who can control him in the cultivation world?

The flames broke through the void and burned the whole world.

Ancestor Mo Kong's seemingly simple punch, under the boost of the Suzaku totem, is equivalent to ten times the strength of the eight of them.

Under such power, the space is burned and distorted.

The three Crossing Tribulation Patriarchs of Jianzong wanted to help Lu Chen, but seeing that Xiao Qingchen was still on the Leiguang Shenzhou, they didn't do anything.

The reason they got involved with Huang Xing was because of Xiao Qingchen, and even Xiao Qingchen didn't help out, so naturally they wouldn't take the initiative to do so.

When they saw Xiao Qingchen just watching the battle calmly, they were secretly horrified. Could it be that she had that much confidence in the strength of those two?Can you deal with Mo Kong and Lan Xiuming alone?
Facing the blowing fist of flames, Huang Xing stood indifferently, raised his right hand lightly, and blocked the punch that blasted through the void with his palm.

Not as devastating as imagined.

This is enough to kill an ordinary ancestor's punch in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, like thunder and rain.

Before flying to Huang Xing, he was blocked by his palm and stopped.

The power of the fist of flames has not disappeared, and the flames that burn the sky and boil the sea are still burning fiercely.

It's just that it didn't do any harm to Huang Xing.

Instead, the flame in this picture became Huang Xing's. He controlled it and turned it into a fireball.

Huang Chen looked at the eight patriarchs who had turned into the Suzaku Formation with a mocking smile, and the power of the fireball in his hand continued to rise, and the flame breath was stronger than the punch that blasted through the void just now.

While Huang Xing was fighting with Suzaku Holy Land, Ji Ran also drew his sword out of its sheath and gently held it in his hand.

Her fingers gently caressed the blade of the Dragon Chanting Sword, and a mighty dragon chant resounded in the world.

The sound of dragon chant is full of kingly domineering.

The six ancestors of the Blood Sacred Land did not underestimate Ji Ran because she was only in the Nascent Soul stage.

Just now, Huang Xing has proved that Nascent Soul can also cross the catastrophe in seconds.

The terrifying power of the six ancestors in the crossing tribulation period enveloped Ji Ran. If they were replaced by ordinary Nascent Soul monks, they would be able to wipe out each other's mind and soul with just their power.

But their power is obviously useless to Ji Ran.

Ji Ran, under the coercion of the six ancestors of the Transcending Tribulation Period, still exuded the might of a ruler in the world, like a supreme empress.

There was also a dragon chant resounding between heaven and earth, as if echoing with the dragon chant sword.

The ancestors were shocked to find that the power of the earth's veins was surging towards the Dragon Yin in Ji Ran's hand.

The air in the void contains aura, and the depths of the ground also contain the power of the veins.

The spirit stones they use for cultivation are also mined from the spirit vein mine formed by the power of the earth veins.

The power of the earth veins is too deep underground, and it is not as fast as the spiritual energy in the direct continuous air.

Therefore, there are no monks to directly refine the power of the earth veins.

The Dragon Chanting Sword uttered another dragon chant, and the dragon roared to the sky.

Intermediate level!

Heavenly Advanced!

After absorbing the power of the earth veins, the dragon chanting sword, which was originally a low-level heavenly rank, was promoted to two levels in a row, becoming a high-level magic weapon of the heavenly rank.

Everyone looked at Ji Ran in horror.

She actually instantly promoted the low-level Dragon Yinjian to the high-level level.

They have never heard of this kind of miraculous method, and they have never seen it before.

Lan Xiuming looked at Ji Ran with serious eyes.


The ancestors of the six blood-sacred lands used their killing moves at the same time, blasting at Ji Ran.

This girl has a demon, don't stay here!

The terrifying power of the six realms bombarded her, and the world was torn apart.

All the ancestors of the three major alliances turned pale with horror.

No matter which one of them it is, they don't have the strength to face the ancestors of the six blood-sacred lands during the tribulation period alone.

They are all leaders of their generation who have been able to cultivate to the stage of crossing the catastrophe. Each of them is a monster at the level of a true dragon. In fact, the strength is not much different. It is very difficult to fight two against one, let alone six against one.

Some patriarchs are already lamenting that this peerless girl is about to perish.

There are also some ancestors who watched the battle silently, believing that she must have the means to deal with it.

The Patriarch Xuan Mie of the Yuhua Dao Sect stopped in the void, ready to rescue him at any time.

It was Ji Ran's first fight with a human being, and he didn't feel flustered or nervous at all.

With Qingdi's memory, how could her fighting power be comparable to these mortals?

With the sword in hand, she seemed to have become the Qing Emperor who cut the lightning from heaven with his sword in the Heaven's Absolute Formation.

The same is cut out with a sword.

Nothing too fancy.

Just an ordinary sword.

A sword was cut out, and six sword lights were separated.

The six sword lights scattered the six attacks that were blasting at her.

The blood-sacred land's ancestors in the Six Tribulation Tribulation Period only felt that their eyes were dazzled by the sword light, making them squint slightly.

Then I felt a chill on my neck.

Then I don't know anything.

Because even their souls were killed in their bodies together.

They brought a total of one high-level heavenly treasure, one mid-level heavenly treasure, and two low-level heavenly treasures.

Even the high-level magic weapon on Mo Kong's body is still a defensive magic weapon.

But he didn't have time to push it.

It's too late for the four heavenly magic weapons to automatically protect the Lord.

The six ancestors of the Blood Sacred Land were killed by that sword.

Hundreds of ancestors from the three major alliances did not see the sword clearly.

Only Xiao Qingchen and Lan Xiuming caught the trace of that sword.

Lan Xiuming's eyes were scarlet, and his stern face showed ferocity. He licked the corner of his mouth, and opened his mouth to suck the six fallen people, sucking their blood into his mouth.

At the same time that Ji Ran cut out that sword.

The fireball in Huang Xing's hand also shot towards the Suzaku formation formed by the Suzaku totems.

The fireball, which was still exuding the aura of burning just now, no longer had a trace of flame.

It is like an ordinary red ball, shooting towards the Vermillion Bird Formation in the void.

The red ball flew into the Suzaku array.

The eight ancestors of Suzaku Holy Land all felt inexplicable palpitations.

They had already shot to block the red ball, but the red ball flew directly into Suzaku's formation through their power.

The red ball was like a bouncing ball, as soon as it flew into the Suzaku formation, it bounced around, leaving behind clusters of faint flames. "Go back!"

Patriarch Mo Kong sensed something suddenly, and roared in shock.

The faces of the eight patriarchs changed drastically and they wanted to disperse and run away.

But it was too late.

The clusters of weak flames instantly became a prairie fire and engulfed the Suzaku formation.

 Merry Christmas to everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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