Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 566 Modern Cultivation Civilization

Chapter 566 Modern Cultivation Civilization
Patriarch Qingyun spread the news of Lu Chen's recovery from injury, and invited the Patriarch Wannian from all major forces to come to Confucianism to discuss the fusion of the two worlds.

The Wannian ancestors of various forces had been prepared for a long time. After receiving the news, they left customs and set off one after another, and came to the world of Confucianism through the teleportation array.

The super powers with the ancestors of thousands of years are also the powers that migrated from the earth to the world of comprehension.

The Four Saints and Nine Sects, the Long Family, the Jun Family, the Zhan Family, the Hanging Mountain, the Moon Worship Demon Sect, and the Gate of Life and Death, these nineteen superpowers.

In the thousands of years of the Zhanmeng, although some strengths have been promoted to become first-rank forces, there is still a big gap in their background compared with these nineteen super forces.

Nineteen thousand-year-old ancestors of superpowers gathered together. They have not been out of customs for thousands of years, even though many disciples of superpowers do not know their existence.

The breath of the nineteen thousand-year-old ancestors is long and condensed. From the outside, they are all sixty-year-olds, but they all have white hair and youthful faces, and are full of energy, with clear and sharp eyes from time to time.

They all came to the world of Confucianism with their real bodies, to show their importance to this discussion and their respect to Huang Xing.

"Hua Xia, are you okay?"

Huang Xing and the nineteen Wannian ancestors were sitting in the conference hall, and one of the Wannian ancestors asked with a complicated expression.

The other [-] Wannian ancestors also looked at him with anticipation on their faces.

Looking at the nineteen old people, Huang Xing could understand their feelings.

The month is the hometown Ming.

Falling leaves return to their roots is the plot of the Chinese people.

It has been nearly ten thousand years since they migrated from the earth to the world of comprehension, but only a very small number of people are still alive.

Those new-generation monks may not have feelings for the earth. They want to integrate the two worlds, mostly out of profit considerations, but these old people are native Chinese people, and they still have more or less feelings for the earth's China.

"China is very good now, but the civilization developed on the earth is different from the world of comprehension..." Huang Xing briefly described the history of China's development and the current situation on the earth.

The nineteen thousand-year-old ancestors listened attentively, and they were very relieved to learn that China is now singing and dancing, and the people are living and working in peace and contentment.

After introducing the situation of the earth, Huang Xing cut to the point and said, "I invite all the ancestors here to discuss the communication between the two worlds."

The nineteen Wannian people glanced at each other, and one of the Wannian ancestors took the lead and said, "Young Master Lu has any ideas and resolutions, but it's okay, we will fully cooperate with Zhanmeng."

Huang Xing said, "The intercommunication between two different civilizations will involve all aspects. First of all, we must formulate good rules and regulations..."

It is not difficult to integrate the two worlds, but after the intercommunication, how to integrate and get along with the two civilizations of the cultivation world and the earth cannot be solved overnight. This is a long process.

In the simplest example, monks can easily kill ordinary people. Even if the killing is not malicious, the battle between two monks fluctuates widely, and ordinary people will die if they touch it.

Those who are powerful will naturally feel superior to others. The strength of monks far exceeds that of ordinary people on the earth, and Jindan monks can be invincible on earth.

Cultivators in the realm of comprehension have different starting points from ordinary people on Earth, so how can the two get along on an equal footing?

After the fusion of the two realms, wouldn't ordinary people on earth become inferior?
Huang Xing talked eloquently, and brought up the problems that the two worlds would face after they communicated.

The nineteen Wannian ancestors listened to Huang Chen's words in silence, their faces becoming more and more serious.

Although they are promoting the integration of the two worlds with good intentions, they only look at the problem from the standpoint of a high-ranking monk.

I never thought about how two different civilizations should coexist in one form after the fusion of the two worlds.

Less than a year ago, Huang Xing was an ordinary college student on earth. He looked at the integration of the two worlds from the perspective of ordinary people on earth, and only then did he discover more problems.

The fusion of two civilizations has never been a simple matter.

Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest is an eternal law.

If the earth didn't have such a peerless powerhouse like Huang Xing and the others who could sweep the invincible, after the two worlds communicated, they might not be able to have the right to speak.

Huang Xing discussed with the nineteen thousand-year-old ancestors for three days and three nights, and roughly set the general direction of the coexistence of the two worlds after they communicated.

The first step is to unify the cultivation world, so that the entire cultivation world has only one voice.

Then completely open up the channel between the two worlds, and jointly resist the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Once the heaven and earth catastrophe is over, the spiritual energy on the earth will recover and become suitable for cultivation.

At that time, based on the original martial arts forces on the earth, a practice academy will be established. As long as there is a qualification for cultivation, everyone can practice.

Formulate a unified law and gradually form a new modern cultivation civilization.

The process of fusion and transformation of the two civilizations will be very long, but the strongest of the human race is adaptability and creativity.

According to Huang Xing's calculations, it only takes a few years to form the prototype of a modern cultivation civilization.

It can take decades at the fastest, or hundreds of years at the slowest, and the two civilizations can be completely integrated to form a new modern cultivation civilization.

The nineteen thousand-year-old ancestors listened to Huang Chen's construction of a modern cultivation and civilized society with modern people's thinking, and they all deduced the feasibility of the matter in their hearts.

They actually understand it very well. They quite compose the cultivation world and the earth into a super sect, formulate unified sect rules, and all sect disciples and elders act according to the sect rules.

It is normal for sects to have rank distinctions, and bullying and oppression are unavoidable.

But at least there are sect rules, and there will be no killing fellow sects in broad daylight.

Moreover, as long as every disciple has aptitude and talent and is willing to practice hard, he can basically stand out and be promoted continuously.

The modern comprehension civilization that Huang Xing wants to build is actually a super sect that combines the comprehension world and everyone on the earth, which is very feasible.

But the premise is that there must be people with absolute prestige and strength to suppress all the forces, integrate all the forces together, and formulate new rules and regulations uniformly for everyone to abide by.

The nineteen thousand-year-old ancestors all set their sights on Huang Xing. Only this young man has such strength and courage to accomplish this feat.

The door of the Confucianism Tianxia Conference Hall was opened, and the nineteen Wannian ancestors all returned to their respective forces.

All the forces paying attention here understand that in these three days, the structure of the comprehension world has been re-established in the chamber.

Ten days have passed since the battle at the Chixiao Burial Ground. Both the Shenmeng and the Holy League are calm, and they have no intention of seeking revenge from Huang Xing, and the Shinto Academy has not asked him to discuss cooperation.

Seven days later, the six holy lands of Qinglong Holy Land, White Tiger Holy Land, Suzaku Holy Land, Xuanwu Holy Land, Blood Holy Land, and Shinto Temple activated the sub-immortal weapon "War Fortress" at the same time and flew towards Zhanmeng.

(End of this chapter)

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