Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 575 Inspecting the Holy Land of Blood

Chapter 575 Inspecting the Holy Land of Blood

A few days later, Huang Xing arrived at the location of the Blood Sacred Land.

This place has been surrounded by the army of the temple.

The leader of the army of the Shinto Temple is an ancestor who stayed behind in the late stage of the tribulation period, and beside him stood the bright and beautiful Asako Sakurai.

After returning from Feitian City last time, Asako Sakurai was named the saint of the Shinto Temple and became the leader of the younger generation.

She heard that Huang Xing entered Chixiao's burial ground to look for Suzaku eggs, and hundreds of ancestors from the three major alliances went to snatch them, and she was very worried.

As a result, as soon as Huang Chen appeared, he killed all directions. None of the ancestors of Shenmeng and Shengmeng escaped, which made her very happy.

This time, the Holy League and the Divine League came out to besiege Huang Chen, but before Huang Chen could make a move, the Holy League was subdued by the four holy beasts, and the mysterious Blood God Patriarch was besieged and killed by his tiger army.

The three major alliances of the Eastern Great Territory all pledge their allegiance.

Her master has become the master of the Eastern Great Territory, and Sakurai Asako is also very proud.

Huang Chen followed Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen from left to right, with three thousand tigers and guards behind him.

The iron and blood killing intent on them makes people look at them with awe and fear.

Compared with the three thousand tigers, the army of tens of thousands of monks in the Shinto monastery is like a child, not worth mentioning.

All the monks in the Shinto Temple held their breaths and looked at Huang Xing. This handsome young man will be the common master of the three alliances in the future.

The news that Huang Xing had obtained the inheritance of the power to open up the cultivation world has also spread.

Some monsters in the Shinto Academy were not convinced by Huang Xing, thinking that it was all because of his inheritance that he was so powerful.

They only dared to be dissatisfied in their hearts, and did not dare to show half of it on their faces.

"Yutian Ghost of the Shinto Academy pays homage to Mr. Lu." The leader of the Shinto Academy said to Lu Xing respectfully in the late stage of the Tribulation, "We brought people to surround the Blood Holy Land when we received the news, and their defensive formations have always been opened. Not a single mosquito flew out of it."

Takeda Tokugo asked for instructions, "Young Master Lu, do you need to use a war fortress to break through the defensive formation of the Blood Sacred Land?"

The defensive array of the Holy Land is no small matter, it can be said to be the strongest defense of the major forces in the Eastern Great Territory. Even with the God-killing Cannon of the War Fortress, it will take several shots to forcibly destroy it.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Huang Xing shook his head, looked at the defensive formation shrouded in mist below, and ordered lightly, "Lu Hu, break the formation!"


Lu Hu took the lead, and Sanqian Hu Ben's killing intent and fighting intent soared into the sky, sweeping across the Blood Sacred Land with a sweeping force.

The tens of thousands of monks who besieged the Blood Sacred Land in the Shinto Temple had never seen the power of the three thousand tigers with their own eyes.

At this time, seeing their invincible aura, their legs became weak from fright, and some monks were directly paralyzed from fright.


Three thousand tigers lined up in the battle formation and rushed to all directions of the defensive formation.


There was a loud noise that shook the ground.

The monks in the Shinto Temple were still able to react, and the defensive battle of the Blood Holy Land was broken.

The three thousand tigers didn't blast through the formation with brute force, but also found the opening of the defense formation, and directly attacked the formation.

Takeda Tokutake's pupils tightened. With such power, I am afraid that the defensive formation of the Shinto Academy would not be able to last three seconds in front of them.

The defensive formation of the Blood Holy Land was broken, and there was silence inside.

The holy land stretches across thousands of miles, without a trace of life.

Only the sound of the breeze blowing.

All the monks in the Blood Sacred Land had already been refined by the ancestor of the Blood God. Those with low cultivation levels were directly swallowed as blood food, and those with high cultivation levels were refined into blood slaves, and all of them were killed by three thousand tigers.

The Blood Sacred Ground, one of the Ten Holy Lands, was empty.

The monks of the Shinto Academy looked at the deadly blood sacred ground, and felt chills standing in their hearts, and a cold air rushed straight to their foreheads.

If Huang Xing hadn't killed the ancestor of the blood god, I'm afraid the Shinto academy would end up like the blood sacred place.

Huang Xing instructed Takeda Tokugo, "You stay here and don't allow anyone to approach or leave."

Tokugo Takeda respectfully replied, "Master Lu, I will never let a mosquito fly in and out."

Huang Xing said to Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen beside him, "Let's go down."

Then he took the two daughters and three thousand tigers and landed on the blood sacred ground.

The holy land of blood stretched across thousands of miles, and it was completely empty at this moment.

Huang Xing ordered the three thousand tigers, "Separately investigate every inch of the Blood Sacred Land, and report back as soon as you find any information about the Ancient Blood Ming Clan."


Three thousand tigers took the order, and began to investigate separately.

Huang Xing also let go of his soul, and carefully inspected the Holy Land of Blood, worrying about any hidden dangers left behind.

The sacred place of blood is thousands of miles away. Huang Xing carefully checked it out and spent a lot of time, but found nothing abnormal.

It wasn't until sunset that Huang Xing noticed an unusual aura on a mountain peak.

This aura is very faint, almost wiped off, if he didn't have a god-level soul, he wouldn't be able to detect it.

He remained calm, and sent a voice transmission to Ji Ran, "Have you noticed that breath?"

"Well." Ji Ran also noticed the abnormality and said, "This is the breath of the outside world. People from the world have come here, it should be a few days ago."

Huang Xing said lightly, "The traces of the blood sacred land have been destroyed, and nothing can be found."

Ji Ran said, "Maybe he's still in the Shinto monastery, are we going to find him?"

Huang Chen said inscrutablely, "No need, he doesn't dare to stand up now, it's still useful to keep him."

It took two days for the three of them to investigate all of the Holy Land of Blood, and found no other abnormalities.

Three thousand tigers searched every inch of the land, and found several secret places left by the blood god ancestors related to the ancient Xueming clan.

Among them is a secret place that can convert the human race into the bleeding Mingu race.

But the conditions are very harsh.

In ten thousand years, the Son of the Blood God was close to success.

After the inspection, Huang Xing ordered Lu Hu, "You burn the blood sacredly."

The Holy Land of Blood no longer exists. This is a force established by the Blood Minggu Clan, and there is no need for it to continue to exist.

Lu Hu took the order and started setting fires around with three thousand tigers.

The fire spread quickly, and the blood-sacred land burned ragingly for thousands of miles.

The monks in the Shinto monastery looked at the raging fire, and they were quite touched in their hearts.

A holy land of ten thousand years was destroyed by Huang Xing just like this.

The Blood Sacred Land, one of the two holy lands of the League of Gods, was officially removed.

They are close friends.

Looking at the raging fire, Takeda Tokugo became more respectful to Huang Xing, and humbly invited, "Master Lu and the two wives please move to the Shinto Temple to rest."

Huang Xing shook his head, rejected his invitation, and said meaningfully, "No need, we have to set off to return to Feitian City, as long as the Shinto Academy does its own thing well."

Takeda Tokugo said sincerely and apprehensively, "The Shinto Academy respectfully abides by Mr. Lu's decree, but there are orders, and I will not hesitate to die."

(End of this chapter)

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