Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 577 Everyone is like a dragon

Chapter 577 Everyone is like a dragon
Except for some forces in the Zhanmeng who had discussed with Huang Xing first and knew that he wanted to create a unified "school", the people in power of other forces didn't know what a "school" was, but they all rushed to express their opinions first, "We will wait for you." Power resources, let Mr. Lu use them."

Huang Xing did not let the Zhanmeng annex the Holy League and the Shenmeng, but he had already made them grateful. Now it is just paying tribute to resources, which is the best ending for them.

"Since you are all so forthright, then I won't make any detours." Huang Chen said heartily, "The establishment of an academy is a great event for the entire cultivation world. If you can participate in it, you will surely be famous in history."

The power holders of the major forces all looked at Huang Xing with puzzled faces, curious about what kind of school he established, so that they could also be famous in history.

Huang Xing looked at them and said with a smile, "You may not know what a school is."

He said with pride, "Everyone can regard the academy as a new force that spreads across the entire Eastern Territory. Of course, after the unification of the cultivation world and the earth are interlinked and integrated, the academy will be a force that spreads across the two worlds. This force does not belong to you. It does not belong to me, but to everyone, to the entire human race."

"Whether it's a mortal, a casual cultivator, or a disciple of your major forces, as long as you have the qualifications for cultivation, you can enter the academy to practice."


"This time, 30% of the total resources of the major forces will be uniformly collected. The resources used include spirit stones, pills, exercises, martial arts, and magic weapons."

"Starting next year, 20% of the total income of the major forces will be collected every year."

"All the resources mobilized will be managed by the Presbyterian Council of the school, and will be used for the construction and daily expenses of the first batch of [-] schools. These [-] schools are just pilot projects. More schools will be established in the future, so that all those with cultivation qualifications Everyone has the opportunity to practice."

"School Presbyterian Church, the first batch consists of 19 members, nine members from Zhanmeng, five members each from God League and Holy League."

"The first batch of teaching instructors will be selected by each of your forces in proportion. As for the exercises to be taught..."

Huang Chen talked eloquently, and bought a batch of exercises of the yellow rank, the mysterious rank, and the earth rank from the system store, and said, "Everyone, what do you think of these exercises?"

As he said that, he distributed the exercises in his hands to the power holders of the major forces to pass them on.

Those in power have long been shocked by Huang Xing's school construction.

This is equivalent to expropriating the resources of major forces to train ordinary monks.

Of course, the interests of their major forces are damaged, but it is a feat that will last forever for the entire cultivation world.

As for 30% of the resources being recruited at one time, it did cause them to bleed profusely, but it was not enough to hurt their muscles and bones.

It is not unacceptable to collect 20% of resources every year in the future.

In fact, the resources collected by their major forces in the territories controlled by them are much higher than 20%.

Huang Xing also discussed with Zhanmeng's ancestors, and knew the general situation of the resources owned by the major forces. One-time collection of 30% of the total resources is enough to establish the first batch of [-] schools and subsequent expenses.

After receiving Huang Xing's exercises, the people in power of all major forces began to read them.

They are all the ancestors of the tribulation period, and naturally the exercises below the heavenly rank cannot help them. The more they look at it, the more frightened they become, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Most of these exercises of Huang Xing are easy to understand, but they coincide with the truth of the Dao.

In short, it is easier to practice than the same level of exercises they have seen, but it is more subtle and powerful.

The major forces also have some true skills that are more profound and subtle than these skills, but the conditions for cultivation are also more stringent, and only a very small number of evildoers can practice.

"Amitabha." Guru Jin Guang from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss praised, "These exercises are so simple that any monk with cultivation qualifications can practice them. They are the most suitable exercises to be taught uniformly by the academy."

He saluted reverently, and said, "The merits of establishing a school are immeasurable. Jin Guang thanked Mr. Lu for the thousands of monks in the cultivation world."

The power holders of other forces also echoed, "Young master Lu is selfless, and I will thank you on behalf of thousands of monks in the cultivation world."

Some of them were just afraid of Huang Xing's strength and flattered them, while some of them really admired and respected Huang Xing's plan to establish a school.

How many people still think about ordinary people when they reach invincible strength?
If the news of the establishment of the academy spreads, Huang Xing's prestige may reach an unprecedented height in the cultivation world.

Hearing everyone's compliments, Huang Xing felt calm in his heart. Compared with what those human sages did, it was just an insignificant matter, and there was nothing to be proud of.

He then discussed with the major forces the specific plans for the establishment of schools, the location of the first batch of [-] schools, the arrangement of teaching instructors, the assessment of recruiting students, and the operation mode of schools.

Before I knew it, I discussed it for seven days and seven nights.

After some discussions, even Lu Chen's spirit at the level of an immortal felt a little tired.

The comprehension world has no experience in this area, so he can only formulate the framework of the school based on the school model on earth and combined with the specific conditions of the comprehension world.

It is also necessary to consider how to balance the interests of the major forces, and how to make the major forces willingly contribute their efforts.

He is not a dictator, but more like a guide, leading the human race in the realm of comprehension to prosperity as a whole.

The Thousand Schools Project of the Eastern Great Region is just the beginning, and it is not perfect in all aspects, and it needs to be constantly adjusted.

There are four other four domains waiting for him to unify, and then communicate and merge with the earth to formulate a unified system in the two realms.

He even has even greater ambitions. After entering the Great Thousand World, he wants to promote this model to the entire Great Thousand World, so that all the common people of the race will be like dragons.

After discussing the matter of the Eastern Great Territory, Huang Xing started the plan to conquer the other four great domains.

When he formally proposed to conquer the four major domains, all major forces quieted down dignifiedly.

The world of comprehension is divided into five large domains by the vast sea area.

There has only been one cross-domain battle in history. The most powerful Holy Land in the Western Region launched an attack on the Dark Parliament in the Southern Region, but it ended in failure.

There are many restrictions in the cross-domain battle, and it is almost impossible to win without the strength of crushing.

Although there is not much communication between the five major domains, the major forces also pay more or less attention to each other's news.

The fact that Huang Chen unified the three major alliances in the Eastern Great Region has long been known to the forces in the other four major regions.

The Four Sacred Beasts, Three Thousand Tigers, and Huang Chen received the inheritance of the power to open up the cultivation world.

These news shocked the other four domains.

They also know that Huang Xing's goal is to unify the entire cultivation, and it will be a matter of time before he conquers the four domains.

I just don't know, where is Huang Xing's first goal?

They were all waiting for the start of Huang Chen's campaign, and wanted to see if his strength was really enough to unify the entire cultivation world.

The four major domains are no more dispersed than the Eastern Great Domain.

They have already completed the great unification, and their strength has reached its peak.

 There is only one piece tonight, and there will be a chapter at around 12 noon tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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