Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 581 Huang Chen's Ambition

Chapter 581 Huang Chen's Ambition

Sophia followed the dark speaker out of the chamber, and looked up at the huge battleship in the sky.

The 88 dark congressmen and the seven deputy speakers have long been waiting.

They were terrified when they saw the terrifying power of the black battleship.

However, the background of the Dark Council gave them confidence.

In the headquarters of the Dark Council, even the immortals will perish.

All the big formations have been activated, and tens of thousands of monks are constantly blessing the big formations.

"Lord Speaker."

The 88 dark councilors and seven deputy speakers greeted the dark speaker approaching in unison.

They looked at Sophia behind the dark speaker, feeling a little strange.

During the intense preparations for the battle, the Dark Speaker summoned Sophia alone, but they didn't come out for several hours. They all thought that something happened.

In the middle, they couldn't help but send a subpoena to inquire about the situation, and they didn't continue to inquire after they got the news that the dark speaker told them to wait at ease.

The dark speaker just glanced at the 88 dark members and the seven deputy speakers, and then looked up at the black battleship in the void.

Three thousand tigers gathered neatly from the battleship into the void.

The horrific murderous aura instantly hit the defense array of the Dark Council headquarters, making everyone tremble.

If it weren't for the defensive battle that cut off most of the power, this killing intent would be enough to shatter the spirits of those who are not determined.

The 88 dark congressmen and the seven deputy speakers all looked at Huang Xing who was looking down on them with fear.

This young man who has obtained the inheritance of the power to open up the cultivation world has more terrifying power than they imagined.

This battle looks like it will be very tragic.

However, if he can be killed, the Dark Council will be passed on, and it will become the strongest force in the cultivation world.

The dark speaker held a staff in his hand, with a black ball on it.

The surrounding power kept gathering towards the black ball.

He looked at Huang Xing and said in a gentle voice, "I don't understand something, please ask Mr. Lu to clarify."

"What's wrong with Mr. Speaker?"

Huang Xing looked at the dark speaker, then looked at Sophia behind him, frowned slightly, he was surprised by the dark speaker's reaction to himself as an intruder.

Sophia looked at Huang Xing, who was like a god of war, with radiant excitement in her eyes.

The dark speaker asked, "Did Mr. Lu consider the problem of insufficient resources when he established the school?"

Huang Xing looked at the dark speaker in surprise, unexpectedly facing himself as an intruder, his first question would be like this.

This problem is actually the biggest problem facing the establishment of a school.

No one in the Zhanmeng thought about it, but the Dark Speaker first asked this question.

The 88 dark parliamentarians and the seven deputy speakers also frowned slightly, not understanding the dark speaker's intentions.

Sophia looked at Huang Xing with piercing eyes, expecting his answer.

Huang Xing nodded and said, "I've considered it."

The dark speaker asked again, "How many years can the resources of the cultivation world last?"

Huang Xing said, "Around 2000."

He calculated that if all the people practiced, the resources in the cultivation world could only last for about 2000 years at most.

Dark Speaker: "Mr. Lu has a solution?"

Huang Chen smiled and said: "The Great Thousand World is huge, not only the cultivation world has resources."

The dark speaker's eyes shone brightly, and he looked fixedly at Huang Xing.

His vision was only the cultivation world, while Huang Xing had already looked at the whole world.

It turned out that I still underestimated him.

Huang Xing said with a smile, "Does the speaker know the purpose of my establishment of the academy?"

The dark speaker said, "Mr. Lu wants everyone to have the opportunity to practice and to change their destiny."

Huang Xing shook his head and said, "It's more than that."

The Dark Speaker asked puzzledly, "What purpose does Mr. Lu have?"

Huang Chen said proudly, "I want to make the race prosper, everyone is like a dragon, and become the leader of all races in ancient times."

The dark speaker was shocked, as were the members and deputy speakers of the dark parliament.

From the ancient books, they also know that the human race is just one of the thousands of ancient races.

They just think it's a legend.

But the Dark Speaker is the ten thousand-year-old ancestor who migrated from the earth.

Cultivation once flourished on the earth, connecting the world.

He knew that there was indeed something about the ancient ten thousand races.

The realm of self-cultivation is a speck of dust in the universe.

The Great Thousand World is just one of the ancient worlds.

Huang Xing's ambition is too big.

Too big to be real.

Big enough to feel insane.

Ridiculously large.

The dark speaker said solemnly, "Mr. Lu has such great ambitions, whether it is a fantasy or not, it deserves everyone's respect."

He Ling Ran said, "To show respect, I will use the ultimate power of the Dark Council to face Mr. Lu. If Mr. can accept this power, the Dark Council is willing to submit to Mr. Lu."

The faces of the 88 MPs and the seven deputy speakers all changed drastically.

To use the ultimate power of the Dark Council, the Speaker of the Dark Council needs to sacrifice his life.

One of the deputy speakers said, "Lord Speaker, it's not time to use the ultimate power yet. He is just an arrogant person. If he is lucky enough to get the inheritance, he doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. The background of the Dark Parliament is enough to consume him to death."

"Start the battle, the gift of darkness - the dawn of doom."

Regardless of their dissuasion, the Dark Chancellor came floating in the air, and the staff in his hand kept gathering strength.

The sky and the earth are gradually darkening, as if the end is approaching.

The 88 members of parliament and seven deputy speakers saw that the dark speaker had resolutely activated the formation.

They all shouted at the same time, "Start the formation, a gift from darkness—the dawn of doom."

In the darkness, streaks of hexagrams shone brightly, criss-crossing and converging in the sky.

All the rays of light converged on the Dark Speaker.

At this time, he was like a god of light walking in the dark.

The three thousand tigers were all silent and motionless, waiting for Huang Xing's order.

Huang Xing looked at the dark speaker, with a little more appreciation in his eyes.

It would be a pity if such a person perishes.

Huang Xing ordered, "Interrupt him."


Three thousand tigers responded to the battle.


There was a loud noise in the darkness.

The darkness dissipated instantly.

The light on the dark speaker who was like a god of light also disappeared instantly, falling from the sky to the ground.

All the members of the Dark Council who participated in the formation were injured and vomited blood.

The power to destroy the world was interrupted instantly after Huang Xing gave an order.

Everyone still hasn't realized what's going on.

After they were stunned for a few seconds, they raised their heads dully to look at the three thousand tigers that were already in formation in the void.

The ultimate power of the Dark Council was easily interrupted.

This is several times more difficult than taking the blow hard.

The mantis arm is the car.

They suddenly want to laugh.

I find their resistance ridiculous.

Only then did they understand why Huang Xing only killed the ancestor of the blood god in the three major alliance battles, and made everyone surrender without the slightest voice of resistance.

"Cough cough."

The dark speaker was forcibly interrupted to sacrifice, and his injuries were very serious. He coughed as if he was dying like a candle in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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