Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 584 Bloodbath Heresy

Chapter 584 Bloodbath Heresy

What is faith?
Belief refers to the belief and admiration for a certain idea or someone or something, and regards it as one's own code of conduct.

Faith is colored with rational subjective and emotional experience, and when it is extreme, it may even lead to loss of reason.

A philosopher defines belief: "A strong belief, usually expressed as a stubborn belief in something that lacks sufficient evidence to convince every reasonable person."

The Temple's fanatical belief in the gods.

The entire western region it rules also regards the gods as beliefs.

When the twelve temples collapsed, the twelve-winged holy angels were nailed to the sky and wailed silently.

Their faith crumbled.

But there are also some fanatical believers who believe in the gods extremely.

While they were afraid, they begged the gods to send down divine power to judge Huang Chen.

Even black warships flew all the way, and some fanatical believers suicidally intercepted and attacked Huang Xing.

Of course, all these fanatical believers were directly crushed by the black battleship.

Facing the crazy suicide attacks of those fanatical believers, Huang Xing looked solemn.

He knows that the power of belief can make people lose their minds and make crazy actions that ordinary people can't understand.

Conquering the Western Regions is easy.

But it will be very difficult to conquer the hearts of the Western Regions.

There was a cold light in Huang Xing's eyes.

He never shows mercy to his enemies.

If they dare to resist, they will bloodbath the Western Regions until they surrender.

When the black warship arrived at the Temple of Light.

The temple that was once a spiritual symbol has fallen into ruins.

Huang Xing frowned slightly as he looked at the kneeling Templars and bishops.

The Temple surrendered much sooner than he had imagined.

He is ready to bloodbath the temple.

Because he knows that the power of faith can make people crazy.

The fanatical believers in the temple will not completely give up resistance because of the collapse of faith.

There will always be some fanatical believers who continue to believe in the gods, believing that the gods will send down divine power to punish him as an intruder.

Huang Xing cast his eyes on the leader of the group of worshipers.

Dressed in a holy white robe, she looked up at herself devoutly.

She is Sally Ann.

The former dark speaker and saint of light on the earth.

Sally An stood out from the crowd, kneeling at the front, as if she led the temple to surrender to Huang Xing.

Beside her is a majestic peak powerhouse, whose strength is no less than that of the dark speaker Sphilot.

The peak strong man was injured, obviously after a battle.

Huang Xing looked at the people behind Sally Ann again, their bodies were more or less injured.

He already understood in his heart why the temple surrendered to him without resistance.

Because those fanatics who want to rebel have been suppressed.

In the few days since he crucified the Twelve-Winged Holy Angel to the Temple of Light, the Temple has already flowed blood from his own killing.

Huang Xing's eyes returned to Sally Ann, this girl's methods were really extraordinary.

Sally Ann's bright eyes met Huang Xing's, and she said reverently in a soft voice, "Sally Ann pays homage to the Holy Envoy."

Hearing what she called him, Huang Xing said with a faint smile, "How did I become Lord Holy Envoy?"

Sally Ann said in an ethereal voice, "Your Excellency is the inheritor of the God of Creation in the cultivation world, so naturally you are the Holy Envoy."

It is not unreasonable for her to say that the great power who opened up the cultivation world is the god of creation.

"God", in fact, in the Great Thousand World, refers more to monks with great supernatural powers.

After all, real protoss rarely appear in the Great Thousand World.

Because of the special region of the earth, there is a diverse inheritance, so there will be the inheritance of the gods.

Sally Ann called Huang Xing the sage envoy, and gave him a layer of "gods" to make his rule of the Western Territory more legitimate.

Huang Xing actually didn't like to deify himself, but Sally Ann's words were ambiguous, so he acquiesced.

They can only wait until the realm of comprehension and the earth communicate with each other, and then slowly and completely change their way of belief.

This kind of thing still needs to be subtle. As long as the upper and lower levels are effective, he believes that two or three generations can completely change it.

Sally Ann continued, "All the heretics in the temple have been cleared, please send down the oracle to guide the temple forward."

The group of templars and bishops who knelt down said reverently in unison, "I respectfully request the oracle from the Holy Envoy."

Huang Xing flew the prepared jade slips to Sally Ann, and said, "Bring people to Feitian City to attend the meeting on July [-]th."

Sally Ann said piously, "I will obey the oracle of the Holy Envoy."

Huang Xing didn't say anything else, the black battleship restarted and left the Temple of Light.

He knew that Sally Ann was a smart person, and after reading the jade slips, he understood what he wanted.

"Congratulations to the Holy Envoy."

Sally knelt down on the ground, watching Lu Chen leave, with a bright light in her eyes.

Huang Xing confirmed her status by asking her to bring someone to the meeting.

She will be Huang Xing's spokesperson in the Western Regions.

After the fall of the Twelve God Kings and the collapse of the temple, she approached the presiding judge of the Inquisition, and persuaded him with words to eliminate the fanatical believers, and swore allegiance to Huang Xing.

Her actions were bold and dangerous.

If the presiding judge is also a fanatical believer, she will be the first to be hanged.

But she was right.

The so-called belief is nothing but a means of ignoring the world.

The presiding judge is also a loyal believer of the gods, but it is based on the fact that the gods can maintain his position and give him benefits.

Even the twelve-winged holy angel was crucified on the sky. The presiding judge did not struggle too much, so he followed Sallyan's advice and bloodbathed the fanatical believers who wanted to resist.

The twelve god kings fell, and the presiding judge was the most powerful person in the temple.

He summoned the archbishops of the Twelve Temples to discuss the next move.

There were many fanatical believers in the temple, and the archbishops with the highest cultivation among the first group of people who expressed their willingness to resist to the end were all beheaded by him unprepared.

Then he teamed up with other people who wanted to give up resistance and serve Huang Xing, and bloodbathed the rebels together.

At this moment, in the eyes of the presiding judge of the Heresy Inquisition, anyone who believes in the gods and resists Huang Xing is a heretic and needs to be hanged.

A bloodbath ended quickly in the presiding judge's thunderous means.

There may still be some fanatical believers, but there is no big storm.

All the resistance factions among the archbishops who were eligible to participate in the meeting were wiped out.

Sally Ann watched coldly during the bloodbath.

When she bewitched the presiding judge to be loyal to Huang Xing, she pretended to be Huang Xing's person.

Because she came from the same earth as Huang Xing, and she ceded the Glory Temple to the Dark Council, the presiding judge did not doubt her identity.

Therefore, when Huang Xing arrived, it was logical for her to welcome the arrival of "Lord Holy Envoy" before everyone else.

Sally Ann knew that these little tricks of hers would not be able to hide from Huang Xing's eyes.

The reason why he made himself the spokesperson of the Western Territory was because he valued her ability and asked her to handle the situation in the Western Territory.

There was a confident light in Sally Ann's eyes. She grew up in the Temple of Light and knew best what these believers needed.

As long as Huang Xing is satisfied, she can secure her current position.

(End of this chapter)

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