Chapter 591 Lujia Villa

Huang Xing's flying magic ship was sent by Feitianlou, a low-level magic weapon of the sky rank.

Although not offensive magic weapon.

However, during the driving process driven by the best spirit stone, the impact force is also extremely powerful.

It is not a general defensive formation that can resist.

Now bumping into the defensive formation of the villa, it was stopped unexpectedly.

The entire flying French ship trembled violently.

If it wasn't for the protection of Huang Xing's power of creation, Wang Hu and the others would all be blown away.

Huang Xing discovered from a distance that the villa contained a large defensive formation, and he was also secretly surprised by using a flying magic boat to test the power of the large formation.

He also couldn't see through the large defensive formation of the villa. It was an extremely advanced formation that was not driven by spirit stones.

Instead, it uses a variety of complicated array combinations to form endless power.

Ordinary formations need to use spirit stones to provide energy to maintain the operation of the formation.

The defensive formation in front of him is supposed to maintain the operation of the power of the formation avenue itself.

The ancestors of the Dunjia Sect in the cultivation world do not have such strength in such an array technique.

The workers who built the villa were startled when they saw the sudden burst of light and the sudden loud noise.

The light of the formation is golden, just like the Buddha's light behind the Buddha seen on TV.

They had never seen such a miracle.

Some people thought that they had touched the gods, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "Grandpa Land, please forgive me. We have no intention of offending you. Please let us go!"

A large group of workers knelt down and begged for mercy.

They were all scared out of their wits, and made up their minds that no matter how much money the boss gave them, they would not dare to continue building.

In the open-air courtyard of the villa, an old man with a mustache is lying on a rattan chair, with his legs crossed, fanning the wind with a cattail fan in his hand, and wearing sunglasses on his face, enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun.

The euphemistic name is: Overseer.

A black crow perched on the upper left corner of the wicker chair, yelling imitatively: "Grandpa Land, please forgive me, please forgive me, Grandpa Land..."

"Fools, really fools." The old man with a mustache basking in the sun heard their theories about ghosts and gods, and angrily cursed from his rattan chair, "This is a miracle of your Grandpa Guo. What's the matter with the land master?"

The black crow said imitatively, "Foolish people, foolish people..."

"Shut up, Babao." The old man with a mustache is Guo Pu who is responsible for Fengshui of the villa. He blew his beard and stared and said, "No, if these foolish people are scared away by the land master, how can the villa be built?"

He pretended to be a ghost and shouted, "Look, the land master has appeared, let us continue to build the villa."

While shouting, he looked up to the sky.

The golden light of the defensive formation branded three words in the sky - "Continue to build".

When the workers prostrating on the ground heard Guo Pu's voice, they looked up anxiously at the sky.

Sure enough, I saw three big golden characters—Continue to build.

"Really, the Lord of the Land has appeared and let us continue to build the villa."

"I feel like my body is full of strength."

"My back doesn't hurt anymore, and my legs don't feel sore anymore."


The workers who were bathed in the golden light of the defensive formation felt their bodies became stronger, and they were all full of energy, wishing to fuck him for three days and three nights.

The golden light from the defensive formation dissipated, and part of it poured into the bodies of the workers.

On the flying boat, Yu Menglong watched Guo Pu's out-of-key performance, giggled and said, "That old man is really fun."

Lu Xiaoke asked curiously, "Which old man?"

Yu Menglong laughed, "A grandfather with a mustache and a black crow."

She told what she had just seen.

Except for her, everyone's sight and soul were blocked by the formation, and they didn't see what was going on inside.

Even Lu Chen's celestial spirit couldn't penetrate the villa's defensive array.

Lu Xiaoke thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that the Guo Pu he met when he was choosing the site of the villa had a mustache and a crow that could learn to speak.

She said angrily, "That old liar?"

Invincible Qiang couldn't help but praise, "Not bad, not bad, and only such a large formation is worthy of my master's villa."

Huang Xing told Wudi about the location of the villa, and then asked suspiciously, "What is the origin and cultivation level of Senior Guo Pu?"

Guo Pu's strength surprised him, and Lu Xiaoke said that he had told their siblings' fortunes when they were young, which surprised him even more.

But looking at the current situation, Guo Pu doesn't seem to have any malice towards him.

When Huang Xing met Guo Pu, Wudiqiang was still asleep, and when he heard Huang Chen talking about him, he smiled and said, "He is from the lineage of Heavenly Secrets, and he has the power of deduction and calculation that is unpredictable. Seriously injured, it’s hard to say what cultivation level he is now, but the defensive array he built for his master’s villa with the technique of deduction can at least withstand the full blow of a true immortal. When he was a child, he found his master’s brothers and sisters for fortune-telling, and he should have sensed it in the dark The master's good fortune is unparalleled, so I came to curry favor with the master."

Invincible paused for a moment, then asked solemnly, "Master said Guo Pu and Xiao Ke had a fortune-telling bet, and suddenly a bell rang, and then he gave up?"

Huang Xing said with certainty, "Well, there was indeed a bell ringing between heaven and earth at that time, it must not be an illusion."

Invincible Qiang said, "Xiao Ke should have that defensive treasure on her body?"

Huang Xing asked suspiciously, "At that time we hadn't even gone to the cultivation world, where did she get the defense treasure?"

Invincible Qiang suddenly said angrily, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

As soon as Huang Xing heard Wudiqiang's tone, he knew that he was not sure either.

After hearing Wudiqiang's explanation, he felt much more at ease with Guo Pu.

Otherwise, an unfathomable person stays around, making him feel uncomfortable.

The defensive formation gradually dissipated, and only then did Huang Xing see the outline of the villa again.

Guo Pu also looked up at the sky, with a wicked smile on his face.

Seeing his appearance, Lu Xiaoke said angrily, "It really is this old liar who is playing tricks, bro, let's go down and teach him a lesson."

Huang Xing taught, "Xiao Ke, don't be unreasonable to Senior Guo Pu, he helped us build such a powerful defensive formation in Lu Family Villa, we should also thank him."

Lu Xiaoke snorted and said, "What's so great, you lost the bet to me?"

Huang Xing pinched her little nose and said with a smile, "That's because our Xiao Ke is even more remarkable."

Hearing his brother's praise, Lu Xiaoke felt sweet in his heart, so he gave up his plan to settle accounts with Guo Pu.

Before Huang Xing went down, Guo Pu flew into the flying dharma boat by himself, stroked his mustache, and greeted him with a smile, "Young Master Lu went to the cultivation world and added three wives, congratulations ,Congratulations."

While talking, he gave Huang Xing a look that any man could understand.


Huang Chen's head was full of black lines. Although this kind of thing was gratifying, it seemed very embarrassing to say it directly in front of all the girls.


Crow Babao also yelled imitatively, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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