Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 599 The Invincible Division

Chapter 599 The Invincible Division
The voice of the Qing Emperor reigns over the nine heavens.

Her command is the decree.

It is the highest will of the Qing Emperor Legion.

Immortal Emperor got angry and laid down millions of corpses.

Immortal King Jinxin is not qualified to talk to her yet.

In Qingdi's eyes, his obstruction is nothing more than a clown.



Po Jun and Tan Lang also gave orders sternly.

The king humiliated his ministers to death.

Immortal King Jinxin dared to stop the Nine Dragon Emperor in front of the two major armies of Po Jun and Tan Lang.

This is a challenge to Emperor Qing's majesty.

It is also an insult to their two legions.

They are all murderous.

The first battle of Qing Emperor's return.

They want everyone in the Great Thousand World to know that the Qing Emperor Legion that swept away the invincible is still there.

The two armies of Po Jun and Tan Lang will continue to sweep the world for Emperor Qing.


The 20 troops of the Po Jun and Tan Lang two armies roared in unison, like a raging torrent, and charged towards the top ten armies of Pingchang Tianyu with a destructive momentum.

They have been silent for tens of thousands of years, and the first battle of their birth is to let everyone in the world know what it will be like to be an enemy of the Qing Emperor.


The top ten armies of Pingchang Tianyu also let out a roar. Although they have millions of people, their momentum is much weaker than the 20 soldiers of the two armies of Po Jun and Tanlang.


There was a scream in an instant.

The slaughter begins!
The two armies of Po Jun and Tan Lang radiated a terrifying iron-blooded killing intent.

This chilling fighting spirit can tear everything apart.

The two armies turned into the sharpest spears in the world, they can penetrate the world, they can tear the world apart.

The two invincible spears plunged into the army of millions and pierced the enemy's heart.

The battle flags of Po Jun and Tan Lang were flying in the sky.

As soon as the battle flag came out, the heaven and earth were overwhelmed, and all forces would tremble under the battle flag of the Qing Emperor Legion.

This is the invincible division that sweeps the heavens.

Every soldier in the Po Jun and Tan Lang armies had iron-blooded fighting spirit in their eyes.

They are fearless, even in the face of saints, or immortal emperors, or even the high heaven.

As long as Emperor Qing gives an order, they will rush forward without hesitation.

They are not afraid of any enemy in the world, and they dare to fight everything in the world.

They are the invincible Qingdi Legion.

Compared with these two major legions, Pingchang Tianyu's top ten legions are like a mob.

It's not that they are not strong, but that their opponents are too strong.

An army of 20 rushing into an army of a million is like 20 beasts rushing into a million sheep.

It will collapse in one rush.

There is no suspense.

There is no resistance.


There were screams one after another, and the million-strong army in Pingchang Tianyu was in chaos.

They are scary.

They tremble.

Heads flew up one by one, and the blood dyed the world red.

The 20 soldiers of Po Jun and Tan Lang mechanically raised their knives and fell, harvesting lives one by one.

They were born to fight, and fighting has become their instinct.

Among the millions of troops in Pingchang Tianyu, no matter it is an ordinary immortal, or a powerful immortal.

In such a battle, the harvested lives are vulnerable.

It's like straw.

The millions of troops in Pingchang Tianyu were all scared out of their wits.

They have all heard the legend of the Qing Emperor Legion.

But tens of thousands of years have passed, and it is only heard as a legend.

It is also a legion composed of immortals, and they even think that they will not be weaker than the Qing Emperor's legion.

There are also some people in Pingchang Tianyu's million-strong army who have personally witnessed the legend of the Qingdi Legion.

All of these people are now the immortal kings of Megatron.

After all, only immortals can live from tens of thousands of years ago to the present.

They thought that they were already immortals, how could ordinary soldiers of the Qing Emperor Legion be their opponents.

In front of the immortal king, the real immortal is also an ant.

When they really faced the Qing Emperor Legion, they realized how wrong they were.

A few true immortals of the Qingdi Legion formed a battle formation to kill ordinary immortals; a few low-level immortals formed a battle formation to kill their high-level immortals.

Facing such an invincible master, all the immortal kings are just lambs at the mercy of others.

There are a total of thirteen fairy kings in Pingchang Tianyu.

Among them, the one with the highest cultivation level is Immortal King Jinxin who is at the peak of the Ninth Layer.

In addition, there is one Immortal King Seventh Level, two intermediate Immortal Kings (fourth-sixth level), and nine lower-level Immortal Kings (one-third level).

The thirteen immortal kings knew very well that no matter how powerful the Qingdi army was, as long as Qingdi was killed, the battle would be over.

It's just that the Qing Emperor of Mortal Realm is their biggest weakness.

As long as you can hit her once, you can make her a one-hit kill.

The power of the thirteen immortal kings swept across the sky and the earth, blasting towards the Nine Dragon Emperor.

With just a few gestures, they can mobilize the laws of heaven and earth, and they can cause the sky and earth to collapse, and the sun and the moon will be darkened.

The Qing Emperor sat on the Nine Dragon Emperor's seat motionless, watching the great battle in the void.

The ancient divine dragon of the first level of the Nine Immortal Kings roared, forming layers of blocking forces to protect the Nine Dragon Emperor.

They didn't join the fight.

They are just mounts for pulling carts, and it is not their turn to fight.

A red figure blocked the attacks of the thirteen god kings.


The attack of the thirteen immortal kings on the Nine Dragon Emperor was blocked.

The world was blasted out of a black hole.

A blood-red figure lay across the sky and the earth.

The blood armor on her body shone with a strange red light, and she held a blood-colored Tian Ge war halberd in her hand.

With a halberd across the sky, Pojun stood there like an ancient war god, cutting the sky and the earth into two halves.

As soon as she showed her strength, the thirteen fairy kings were frightened.

The head of the Pojun Legion is actually an Immortal King at the peak of the Ninth Layer.

When you reach the realm of the Immortal King, every breakthrough is extremely difficult.

The Immortal King at the peak of the Ninth Layer is already qualified to rule one of the heavens.


Po Jun blocked the blows of the thirteen Immortal Kings without the slightest pause. He swung his halberd to split the world, and one Immortal King Yizhong was directly torn in half.

He didn't even have time to let out a scream.

The power of the halberd was so terrifying that the remaining twelve fairy kings felt terrified.

"Everyone, we have no way out, we can only fight to the death." Immortal King Jin Xin roared with eyes wide open, "Kill."


Holding the Tian Ge and the Halberd in Po Jun's hand, he stood in front of the Nine Dragon Emperor, and the Twelve Immortal Kings charged forward, and they were bombarded by laws one after another, and they couldn't take a single step.

There were screams everywhere.

Pingchang Tianyu's million-strong army was scattered in pieces, completely losing their fighting spirit.

Many of them cried in fright.

Weeping bitterly, tearing freely.

You can see the fear in my heart.

The thirteen immortal kings were slaughtered by Po Jun alone, leaving only six.

The remaining six god kings were pale with fright.

Not to mention forcing Qingdi to kill, even if he was close to Jiulongdijia, he couldn't do it.

Po Jun alone blocked them.

There is also Tanlang who has been guarding the side of the Nine Dragon Emperor without making a move.

(End of this chapter)

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