Chapter 601 Extinction

The world is dark.

In the darkness, a bloody light illuminates the sky.

Waves of terrifying power swept across the world.


A loud bang resounded through the sky.

The tripod of Tianyu was shattered by the blood-red war halberd.

Broken into pieces and dropped.

Three streaks of blood flew out from Tiange's halberd, slashing towards Immortal King Jinxin.

Immortal King Jinxin, who was still powerful and suppressing the world just now, stood motionless in the void.

Po Jun didn't care about Immortal King Jinxin anymore, but swung his halberd to kill other Immortal Kings.


The body of Immortal King Jinxin was also broken into pieces like the cauldron of Tianyu.

The giants who watched the battle had chills down their spines.

They also felt deeply afraid of the terrifying aura emanating from the Pojun battle flag just now.

The battle continues.


A shrill scream sounded.

This is the cry of Immortal King Liutu.

It was smashed to death by Tanlang's golden dragon double mace, and was nailed into the void by Tanlang's battle flag.

The flagpole of the Pojun Battle Banner and the Greedy Wolf Battle Banner is a black spear.

A faint black light shines.

The black spear pierced Liutu Immortal King's body and hung in the void.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

Can only make a shrill scream.

The Tanlang flag on the other end of the spear fluttered.


Another miserable scream sounded.

Another Immortal King Miao Feng of the eighth level was nailed into the void by a black spear.

At the other end of the black spear was a broken military flag fluttering in the wind.

The fierce battle continued.

The twelve immortal kings of the eighth level were all terrified when they saw Immortal King Liutu and Immortal King Miao Feng being nailed in the void.


There was another miserable scream.

The third Immortal King of the eighth level was nailed into the void.

The shrill screams sounded from time to time.

Immortal kings of the eighth level one after another were nailed into the void.

The remaining eighth-layer fairy kings were scared out of their wits.

They want to escape.

But besieged in the army.

I can't escape even if I want to.

Only then did they discover that the million-strong army in Pingchang Tianyu had been wiped out.

The thirteen immortal kings in Pingchang Tianyu have all fallen.

There is no suspense.

The remaining Immortal Kings of the Eighth Layer Realm were also nailed into the void one by one by Zhanqi's spear.

Fourteen battle flags.

Fourteen Immortal Kings of the Eighth Layer Realm.

They were nailed to the void and howled non-stop.

"Saint Uri, help—"

"Saint of the Underworld, help—"

"Sage Chenguang, help—"


Fourteen Immortal Kings of the Eighth Layer cried out to the saint behind them for help.

Their stern voices echoed between the heaven and the earth, resounding through the nine heavens and ten earths, and it lasted for a long time.

No matter how much they wailed for help, the saint of heaven did not appear.

Gradually, they began to despair, they began to beg for mercy.

Emperor Qing stared indifferently at the fourteen eighth-level fairy kings begging for mercy on the Nine Dragon Emperor's car, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes looked into the distance through the void, with endless ridicule.

"Report to the emperor, the enemy army will be wiped out."

Po Jun held the Tian Ge War Halberd, and Tan Lang held the Golden Dragon Double Mace in both hands, and returned to Emperor Qing in unison.

Pojun said solemnly, "The Pojun Legion lost 420 people in battle."

Tanlang also said solemnly, "Nineteen thousand and one hundred and sixty three people of the Tanlang Legion died in battle."

The 20 army killed less than two-tenths of the army and slaughtered the millions of troops in Pingchang Tianyu,

Such a record is enough to shock Taikoo.

Emperor Qing withdrew his gaze towards the void, and the coldness gradually dissipated.

Her eyes swept over the soldiers of the two armies.

This is her invincible teacher.

They follow themselves to fight until the moment of their death.

They have no regrets, because they know that they are fighting for the entire human race.

Qingdi, Pojun, Tanlang, and the rest of the more than [-] battles all silently mourned for the dead soldiers.

Amidst the mournful silence, the cries of help, begging for mercy, and cursing from the fourteen eighth-layer fairy kings could be heard endlessly.

The sound gradually died down.

Until the last drop of blood was shed by the fourteen immortal kings of the eighth level.

The heavenly saints behind them didn't make a move.

The fourteen sages of heaven are afraid of sitting on the Nine Dragon Emperor and the Qing Emperor.

None of them dared to take the first shot.

Although they didn't know what kind of hole card Qingdi had, they knew very well that the first one to make a move would surely die.

Fourteen Immortal Kings of the Eighth Stage died in collapsed despair.

Chill the bleak, silent.

The battle flag returned to the army.

Hunting Feiyang above the Pojun Legion and the Greedy Wolf Legion.

After this battle, the soldiers of the two armies became even more terrifying.

The postwar void is empty.

The giants watching the battle felt a chill in their hearts.

After the Qing Emperor's Heavenly Tribulation War, the Great Thousand World has not lost so many immortal kings in tens of thousands of years.

Reached the realm of Immortal King, with a lifespan of over 10 years.

There is rarely a life-and-death battle between fairy kings.

They each have their own cards to save their lives, and they rarely really perish.

Those supreme giants once again experienced the horror of the Qing Emperor Legion.

In front of the Qing Emperor's army, no matter whether they were true immortals or immortal kings, they were crushed one by one.

As the domain master of the Pingchang Tianyu, the Jinxin Immortal King at the peak of the Nine Layers had mobilized the general trend of the entire Tianyu, but he was blasted into pieces by the Pojun's Tian Ge Zhanhalberd.

The fourteen Immortal Kings of the eighth level also came with numerous treasures.

Their purpose is to test Qing Emperor's strength, and it would be better to kill her directly if there is a chance.

It's just that during the whole battle, the Qing Emperor was sitting in the Nine Dragon Emperor's car standing still.

The fourteen eighth-layer fairy kings and the power of Pingchang Tianyu who helped out couldn't make Qing Emperor take action, and they were directly killed by the two armies of Po Jun and Tan Lang.

They fought a desperate battle.

They were nailed to the sky one by one, and died in endless wailing.

This is provocation.

This is Liwei.

This battle re-established Qing Emperor's power without God.

This battle severely slapped the face of the Saint of Heavenly Dao.

The war is over.

The Qing Emperor's personal conquest won a complete victory, and his power shook the nine heavens and ten places.

After she returned to Longting Imperial Palace, she began to retreat.

Fourteen heavenly sages spent fourteen eighth-level fairy kings and the power of the entire Pingchang Tianyu to test Qingdi's strength, and now no one dared to go to Longting Imperial Palace to challenge her imperial prestige.

The Great Thousand World fell into peace, and the Guique Tianyu and Pingchang Tianyu attached themselves to the Longting Tianyu again, and it seemed that they had returned to the situation before the War of Heavenly Tribulation.



After Huang Xing returned to Earth, he ate, drank and had fun with the girls every day.

The major forces in the martial arts world were stunned when they learned about Huang Xing's deeds from the envoys in the cultivation world.

The intercommunication between the two worlds came earlier than expected.

The rulers of the major forces entered the ground of the foundation one after another, reported the situation to the ancestors who had turned into the spirits of the ground of the foundation, and conveyed to Lu Xunxiang to discuss with them the matter of the integration of the two worlds.

Those ancestors who survived the catastrophe on the earth were also stunned.

Unexpectedly, someone got the inheritance of the power to open up the cultivation world!
In fact, the major forces have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and they have always been looking for the inheritance that opened up the great power of the cultivation world.

They have been searching for tens of thousands of years but have no clues, and they don't even know who is the master in the cultivation world.

On the seventh day back to Earth.

Huang Xing received news from the power holders of various forces, those ancestors who turned into tool spirits were willing to discuss with him the matter of the integration of the two worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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