Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 604 Upgrade to Level 16

Chapter 604 Upgrade to Level 16

In the following days, Huang Xing visited the past one after another.

After visiting the forces in China, then visit the forces in other countries.

It took about two months for Huang Xing to visit all the ancestors of super powers on the earth.

Those ancestors of Qi Ling are basically not optimistic about the communication between the two worlds, and worry that the earth will be destroyed by the disaster of heaven and earth.

In order to prevent Huang Xing from allowing the two worlds to communicate with each other, some ancestors of Qi Ling attacked Huang Xing in the place of foundation.

Borrowing the power of the land of foundations, their strength is comparable to that of immortals.

However, Huang Xing is not what it used to be.

In the past half a year or so, he has broken through from the early stage of Yuanying to the late stage of Yuanying, with amazing combat power. With the addition of the fairy weapon Xingluo Spear, he has always suppressed those Qiling ancestors who attacked him with absolute strength.

After subduing the spirit ancestors of all forces on the earth, Huang Xing convened a global meeting and began to formulate a plan to let the major superpowers promote the gradual awareness of the spiritual recovery of ordinary people on the earth, and let them know that the earth will become different , will focus on cultivation in the future.

The high-level officials of various countries have been in contact with the martial arts world, and even the high-level officials of many countries are originally martial arts forces.

They can only accept that the earth needs to communicate and merge with the cultivation world.

After dealing with the affairs of the earth, Huang Xing returned to the cultivation world with all the girls and the envoys of the major forces in the cultivation world, and then began to retreat.

Time goes by, time flies.

Four months passed in a blink of an eye.

The one-year period has come, and a crisp system voice sounded in Huang Xing's head.

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 16. The store has unlocked level 16 items and has a chance to draw a lottery."

When Huang Xing heard the upgrade prompt, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why is there no ability to upgrade and unlock?
Every time he upgrades and unlocks the ability, his strength can be greatly improved.

He couldn't help asking Wudi Qiang suspiciously, "Brother Qiang, why didn't you unlock new abilities?"

Invincible replied, "The ability to upgrade and unlock is to allow you to grow better during the internship period. Now that you have passed the internship period, of course you will not unlock new abilities."

Past the internship period?
Huang Chen had black lines all over his head, and then he remembered that the introduction on his property panel had always noted "internship period".

He looks at his properties:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: The First God of the Universe
Level: Level 16 (0/365)

Today's Quota: 1/1 (Low Grade Immortal Stone)
Gold: 114127770
Immortal Jade: 0
Realm: Nascent Soul Late Stage

Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Dao Body: Star Dao Body

As expected, the (internship period) noted at the back of the job is gone, and today's quota has also become a fairy stone.

The gold coins reached a terrifying 410 and 770.

Huang Xing found that he was basically useless, but in fact he was useless!
He now has one fairy stone a day, and after using it, he can get one fairy jade.

In addition, it can be exchanged once a day, that is, 2 fairy jades.

1 million gold coins = 1 immortal jade
He now gets more gold coins in one day than before combined.

Huang Xing didn't know whether he should be happy about the present, or feel tragic about the past!

He has already discovered that the current upgrade mode of buying items from the store does not actually improve his own strength much.

It's more like giving it to him to cultivate power.

He is currently struggling to buy first-level immortal products, but he can buy a large number of low-level items for low-level monks to practice.

Huang Xing thought about the system's exchange function, now that there is no fairy jade, how should I exchange it?

Do you want to exchange it with [-] million low-grade spirit stones?
Huang Xing opened the exchange function and took a look.

Sure enough.

100 million low-grade spirit stones = [-] million middle-grade spirit stones = [-] top-grade spirit stones = [-] top-grade spirit stones = one immortal jade
One day, [-] million low-grade spirit stones will be exchanged for immortal jade.

If Huang Xing hadn't obtained [-] top-quality spirit stones from those monks from the Great Thousand World in Returning to the Ruins, he would have really felt a headache.

Although he can now be said to be the co-owner of the four major domains in the cultivation world, setting up a school to popularize cultivation requires a huge amount of resources.

There are more than 3 of the 17 top-grade spirit stones left, which is enough for him to exchange for a year to upgrade to level [-].

Although there is no new ability to be unlocked, the system can be regarded as a qualitative breakthrough from ordinary to immortal.

And now there are 2 fairy jades a day, which is 2 million gold coins.

Purchasing the Good Fortune Golden Elixir is enough to make his cultivation rapidly break through.

He is now in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and he is about halfway away from breaking through to the early stage of Dongxu.

Breaking through from the early stage of the hole to the middle stage of the hole, about 2 million Good Fortune Golden Pills are needed.

That is to say, one and a half days can break through.

Huang Xing did the math, breaking through to the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, a total of about 670 billion gold coins of good luck golden pills.

He has 730 immortal jade a year, which is 730 billion gold coins.

In addition, he himself used the fairy stone to practice for a year, and he could almost soar into the world.

At this moment, he began to feel entangled in his heart.

I cultivated too fast, and the speed of the girls couldn't keep up, so I couldn't ascend with him.

All the girls are also all evildoers.

Except for Lu Xiaoke, the cultivation speed of the other girls has been greatly improved.

But compared to him, there is a huge gap.

Even Xiao Qingchen's cultivation speed has slowed down.

After all, she is not like herself who can directly buy the golden elixir to cheat.

Huang Xing temporarily put aside the matter of ascension, there is still a year to go, and then we will see how to make a decision.

He has seen the items in the level 16 store in the level 15 mysterious store, and they are first-level fairy goods.

Level 1 fairy material = [-] fairy jade;

First-level elixir = 2 immortal jade;

Other first-level immortal products = 20 immortal jade.

There are more fairy materials in the store than before, which can be used for alchemy, weapon refining and miscellaneous applications.

He then checked the mysterious shop, which contained a second-level fairy product.

Level 8 Immortal Material = [-] Immortal Jade
Second-level elixir = 16 immortal jade.

Other second-level immortal products = 160 immortal jade.

In addition to the fact that the price of the mysterious store doubled, the original price of the second-level fairy product was four times that of the first-level fairy product.

Huang Xing won't be able to use these fairies for the time being, so he closes the mysterious shop and starts to check the lottery interface.

The lottery drawing interface is no longer a nine-square grid, but a disc composed of only three fans.

Huang Xing thought silently: Is it because my luck is too bad, every time I get a real reward, so the system directly hides other awards.

He looked at the three rewards above:

Level 1 Immortal Method: Daotian Atlas.

Level 2 elixir: dragon and tiger fighting pill.

Level 3 Immortal Material: Meteorite.

Huang Xing calculated the prices of the next three rewards, and it turned out that the first-level immortal method "Taotian Tulu" was the highest.

He silently recited the lottery draw in his heart, the aperture rotated rapidly, and then gradually slowed down, and a voice sounded in his head: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the second-level elixir."

Dragon and Tiger Fighting Alchemy: It can instantly increase the power of one dragon and one tiger, lasting for half an hour.

Although I didn't get the highest-priced "Taotian Tulu", but it is not bad to have a level 2 elixir. According to the introduction, it should be similar to the effect of the violent pill. There are no side effects mentioned above, and the damage to the body should not be too great.

(End of this chapter)

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