Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 625 Su Xiu's Life Experience

Chapter 625 Su Xiu's Life Experience
The old woman's pupils constricted and she looked at Huang Xing intently.

There is no spiritual energy fluctuation on his body, but standing there is extraordinary and refined, making people feel that he is integrated with the heaven and the earth.

"Lu Chen?"

The old woman kept thinking about the name in her mind, and suddenly thought of something, she said in a panic, " have the same name as the world lord Huang Chen?"

She thought of a possibility, but couldn't believe it.

The name of the world lord Huang Chen spread throughout the cultivation world, and the establishment of the academy made the bottom monks respect him as a god.

Lu Chen said calmly, "I'm here."

"Meet the Lord of the World!" The old woman pressed her hands tremblingly on the armrests of the wheelchair when she heard Huang Chen admitting her identity, and wanted to stand up to salute, but felt a gentle force suppressing her, preventing her from getting up .

"No need to be too polite." Huang Xing said, "I was traveling here, and I met Su Xiu on the top of Wentian Peak by chance, and I admire her a lot. You take the detoxification pill first, and then tell me her life experience, and Let me explain where the poisonous gas on both of you came from, and I will make the decision for you."

The old woman was overwhelmed by surprises one after another today.

First, Su Xiu climbed to the top of Wentian Peak and obtained the qualification of exemption from the examination of Wentian Academy.

Then Su Xiu not only directly broke through from the late stage of Foundation Establishment to the early stage of Jindan.

And actually condensed is the highest rank Nine Rank Golden Elixir.

The young man who appeared in front of him turned out to be the world lord Huang Chen.

Did you hear it right?
All this still made her unbelievable, but she believed that it was impossible for anyone to dare to impersonate the world lord Huang Chen.

The old woman didn't doubt that it was there, she reached out to pick up the detoxification pill and put it in her mouth.

At the entrance of the elixir, a gentle warm current melted away instantly, swimming towards the damaged spirit vein.

The poisonous gas attached to the spirit vein was instantly purified, and after only a few breaths, she felt that the poisonous gas in her whole body was completely expelled.

Her complexion also improved a lot, and some color returned to her pale face.

The old woman was very pleasantly surprised, although the spiritual veins and golden core in her body were riddled with holes, she was still very weak.

But the poisonous gas has been completely expelled, and life is safe.

The old woman stood up from the wheelchair, bowed to Huang Chen, and said gratefully, "Thank you, World Master, for your kindness."

"There's no need to be too polite." Huang Xing accepted her salute calmly, and said, "Now tell me what happened in detail, and don't lie."

"Yes, World Master. Su Xiu she..."

The old woman spoke eloquently, telling Su Xiu's life experience and how she was poisoned.

Su Xiu was born in the Su family, the lowest rank nine family.

Her father is Su Hong, the third son of the Patriarch of the Su Family, with the best talent and the most hopeful succession to the Patriarch of the Su Family.

Her mother is Ye Xuan, the proud daughter of the Ye family of the fifth-rank family.

Su Hong and Ye Xuan met in an experience, fell in love with each other, and gave birth to Su Xiu.

The Su family of the ninth rank and the Ye family of the fifth rank are not in the right family.

At this time, Ye Xuan's father and the head of the Ye family found out, and almost killed Su Hong and the infant Su Xiu.

Ye Xuan forced her to die, but the head of the Ye family compromised and spared Su Hong and Su Xiu's lives.

But it also made an agreement that Ye Xuan and Su Hong would not meet again, nor would they tell anyone about his relationship with Ye Xuan.

Su Hong could only take Su Xiu back to the Su family, but was secretly injured by Patriarch Ye. After returning, the injury suddenly broke out, and he almost became a disabled person, and lost the qualification to inherit the Patriarch of the Su family.

Because Su Xiu has no mother and her father has been seriously injured, she has been bullied by other children of the Su family since she was a child.

She didn't give up on herself, but worked hard to practice desperately.

She knew that only by becoming a strong person would she not be bullied again.

Su Xiu's cultivation talent is very dazzling in the small nine-rank family, but at that time the Su family had already been succeeded by her uncle as the head of the family.

Her uncle coveted the position of head of the family in the early years, and had a deep conflict with his father. After gaining power, he made things difficult for her father and daughter.

Su Hong even died of depression when Su Xiu was ten years old, and her situation in the Su family was even more difficult.

The old woman is not Su Xiu's real grandmother, but Ye Xuan's nanny.

After Ye Xuan was brought back to the family by Patriarch Ye, she was put in confinement, and she was able to regain her freedom after breaking through to the Golden Core Stage nine years later.

After she regained her freedom, she wanted to visit Su Hong and Su Xiu secretly, but she knew that her father had a cold personality, and she was afraid that if he found out, it would be bad for their father and daughter.

Therefore, she showed that she had forgotten Su Hong's father and daughter, relaxed the vigilance of Patriarch Ye, and secretly sent the old woman to Su's house to visit Su Hong and Su Xiu a year later.

Only then did I learn that Su Hong was injured by Patriarch Ye Anjin, and after returning home, his injuries flared up and he became disabled, and now he has died of illness.

Su Xiu was also bullied, and her status in the Su family was not as good as that of a maid.

Ye Xuan was heartbroken and wanted to talk to Patriarch Ye, but she knew that it would not help, and she might provoke Patriarch Ye to harm their father and daughter.

She endured the pain and asked the old woman to take care of Su Xiu secretly.

With the resources secretly provided by the old woman, Su Xiu's cultivation has grown rapidly. She broke through the foundation building stage at the age of 12, and opened 13 spiritual veins at the age of 31.

Even the Ye family in the fifth-rank force is a first-class arrogance and evildoer.

This is because she had no resources to cultivate since she was a child, and she did not get enough resources for cultivation from the old woman until she was ten years old, otherwise she might have already opened up more than 33 spiritual veins.

Knowing that Su Xiu has such aptitude for cultivation, Ye Xuan was also happy for her, and planned to have a showdown with Patriarch Ye after she opened up 33 spiritual veins and bring her back to the Ye family.

An evildoer who has opened up 33 spiritual veins, even a fifth-rank family will pay attention to it. At that time, Patriarch Ye will definitely agree to bring Su Xiu back.

The result was unexpected.

Tang Tongkang, Tang Tongkang, Tianjiao of Tang Family, a fourth-rank family, fell in love with Ye Xuan and proposed marriage to the Ye family.

Faced with the marriage of the fourth-rank family, Patriarch Ye would naturally not refuse.

When Ye Xuan learned about this, she could only show her cards to Patriarch Ye in advance and inform Su Xiu about it.

Patriarch Ye was furious when he learned that Ye Xuan secretly sent someone to find Su Hong and his daughter.

While he was reluctant to part with Su Xiu, an evildoer with half of the Ye family's blood, he didn't want to give up the opportunity to marry a fourth-rank family.

Knowing that the old woman did not reveal her identity, he actually came up with a poisonous plan to blackmail Ye Xuan with Su Xiu and let her marry Tang Tongkang.

If she doesn't marry, Su Xiu will be left to fend for herself, and even her life may be in danger.

If she is married, she can continue to provide resources to cultivate Su Xiu's growth.

For Su Xiu's sake, Ye Xuan could only endure her anger and agree to Patriarch Ye's conditions.

The wedding date was set in the autumn of the second year, but three months later, Ye Xuan unexpectedly passed away during an experience.

That experience was not too dangerous, and before the experience, Ye Xuan secretly went to see Su Xiu, and repeatedly told the old woman to take good care of Su Xiu, as if she was telling her last words.

That was the first time she went to see Su Xiu, and it was also the last time.

The old woman guessed that Ye Xuan did not want to marry Tang Tongkang, so she wanted to die in the experience.

(End of this chapter)

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