Chapter 631

Life at the school is full and simple.

From the novelty of the first thousand students, they quickly devoted themselves to the practice.

According to their own situation, they then seek the opinions of the professors in the school, and finally determine the direction of cultivation.

In the school, there are all kinds of similar exercises, and the ones that are taught uniformly are the elementary exercises of the earth level.

The difficulty of these exercises is equivalent to the elementary level of the cultivation world, but the power is stronger than that of the advanced ones, and it is close to the sky level exercises.

Moreover, these exercises in the academy will basically not conflict with the same-phase exercises they have practiced before.

Even exercises with different phases can choose to co-exist or overwrite.

The low-level monks have never seen such a powerful technique, and all of them are desperately practicing with hunger and thirst.

Even if it is a Tianjiao evildoer of the upper third-rank forces, the new exercises can be compared with the original exercises, and they can make themselves feel a lot.

Naturally, the resources possessed by the forces of the lower third rank and casual cultivators cannot be compared with the disciples of the forces of the upper third rank and the middle third rank.

The Tianjiao monsters sent in by these big forces are originally the treasures of their respective forces, and they come to the academy to bring them sufficient training resources, and strive to make them the top-ranked leaders in the academy.

The school will also distribute various cultivation resources to them on a regular basis, which can basically maintain normal cultivation.

In addition, credits can be exchanged for various training resources.

Some cultivation resources are not available to the outside world.

These were all bought by Huang Xing from the system store.

He now pays 2 Immortal Jade a day, which is equivalent to 2 million gold coins.

The students with the highest cultivation base are only the Golden Core stage, and there are only a few of them.

It is basically the foundation building period and the alchemy period, and it is enough to use the resources of the yellow rank and the mysterious rank.

The second day after the start of school at Qianzuo Academy.

A more shocking news was announced in the academy.

Practicing the exercises in the academy can break through the previous restrictions, up to 36 spiritual veins and nine-turn golden pills.

And even if it is already in the alchemy stage or the golden elixir stage, and the hidden spirit veins have withered, you can still train the golden elixir that exceeds the limit level by purifying the aura in your body.

For example, in the foundation building period, only two hidden spirit veins were opened up, and it was almost impossible to refine a golden pill beyond Rank [-].

It's different now, even if you only opened up two hidden spirit veins during the foundation building period, now as long as you practice hard and refine the aura, you may be able to refine it into a higher-level golden elixir.

Moreover, the level of the former alchemy alchemy was determined during the alchemy stage.

After breaking through the Golden Core, it is almost impossible to increase the level of the Golden Core.

It’s different now. For example, if you are a rank five golden elixir, your potential was limited because of your skills in the past, but now you are in the golden elixir stage, and you still have the opportunity to increase the classic level.

However, it is several times more difficult to upgrade the level of the golden core in the golden core stage than to change the level of the golden core phantom in the core formation stage, but at least it gives them hope.

Of course, there are many limitations.

Whether it is refining the purity of spiritual energy or directly improving the level of the golden core, it requires several times, dozens of times more effort than normal cultivation.

And it is also related to one's own aptitude, it is best to be in the golden training period before the age of 30, otherwise it will be more difficult.

Academies all over the world of comprehension are under intensive construction.

The powerful magical effects of the school's exercises caused a sensation in the entire cultivation world.

They can't wait for the school's enrollment expansion.

The big forces of the upper third rank even united, expressing their willingness to spend another [-]% of the total resources on the construction of the academy in exchange for the quota of upper third rank disciples entering the academy to practice.

Because even if the enrollment is expanded, the quotas for the upper third-rank forces and the middle third-rank forces are still in accordance with the ratio of 5% and 25%.

This is indeed somewhat fair to the Tianjiao evildoers of the upper third-rank forces and middle third-rank forces.

But it was also a helpless move.

The starting point of the upper third-rank forces and the middle third-rank forces is much higher than that of the lower third-rank forces and casual cultivators.

If the quota is not divided proportionally, they may take [-]% or [-]% of the quota.

Huang Xing agreed to their request, expanded a number of schools again, and increased the quota of students from the upper third rank to 15%.

The middle and third grade forces also followed suit, and jointly proposed to take [-]% of the total resources and send a lot of manpower to the construction of the school.

Huang Xing also increased their quota to 35%.

Although there are only 50% of the places left for the lower third-rank forces and casual cultivators, but schools around the world have been established in large numbers, and the total number of people is actually even more.

The operation of the school was carried out in an orderly manner, basically following the guidelines set by him.

From point to point, it can be seen that Qianzuo Academy is operating very well as he expected.

He also knew that it was because he was so powerful now that the major forces did not dare to stroke his beard.

Moreover, the real people and ancestors of the three major alliances were mixed together to teach in the academy, restraining and supervising each other.

But because they want their school to achieve better results, they have to cooperate to improve the overall quality of the students.

The order of the comprehension world has entered unprecedented peace and stability.

Huang Xing has been out for a month, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with, it is impossible to ask Tianxue Institute to stay for a long time.

After half a month.

Ancestor Tao Cong was practicing in his room.

What he practiced was "Ghost Art", which was provided by Huang Xing to the academy.

Huang Xing bought all kinds of heavenly exercises from the system store, and used them as benefits for the masters of thousands of schools.

"Underworld Kungfu" just fits his own cultivation method. After reading it, he found that "Netherworld Kung Fu" is more profound and subtle than the high-level heaven-level kung fu he cultivated himself, and it is relatively easy to understand.

He was ecstatic, copied a copy, and practiced tirelessly.

There are 3000 masters and deputy masters of the thousand schools, plus the presbyterian association of the schools, Huang Xing definitely cannot afford so many heavenly exercises.

It's just that I bought a copy of each type of exercise, and then the ancestor who wanted to practice copied a copy by himself.

The more advanced the cultivation method, there is a great similarity between practicing with a copy and practicing with the real version.

It is easier to practice with the real version to comprehend the profound meaning in it.

The effect of practicing with dungeons is greatly reduced.

However, when they transcribed, they absorbed part of the profound meaning, and practiced with the copy they transcribed, and the effect was still very obvious.

If it is someone else practicing their transcribed copy, the effect is even weaker.

Only when they cultivate themselves to the Dzogchen state and then pass it on to others will it be effective.

Tao Cong was concentrating on his cultivation, when he suddenly noticed a wave of spiritual power, he was shocked, stopped his cultivation immediately, and frowned, "I don't know which fellow Taoist is visiting, why don't you show up and see?"

To be able to come to his training place quietly, the cultivation base is probably higher than him, and it is likely to be the ancestor of the tribulation period.

(End of this chapter)

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