Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 634 2 Realms Fusion

Chapter 634 Fusion of Two Realms

The domineering spiritual thoughts directly passed through the ground of the foundation, and passed into the spiritual consciousness of the ancestors of the spirits.

Those spirit ancestors couldn't help being shocked.

The land of foundation is the real support of the major superpowers, and it is not easy to enter safely.

Now Huang Xing's spiritual thoughts came in without warning.

It can be seen how powerful he is already.

They didn't know that Huang Xing didn't just pass it on to him, but covered all the foundations of the entire earth.

With such a tyrannical strength, one person can already sweep all the places of foundation.

He is an existence more terrifying than the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

Last time, Huang Xing visited all the spirit ancestors on the earth and told them to open up the barrier passage between the two worlds.

At that time, only a small part of them acquiesced, and most of them were opposed. There were even some who had fought against each other and were suppressed by Huang Xing, but they didn't really agree in their hearts to break through the barriers between the two worlds.

At this time, I heard that Huang Xing will break through the barriers between the two realms in three days.

Those ancestors of Qi Ling couldn't help being frightened and fearful, worrying that the earth would be destroyed by the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

"Lu Xing, I admit that you are very powerful, but the catastrophe of heaven and earth is no small matter, and we need to think about it in the long run. If you act so arbitrarily and arbitrarily, you will only make the earth forever."

"Wait another thousand years, and when we recover, we will talk about breaking through the barrier channel together."

"Do you want to destroy the earth and the cultivation world?"

"The catastrophe of heaven and earth is not your business alone. Even if you can't reach it, you can protect yourself, but have you thought about those innocent people?"

"If you are so determined to go your own way, we can only launch the Liuhebahuang Destroyer Array to suppress you first."


Voices of doubt and persuasion communicated with Huang Xing's spiritual thoughts.

Even some extreme ancestors wanted to directly suppress Huang Xing first.

According to their vision, if they continue to operate for thousands of years, they can almost recover their vitality, better stimulate the power of the ground, and then integrate the power of the earth and the cultivation world, so that they can fight against the catastrophe of heaven and earth .

Huang Xing is now telling them that they will break through the barriers between the two worlds in three days, and they are not yet ready for the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Hearing their mixed voices, Huang Chen's divine sense directly said domineeringly, "It is imperative to break through the barriers between the two worlds. I have made a decision on this matter. I just came to inform you seniors, not to discuss with you. If you don't believe me, you can activate the Liuhe Bahuang Desolation God Formation to try my strength."

These words were so overbearing that they stunned the ancestors of Qi Ling.

His horrific divine sense also directly covers the foundations of the earth with the force of suppression, and he has the power to try the heaven and earth to destroy the gods.

Many ancestors of Qi Ling felt his invincible divine sense, and they were all terrified.

They remembered the catastrophe of heaven and earth thousands of years ago.

This is a coercion even more terrifying than that catastrophe.

How could Huang Chen be so strong?
Chills rose from the hearts of many Qiling ancestors.

Terrifying forces suddenly shot up from the places of foundation all over the earth, like a dense net intertwined together, forming a sky and earth net to envelop the earth.

All the spirits of the ancestors of Qi Ling were intertwined together, and they seemed to kill Huang Xing in one fell swoop.

Their spiritual thoughts are constantly communicating and arguing, and it is also very difficult for them to make a decision.

Breaking through the barriers between the two worlds and attracting catastrophe is certainly terrifying.

But the Liuheba Desolation God Formation is their last hole card and the last line of defense for the earth.

If you use it to suppress Huang Xing, let alone the outcome, it will consume a lot of power.

After the spiritual energy on the earth recovers, there will be no way to resist the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

The old god Huang Chen was standing in the void, and the terrifying power of the Heavenly Desolation God Formation kept gathering towards him.

This is the ultimate power that unites all the places on Earth.

With such power, the ancestors of the crossing tribulation period in the cultivation world died as many times as they came.

This is the power that can truly destroy gods.

The power of the formation has not yet been formally launched, but the power alone is enough to destroy the soul of Du Jie's ancestor.

Lu Chen calmly stood in the Heavenly Desolation Formation, such power was vulnerable to him.

Before the ancestors of Qi Ling made a decision on whether to make a move, Huang Xing smiled indifferently, raised his hand and pointed towards the void.


The power that presses across the sky spreads from that point, spreading all over the nine heavens and ten places, directly covering and suppressing the power of the Liuhe Bahuang Destroying God Formation, and forcibly suppressing it back to the places of foundation everywhere.

The world is silent.

The boundless and endless power all disappeared.

As if everything just now was just an illusion.

The Qi Ling ancestors who were still communicating with each other were all stunned, and stared blankly at Huang Xing who was in the void.

The Liuhe Bahuang Destroyer Formation, which they regarded as their hole card and the last line of defense on the earth, was suppressed by Huang Chen with one finger?
What is the realm of his strength?
Such strength, what reason do they have to oppose?

Lu Chen asked calmly, "Seniors, do you now believe that I have the strength to resist the catastrophe?"


All the ancestors of Qi Ling couldn't say anything to refute.

Huang Xing is so arbitrary, because he knows to discuss with those Qi Ling ancestors, and in the end he still has to speak with his strength.

As long as one's own strength can sweep everything and resist the catastrophe of heaven and earth, there will be no problem.

If he didn't have that kind of strength, even if he boasted like a hype, the other party would not agree to break through the barriers between the two worlds.

He used the elixir of good fortune to raise his cultivation to the late stage of crossing the tribulation, so he clearly knew what kind of power he had now.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he is now alone against the ancestor of the blood god and the twelve-winged holy angel, he can easily kill them with one blow.

Even if he wanted to break Qing Emperor's law suppression in the cultivation world, it was easy.

Because Emperor Qing suppressed the law at the peak of the mortal realm when she opened up the world of cultivation, and used her own strength to derive the power of the peak of the mortal realm.

Huang Xing's current strength has surpassed the peak power of the mortal realm deduced by Emperor Qing.

Only by surpassing the power deduced by Emperor Qing can he be qualified to resist the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Lu Chen said confidently, "Seniors, please go back to the place of foundation, and wait quietly to resist the catastrophe of heaven and earth in three days' time."

Those spirit ancestors lost their aggressiveness just now, and all their spiritual thoughts retreated to the ground of foundation.

The heavenly array of heaven and earth just now lasted for more than ten breaths, and there were many visions everywhere on the earth, and ordinary people thought that the end of the world was coming.

Huang Xing also knew that it had caused panic, and his voice was directly transmitted to the ears of the power holders of the major superpowers, "Just now I was discussing with the ancestors, don't panic, I will break through the barriers between the earth and the cultivation world in three days, do your best!" Appeasement work for ordinary people."

(End of this chapter)

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