Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 637 The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 637 The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth

With the end of the World Exterminating Thunder, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth also ended.

The dust has settled.

The sky and the earth are clear again.

The calamity of heaven and earth that almost destroyed the earth ten thousand years ago came again, without destroying the earth and every brick, tile, flower, and grass in the world of self-cultivation.

The momentum was huge but it ended quickly without causing too many waves. The whole process did not last for an hour.

Huang Xing stood in the void, his eyes of the abyss had a panoramic view of the earth and the cultivation world.

His eyes patrolled the two worlds, watching the two worlds completely communicate and merge at the moment when the world catastrophe receded, forming a brand new world.

He could clearly see the expressions of everyone on the earth and in the realm of comprehension.

There is fear, there is confusion...

There are shocks and surprises...

Life is full of vicissitudes, nothing more than this.

Everyone was immersed in the shock of the integration of the two worlds.

He was also deeply shocked by Huang Xing's strength.

Resist the catastrophe of heaven and earth with one's own strength.

So easy!

Is this kind of strength really just a mortal realm?

Everyone can feel the changes in the world.

The catastrophe receded, and the power of the catastrophe that descended became a blessing.

Part of it was absorbed by Huang Xing, and part of it merged into the two worlds.

The former world of self-cultivation was lifeless and lifeless, resources were constantly being consumed and reduced, and one day they would be exhausted and turn into a barren world.

Now everywhere is full of vitality, resources become renewable.

In the past, the aura of the earth was thin, approximately equal to zero.

Now the aura is revived in an instant, and everywhere is full of lively aura.

The patriarch Qi Ling looked at Huang Xing in a daze.

If it wasn't for the fact that they had become weapon spirits, they would probably be crying with joy at this time.

The ancestor at the peak of the tribulation stage in the comprehension world noticed the changes in the laws of heaven and earth, and felt that he could transcend the tribulation and ascend at any time.

They have an urge to try, but Huang Xing has already ordered that within ten years, no one will be induced to ascend.

Ten years is just a snap of the fingers for them. They have waited for thousands of years, ten thousand years, so what's the point of waiting another ten years?

"Clap clap-"

Everyone was still immersed in the fusion of the two worlds, and the shock of Huang Xing resisting the catastrophe of heaven and earth, suddenly remembered the sound of applause, a figure walked towards Huang Xing, clapping and laughing, "It's wonderful, it's really wonderful. It is the first time this king has seen the invincible posture against the catastrophe of heaven and earth."

Huang Chen withdrew the pupil of the abyss, looked at the figure walking towards him, and said with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "This can only show that Seiko Miyamoto is short-sighted and ignorant."

The person who claims to be "the king" is the holy son of the Shinto Temple - Miyamoto Musashi.

Everyone looked at him and couldn't help being shocked.

Even the ancestor Wannian couldn't go to the depths of the sky where Huang Xing was, but this Miyamoto Musashi walked over like walking on the ground.

And he dared to talk to Huang Xing in that tone, and even called himself "my king".


Xiao Qingchen took back the Nether Sword that had absorbed the water from the Yellow Spring, walked to Huang Xing's side, and quietly guarded him.

When Miyamoto Musashi heard the sarcasm, a cold light flashed in his eyes. He stopped a hundred meters away from Lu Chen, and said with a smile, "This king is indeed short-sighted. I haven't looked at it for 1 years." Which rebel pioneered the cultivation world."

He paused, and laughed, "But it doesn't matter now, this king can be sure that this rebellious person must have been wiped out by the Dao of Heaven, otherwise this catastrophe will not be as simple as the Tribulation of Heaven and Earth."

"I would also like to thank you for breaking the barriers between the two worlds, otherwise I would not be able to recover my true strength." The aura on Miyamoto Musashi's body is hard to see through, standing there fused with the heaven and the earth, with avenues intertwined on his body Law, as if he is the incarnation of heaven.

Lu Chen asked with a smile, "You claim to be the king, it seems that you are the king of the fairy king, but you don't know what level of fairy king you are?"

Miyamoto Musashi frowned, what cards does this Huang Xing have?
Knowing that he is the Immortal King, how can he still be so calm?
But he was soon relieved.

Although the other party has obtained the inheritance of the rebellious person who pioneered the cultivation world, and gained unrivaled strength in the mortal realm, in the final analysis, he is nothing but a frog at the bottom of a well.

As soon as young people gain power, they start to swell, and they only know about the Immortal King from the inheritance, but they don't really know how terrible the Immortal King is.

What cards does the opponent have?
Even if the rebel who pioneered the cultivation world still has his hole cards left, but as soon as his breath power appears, he doesn't have to make a move, and the way of heaven will kill him immediately.

Miyamoto Musashi said proudly, "My king Luo Yun Tianyu, the seventh-level fairy king Miyamoto Musashi."

He looked at Lu Chen contemptuously and smiled, "You are the strongest mortal realm this king has ever seen, comparable to the strength of a first-level true immortal, but you are still far away from this king. If you want to inherit the legacy of the master, and then sign a master-servant contract with this king, this king can spare your life."

Even he can be trapped in the cultivation world, suppressing his cultivation base in the mortal realm. It can be seen that the rebellious people who opened up the cultivation world are powerful from ancient times. They should be those few famous rebels. Inheritance, he may even hope to challenge the Immortal Emperor.

Huang Chen said with a sarcasm, "If you want to get the inheritance of the cultivation world, you have to ask the owner of the inheritance."

Miyamoto Musashi shrank his pupils, what did he mean by that?
Could it be that the rebel who pioneered the cultivation world is still alive?

This is impossible!

It's impossible!

Even if he could hide it from himself, he would definitely not be able to hide it from Heaven.

If he was still alive, the catastrophe of heaven and earth just now would not be a mortal realm, but a real catastrophe of annihilation.

It is possible to restart the era!

Miyamoto Musashi was still in a daze, sensing a copper coffin flying in the void.

The speed of the copper coffin was not fast, but it seemed to have crossed the boundary of space and landed beside Huang Xing.

Huang Xing looked at the copper coffin, his eyes were full of tenderness.

His beloved was buried there.

Although it was not a real death, he missed it deeply after being separated for more than a year.

Along with the copper coffin, there are also three thousand tigers that are powerful in the world of comprehension.

They seem to be coffin guards, coming to guard the copper coffin.

Miyamoto Musashi looked at the copper coffin, the corners of his eyes shrank, he couldn't see through this copper coffin, as if it was an ordinary copper coffin.

How can this be?

Is this really just an ordinary copper coffin?

Miyamoto Musashi felt terrified.

He knew that the rebels who opened up the cultivation world were unfathomable.

But he believed that the rebel had been wiped out by the Dao of Heaven.

Even if there is a hole card left, as long as the power of breath is revealed, it will immediately attract the bombardment of heaven.

I am a seventh-level fairy king, why should I be afraid of his successor, Huang Chen, and these three thousand tigers?
"Pretending to be a ghost." Miyamoto Musashi firmly believed that the rebel was dead, and said solemnly, "Even if the master of the inheritance is still there, it is just a dead body."

He drew his sword and slashed at the copper coffin, and said ferociously: "Let me see who is buried in the coffin!"

(End of this chapter)

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